My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 427: Girl's concerns

 Chapter 427 A girl’s worries

 “Are you still nothing?”

“Xiaoyu’er has been sold by you once, what else do you want?”

"Xiao Yu'er is your biological daughter. Do you have any intentions? How could I not have known back then that you were such a confused and heartless person!" Mrs. Xu was so angry that her throat felt sweet and smelled like blood. .

Jiang Mu was initially coaxing, but later his face turned livid after being scolded.

"Are you stupid? Xiao Yu'er will get married sooner or later, and she will rely on her natal family in the future."

“Shicheng will open the ancestral hall tomorrow and put it in my name. That is my eldest son’s half son. If you help him, you are helping yourself!”

"Xiao Yu'er just tolerated some comments, and it won't hurt anything. When Shicheng enters the immortal sect in the future, Shicheng will be her confidence."

Mrs. Xu was so angry that she was shaking all over.

"Rumors hurt people, do you want the fish to die?" Xu's heart almost hit the bottom.

Jiang Mu flicked his sleeves, with a somewhat angry look on his face.

"She will die? Will she give up Wen Mingxuan?"

"You said she can't stand rumors, but I see she is very happy. She has been Wen Mingxuan's follower since she was a child, and she is shameless."

“What’s the big deal if I say a few more words? Is she being looked down upon when chasing after Wen Mingxuan?”

"To put it bluntly, Wen Mingxuan will not look down on her when she gets married in the future. It is better to train Shicheng well and be her support." Jiang Mu looked at her condescendingly.

 Xu's face turned pale. How dare he slander his own child like this?

Xu Shi forced herself to sneer: "Reliance?"

“There was a rumor in the house that I would give birth to a boy, which may be the hope of the Jiang family. Just a little rumor, and Jiang Shicheng, who was only a few years old, was able to push me down and almost lose the child. What kind of good thing is he?”

"You are still relying on me. You have been ruthless since you were a child. Do you really think you are the Jiang family's reliance?"

  Mr. Xu is very taboo about letting Xiao Yuer get close to Jiang Shicheng, and she almost never saw him before he was three years old.

 Until Jiang Shicheng was paralyzed, she only occasionally let Xiao Yu'er visit him in these years.

"What are you talking about? He was young and ignorant at that time. Boys are naturally more active and naughty. How can you remember it for so many years?"

 “As an elder, don’t worry about your children.”

"I have decided on this matter. Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, I will come to ask for the Nine Turns Golden Pill." After saying that, he walked away.

Mrs. Xu was so angry that she sat in the room and cried.

When Baoyue came in, she saw the mess in the house and felt a little cold.

 I didn’t ask a word, I just bowed my head and took care of myself.

“Where is the young lady?” Xu asked with red eyes.

 Baoyue hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head and said, "I followed Mr. Wen to the flower viewing feast."

 The light in Xu's eyes gradually dimmed.

"What should I do? What should I do with my fish?" Mrs. Xu cried sadly.

At this moment, Xiao Yu'er raised his head and looked at the young man in black clothes with admiration.

The young man is tall and handsome, and the pretty women who are attracted by the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy turn their heads frequently.

 It's just that the young man's face was cold and his lips were pursed, making people afraid to approach him.

“Brother Mingxuan, this is the braid I made for you. Do you like it?”

"Do you like it? Hang it on our engagement jade pendant. It will definitely look good." Xiao Yu'er raised her head. The girl had bright eyes and white teeth, but she could only see the young man in her eyes.

The young man never even looked at her.

The young master beside him smiled and said: "This child bride of yours is really crazy. She is either embroidering purses or making ruffles. She is like a maid who comes and goes when she is called."

Wen Mingxuan felt very unhappy when he saw her stupid look with low eyebrows.

  I immediately grabbed the rope and threw it into the lake.

“What kind of Luozi are you doing? Who cares about your Luozi? Don’t stand next to me and be an eyesore!” Wen Mingxuan frowned.

 “Jade pendant, jade pendant! There’s a jade pendant hanging on it!”

 “Plop…” a sound.

 The little fish jumped into the cold lake water without hesitation.

The water in the lake was biting, wetting her clothes and hair, and she was seen swimming towards the center of the lake desperately.

 “Ah!” Everyone exclaimed.

Wen Mingxuan was shocked when he heard the popping sound. Before he had time to think, he jumped into the lake.

 He ​​stepped forward and pulled Xiao Yu'er, but Xiao Yu'er kicked him away hard, causing pain in his waist and almost fainting.

"Why are you so crazy?" Wen Mingxuan gritted his teeth in anger.

"Jade pendant, my jade pendant!" Xiao Yu'er murmured and shouted. Finally, she grabbed Luozi. She stood wet in the water and turned back towards Wen Mingxuan.

"got it."

 “This is the jade pendant for our engagement.” The little girl grinned and smiled happily.

Wen Mingxuan's heart beat violently, and he shouted viciously: "Go back with me!"

Xiao Yuer smiled and let Wen Mingxuan pull her to swim to the shore.

The maid hurriedly put the clothes on her body: "Little miss!" The maid stamped her feet anxiously, with tears on her face.

 “Don’t throw away the jade pendant, it’s proof of marriage.”

Xiao Yuer said seriously.

Hair was still dripping with water, and her fair face looked even more attractive. Many young people looked straight at her.


Wen Mingxuan slapped her on the face.

 Xiao Yu'er's skin was tender and white, and five finger prints suddenly appeared on his face.

Wen Mingxuan clenched his fists, and his heart tightened when he saw her slightly red eyes.

 Obviously not much effort was used.

 “How long are you going to keep pestering me?”

“Jiang Xiaoyu, don’t give me any more purses, no more shoes and socks, no more banknotes, snacks, and bags!”

"I can never be happy with you in this life!"

“You are a woman, can you save some face?” Wen Mingxuan almost gritted his teeth.

“You always make trouble for me, and it’s been my eighth life’s unlucky time to meet you! Can you please give me some face, Jiang Xiaoyu!” Wen Mingxuan scolded loudly, and the girl lowered her head and stood in the middle of the crowd.

My hair is cool, my body is cool, and my heart is also cool.

The sarcastic glances coming from all directions left her with nowhere to hide.

The girl's eyes were red and she looked at him aggrievedly

Wen Mingxuan seemed to be burned by that gaze and quickly looked away, not daring to look at her.

"From now on, don't follow me anymore." Wen Mingxuan said coldly.

 He hates the little tail that always follows behind him.

 He hates the joking looks in his eyes.

 How could Wen Mingxuan know at this moment?

Little Yu'er is like a hibiscus emerging from the water. The young man admires Ai, but he can't see the warmth Mingxuan has in her heart, so he speaks harshly to her.

Wen Mingxuan comes from a noble family and has a prominent status. If a woman is in love with him, he will naturally not look good.

 All the rumors are just that the two of them don't know each other.

 The power of destiny is so powerful.

  Xiao Yu'er swayed slightly, trembled slightly, and lowered his head, as if he had been hit.

Wen Mingxuan didn't even look at her, he just walked past her.

 The guests dispersed, and the maid looked at the young lady worriedly.

"Stand back." The young lady's voice was terrifyingly cold.

There was silence all around, and she seemed to be the only one left in the world.

Everyone thought it was a blow, they thought it was trembling, they thought it was pitiful.

 When she raised her head, it disappeared completely.

 The eyes are calm and the face is solemn.

 What is love?

 Isn’t it nice to pursue a career?

 (End of this chapter)

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