My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 428: Different little fish

Chapter 428 A different little fish

The **** Jiang Xiaoyu is rumored in Beijing.

 At this moment, she was as cold as a fairy under the moon.

 There is an extreme separation from her just now.

  She had long realized that something was wrong with her.

Since she was born, she has had an inescapable sense of destiny.

 She tried hard to be herself, but when she met Wen Mingxuan, she lost all reason.

Knowing that Wen Mingxuan was speaking harshly to her, she was extremely disgusted.

But fate made her only see Wen Mingxuan, living and dying for him, and banging against the wall for him.

She tried hard to get rid of him, but as long as she saw Wen Mingxuan, she would still lose her mind and become powerless.

  She even had a vague feeling that she was originally an eagle in the sky, but she was bound and trapped here.

 If she continues, she will die because of Wen Mingxuan in this life.

 Until she met Jiang Shicheng.

 Jiang Shicheng seems to have a trace of destiny, which does not belong to the three realms.

As long as she gets close, she can absorb a bit of luck and regain a bit of sanity.

Relying on this glimmer of consciousness, she regained consciousness.

 It’s just…

 She just doesn't want to give in.

She has never offended anyone, so why is her fate destined to be this way? Why?

Why should she be happy with Wen Mingxuan? Why should she give everything for Wen Mingxuan? She is like...

 It's like a stepping stone for Wen Mingxuan.

However, no matter how outstanding Wen Mingxuan was, he had no thoughts about her.

Fate wanted her, and she worked hard without eating or sleeping, and then the pills she delivered today were thrown into the water by Wen Mingxuan, and she went to the lake to pick them up in the winter without her life.

The water in the lake was biting to the bone, and it also made her feel angry.


 She will make the other party suffer the consequences!

 You Wen Mingxuan, will you really never fall in love with me even if you die?

  Xiao Yu'er's eyes were full of coldness, and he glanced at the cold lake water, his calmness oozing out.

  Luozi, beaten by the maid.

 She wouldn't get into trouble with a man.

 When she was in the lake, she kicked Wen Mingxuan.

Wen Mingxuan's waist was slightly bent when he walked away, and he was probably going to be in pain for a while.

Xiao Yuer narrowed his eyes slightly, a wise light flashed in his eyes.

 What does it mean to be someone else’s accessory?

 What is the use of men?

The little girl glanced at the jade pendant in her hand, holding it high up. It was transparent and warm under the moonlight.

 “Papa…” She lifted it high and loosened her fingers.

There was a snap in the mouth.

 The jade pendant fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

She glanced at Suiyu with a faint look, and muttered expressionlessly: "My hands are slippery."

When the maid came, she happened to see the broken jade on the ground.

 “My heart is broken, and my jade is also broken.” She sighed lowly.

 My eyes are clear and clear.

"Little miss... don't be sad. Mr. Mingxuan is... hard-spoken but soft-hearted. When you went into the lake, he was the first to come down to save you." The little maid couldn't help but comfort her, thinking that the little miss accidentally broke the jade pendant.

 “Maybe.” Xiao Yu’er’s eyes were full of sarcasm.


 That’s not the case.

Just because he threw the jade pendant away, if he drowned, he would have nothing to do with it.

"You go back first, I'll go back after a walk. You don't have to wait for me." Xiao Yu'er advised the maid.

"Little miss, madam, you are not allowed to leave your servant." The maid felt a little sorry for the little miss, but was afraid that she would do something stupid.

 Xiao Yu'er's face darkened: "I will go home in half an hour."

The thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl was always smiling, but her face turned somber that it actually made people feel chilly.

The maid nodded.

 I don’t know why, but when the young lady’s face was sullen, her aura was more terrifying than that of the old man.

 After the maid left, Xiao Yuer left the flower viewing party, turned left and right and entered a private house.

As soon as she appeared, several men in black came out of the courtyard. "Mr. Wen is returning home from the northwest today. He will be at Sifang Street..."

Xiaoyuer hummed softly.

He changed into black clothes and pulled his hair up high, making him look like a handsome young man.

 In an instant, she put on a black mask.

  hiding the face.

 Him full of aura, nothing like her in women's clothing.

 “Let’s go and get what’s mine.”



 She never believed in fate!

 Fate wants her to be Wen Mingxuan's licking dog, wants her to be Wen Mingxuan's admirer, wants her to become a waste without self.

 Think beautifully.

Everything she gave to Wen Mingxuan can be taken back in her own way.

Yes, she gave Wen Mingxuan clothes, shoes and socks, purses, and banknotes like a dog.

 No big deal, just grab it back.

 At night, everything is silent.

Wen Mingxuan was about to walk through the dark alley, but before he got close, he felt a tingling feeling in his heart.

 “Sir, why don’t you leave?” asked the boy.

Wen Mingxuan frowned, and as soon as he stepped into the alley, he suddenly...

 A crisis suddenly approaches.

He turned sideways and only narrowly avoided the volleying kick.

That kick was so hard that there was a sound of cracking in the air.

If kicked on the body, the bones will be broken.

 But the other party seemed to be his mortal enemy, so he turned his head and slashed at him with a knife.

 The knife was slashed on the face, and the blood spread instantly.

"Bold! This is the grandson of the Wen family. Whatever you want, the Wen family will give it to you. Don't hurt my young master!" The young man shivered in fear, but was kicked away by the opponent.

"If you want to make money, I, the Wen family, will give it to you." Wen Mingxuan raised his hand to cover his cheek, showing little fear.

The man in the lead was not tall, but his eyes had murderous intent, and the look he looked at him was vaguely mocking and sarcastic.

Wen Mingxuan's heart sank, he must be seeking revenge.

 But he has never made enemies with anyone. Could it be that he is a hostile force of the Wen family?

The man headed by him snapped his fingers, and a large number of men in black appeared around him.

Several people surrounded him, punched him with their fists, kicked him in the stomach with their toes, and even took off his clothes, shoes and socks, and even the hosta on his head.

 Xiao Yu'er crossed his arms, stepped on his toes, and raised the soles of his shoes, which was a little uncomfortable.

 She is too short.

 The height is slightly more imposing.

At this moment, seeing Wen Mingxuan being beaten like a dead dog, who would connect her with Jiang Xiaoyu in the daytime?

Wen Mingxuan was stripped clean, and there was blood on the corners of his mouth.

 What was a pity for Xiao Yu'er was that Wen Mingxuan remained silent and had some integrity.

Hand raised slightly.

Xiao Yu'er took a quick glance and saw that all the things she had sent had been taken back. She saw fire coming from the distance, and then she took the people away.

Wen Mingxuan's eyes were bloodshot, and he vaguely saw the back figure, as if he saw a small fish.


Wen Mingxuan sneered weakly. It could be anyone, except Jiang Xiaoyu.

 Jiang Xiaoyu is cowardly by nature, and her only courage is probably to fall in love with him, right?

 In this life, I regard him as more important than my own life.


Wen Mingxuan has always understood Jiang Xiaoyu's thoughts, and he is extremely convinced that Jiang Xiaoyu will never leave him in this life.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyu was walking leisurely on his way home.

 Things she gave me.

She was also responsible for the calamity!

 (End of this chapter)

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