My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 435: Who is sorry to whom

Chapter 435: Who is sorry to whom?

Little Yu'er was lying on the ground, soaked to the skin.

He hurriedly went to help Wen Mingxuan.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." I don't know if I'm sorry for myself or for the Jiang family.

 Xiao Yu'er sat in the rain, looking dazed for a moment.

 Now, she can't tell whether it is fate that pushes her forward or her own choice.

 Ke Wen's family's difficulties are inseparable from her.

Xiao Yu'er glanced at Wen Mingxuan, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

“You are the only heir of the Wen family, the only heir.” She murmured in a low voice.

 Mrs. Wen’s only child.

 She can't tell whether it's fate or her own choice.

Every house in the small mountain village was closed. Xiao Yuer once again carried Wen Mingxuan on his back and humbly knocked on the door.

 “Is there anyone? Please, is there a doctor here?”

 There was no answer in the room.

Wen Mingxuan's body was so hot that it was scorching.

"Please, where is the doctor? Please help me, please." Xiao Yu'er knocked on several houses in succession. He clearly heard the sound and lit up the lights in the house.

 You can hear the foreign accent and hesitate again.

 No one opened the door.

 Xiao Yu'er knelt outside the door and kowtowed several times, but the other party still showed no response.

Xiao Yuer continued to move forward, carrying him almost through the entire village, until a house sighed and opened the door with a creak.

 “Come in.” The old man who lit the lamp sighed.

As soon as he entered the door, a little girl immediately closed it.

“There has been some evil happening here recently, and no one dares to open the door at night.” The speaker was the old man’s granddaughter, named Xiaoying.

   Xiao Yu'er thanked the old man and Little Cherry in a embarrassed manner: "Thank you."

"This child probably has a fever, and there are some fever-inducing herbs at home. You can give him a drink first, and then go see the doctor tomorrow." The old lady looked kind, and Xiao Yu'er looked around. The old man's family was extremely poor. Not good.

 After Xiao Yu'er thanked him, he placed Wen Mingxuan in the house and hurriedly went to boil the medicine.

By the time the medicine was poured in, it was almost dawn.

Later, he took the money and hired the only barefoot doctor in the village. The doctor's medical skills were average and he only said: "He has a heart disease, and his heart disease needs heart medicine. How can he want to die at such a young age?" The doctor prescribed a prescription. Son, I can only support him.

 Xiao Yu'er thanked him and sent the person out.

 She gave the money to Granny Yang, and Granny Yang pushed the money back.

"What does an old woman like me want to do with so much money? On weekdays, Little Cherry and I depend on each other. I am very happy to have someone come to the house and make it lively." Granny Yang refused.

 “Eat something, so you can take good care of people.” Xiao Yingying handed a bowl of porridge to Xiao Yu’er.

He glanced at Wen Mingxuan on the bed and was stunned for a moment.

Wen Mingxuan has an outstanding appearance, which is rare and handsome.

Xiao Yuer nodded and took the porridge.

 Grandma Yang gave birth to two sons, both of whom died during the war, leaving only a little granddaughter.

Now the two of them live at the end of the village.

“Aren’t you brothers and sisters?” Grandma Yang said with a smile.

Xiao Yu'er was stunned: "How do you know?"

“It doesn’t look like it.” Grandma Yang smiled.

Xiao Yu'er pondered for a moment, there was indeed no similarity in their appearance.

 She originally wanted to say that there was a disaster at home, and where were the two brothers and sisters who had fled.

 Brother and sister are not feasible nowadays.

"We had a marriage contract when we were young." Xiao Yu'er didn't say much else. Now, the marriage contract is probably invalid.

 “It matches well.” Little Cherry could not help but admire. Xiaoyuer pursed his lips and smiled.

“Hey, I don’t know when my little cherry will get married. We have talked about several marriages, but they all ended up inexplicably.” Grandma Yang sighed as she walked away.

 When Granny Yang left, the smile on Xiao Yu'er's face suddenly fell, and she sighed when she saw Wen Mingxuan who was heartbroken on the bed.

 She sat on the edge of the bed and said softly.

“The Wen family is about to die out. Do you really want the Wen family to die out?”

“Your two uncles died on the battlefield at a young age, and they didn’t even leave any heirs.”

“My uncle Wenling has never been married in his life.”

“The Wen family is going to be extinct. There is no successor. Do you want to see the Wen family become extinct?”

 Wen Mingxuan did not move at all on the bed.

Little Yu'er was silent for a long time.

 She fed the medicine into Wen Mingxuan's mouth one spoonful at a time, taking the trouble to do so.

"If you die, the Wen family will really be gone. Think about it." Xiao Yu'er put down the bowl and walked out of the house.

From time to time, people pass by the door and take a look into Granny Yang's house.

They are all simple farmers.

Xiao Yu'er didn't know how long he stood there, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the suppressed crying in the room.

 Another half an hour later, she pretended not to know anything and served Wen Mingxuan vegetable porridge.

Wen Mingxuan was thin and sitting beside the bed with a cold expression.

 He still didn't say a word.

Grandma Yang was very happy about this: "Oh, you finally woke up, your fiancée is waiting for you all the time."

Wen Mingxuan looked sarcastic, fiancée?

Xiao Yuer lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"Why are you like this? She has been taking care of you, but you still don't have a good face." Little Cherry rolled her eyes, snorted and turned away.

  Xiao Yu'er gave Granny Yang some money and planned to stay at her house for a few days.

The mother-in-law made fish soup, and Xiao Yuer waved his hand: "He is in the period of filial piety, so he can't use meat or fish for the time being."

Grandma Yang was stunned, and her displeasure at seeing Wen Mingxuan's indifferent expression and indifference to Xiao Yu'er disappeared.

“No wonder I feel so depressed, hey. People who are alive always have to look forward...” Grandma Yang sighed, thinking of her two sons.

Wen Mingxuan and his wife settled in the small village.

 Just this stay is only half a month.

Grandma Yang had no intention of knowing that she had been kicked out of the house by her father, and that Wen Mingxuan's entire family was dead, and she even made the old lady cry for several days.

 The old lady is also very sincere to her two children.

It’s just that Little Cherry couldn’t bear to see Wen Mingxuan ignore Xiao Yu’er and always play with Xiao Yu’er affectionately.

In the past half month, Wen Mingxuan has recovered well and can occasionally walk around the village.

There seems to be something wrong with this village.

"There are a lot of men in this village, but few women. What's going on?" Xiao Yu'er said suspiciously.

Wen Mingxuan said calmly: "And everyone looked hurriedly, as if they were afraid of something."

As soon as the sun goes down, everyone closes their doors and thanks guests without leaving their homes.

 The doors and windows are also covered with various charms.

 As if something was haunting the night.

The sun went down and the two of them were still wandering around the village.

After a while, someone opened the door and shouted to them: "Young man, go back quickly. The evil spirit will come out to find the bride later."

 Evil spirits looking for a bride?

What it is?

Xiao Yu'er was puzzled, but when she saw that Wen Mingxuan hadn't left, she followed behind.

 The village was deserted, and everyone was hiding under the windows to peek at the young couple.

Grandma Yang hurried over and took the two of them back.

 (End of this chapter)

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