My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 426: Selling girls for glory

Chapter 426: Selling a Girl for Glory

 “Nine Transformations Golden Pill?”

 “The legendary miracle medicine?”

"Where can you find this kind of medicine in the world? Our Jiang family has nothing to offer in the past few years." Since Jiang Shicheng became paralyzed, the Jiang family has been seeking medical advice every day.

In just a few years, the Jiang family sold countless ancestral properties that could be sold.

 There are a lot of liars, but they have no effect at all.

“The mortal world knows that there are nine golden elixirs, and one of them is the royal family.”

Who dares to think of the royal family? The Jiang family now has no disciples and no one in the court, so His Majesty will naturally not give it to him.

"There is one more..." Second bedroom Jiang Fu sighed, looked at his eldest brother Jiang Mu, and shook his head.

 “Forget it, don’t mention it. After all, Shi Cheng doesn’t have this luck.”

“Second brother, what’s going on? We are brothers and one mother, we are one flesh and blood, what can’t be said?” Jiang Mu has no legitimate sons, and the two concubines in his family are both mortals, so he naturally places his hope in Jiang Shicheng.

"Don't mention this matter again. The second brother doesn't want the elder brother to be humble." Jiang Fu refused to say it.

When everyone heard this, they all felt something about it.

"Is it the Wen family?" What's important about Dafang is that it has an extra Wen family as an in-law.

"I also accidentally learned that the Wen family elder once obtained a Nine-turn Golden Pill, but that thing is the treasure of the Wen family. He will definitely not take it out."

"Why should I tell my eldest brother to ask for it, lest he be despised and humiliated by others?"

Jiang Fu said in a low voice.

"It's been almost ten years, and soon there will be a new round of spirit testing. Wen Mingxuan looks at the aura that is so powerful, and he is afraid that he will also participate in the spirit testing."

“That medicine must be left to Wen Mingxuan, brother, don’t go. Shicheng doesn’t have this luck, that’s all.” Jiang Fu shook his head.

“Mu’er, our Jiang family is going to be in trouble after all.”

"The Jiang family is getting worse every year, and I am afraid that my hope will be ruined in the hands of my mother. My mother has no face to face my ancestors."

"Isn't Mrs. Xu an old friend of Mrs. Wen? We have been handkerchiefs to each other for decades. It will be easier to talk to her if she speaks." The third daughter-in-law couldn't help but persuade.

Jiang Mu frowned slightly and said nothing.

 The rumors about Xiao Yu'er outside are really not good.

Especially because she received a betrothal gift from the Wen family when she was three years old. As a result, Xiao Yuer is now thirteen or fourteen years old, and some people call her a child bride.

Shicheng was the second wife, but the eldest brother took all the blame.

Jiang Mu hesitated for a moment.


Jiang Fu and his wife knelt straight on the ground.

Jiang Mu hurriedly went to help.

“Second brother, what are you doing?”

“Brother, my second brother’s gratitude cannot be overstated. No matter how far Shicheng can go in the future, whether he has dual spiritual roots or single spiritual roots, in the future...Shicheng will be your son.”

“Although a nephew is also a son, he is not listed in the ancestral hall, so what kind of son is he?

"Mom and dad, my son has made up his mind. Tomorrow we will open a shrine to record the inheritance in the name of my eldest brother."

"A nephew is also a son. If the eldest brother has no legitimate son, Shicheng will be his legitimate son."

"It's not impossible to have two wives. The eldest brother is very kind and kind, which Shicheng should respect. The kindness of the eldest brother is no worse than that of his biological parents."

“Brother, don’t be burdened. Regardless of whether you can get the golden elixir or not, this is Shicheng’s gratitude.”

"This child lies in bed all day long. Although he can't move or speak, he understands in his heart. He has always been a grateful child." The most important thing is that he is the best spiritual root of the Jiang family over the years.

  Second only to the single spiritual root!

  But if there is a golden elixir to help, even the spiritual root alone is no longer a problem!

Jiang Mu's heart moved slightly. Jiang Shicheng's Marrow Cleansing Pill was obtained from Xiao Yuer's betrothal gift, and the miracle doctor was also invited by the Wen family. It can be said that Jiang Shicheng gave everything he had.

At first I was a little hesitant, but now I heard that I wanted to go to the ancestral hall to record Jiang Shicheng in my name, and my heart moved slightly.

 The only shortcoming in his life is that he does not have a legitimate son.

He regretted most in his life that he had not listened to his mother and married a woman with spiritual roots in his family. There is not even a legitimate son now.

"This...the Jiang family has never had such a precedent..." Two houses were combined, which was only done when the family had no heirs.

"You are all concubines. The Xu family can't give birth to a legitimate son, so why not let Shi Cheng be your son?"

"That's it. You, an old uncle, have to work hard, so he must be filial to his biological father."

“Tomorrow we will open a temple to publish the family tree.”

"Shicheng will be your biological son from now on, and the benefits will belong to you." The old lady nodded. Jiang Mu was ecstatic, but his face was suppressed.

"Mom is joking. Regardless of whether he is his son or not, Shicheng and I will treat him as his own child. I should help him." Although he said this, his tone was much more relaxed.

 There is no hesitation or resistance from Cai Cai.

 When leaving the front yard, Mrs. Xu was talking to Baoyue in the backyard.

"Yu'er hasn't come back yet? She can't be locked up. What do you think happened to her?"

"There are so many outstanding children in Beijing, but she only values ​​Wen Mingxuan." Mrs. Xu frowned.

"Madam, Mingxuan is a good young master. There are many girls in the capital who like him. Besides, they are already engaged, so a good relationship is a good thing." Baoyue gave her a hairpin, and in a blink of an eye she was thirteen years old. .

 Now, Xiao Yu'er is already a fourteen-year-old girl.

"I don't know that Mingxuan is a good boy, but he...has no fish in his eyes." Xu's eyes were a little dim.

 In the past ten years or so, the old wanderer who begs for water has been right.

   Not missing a word.

  "There is no fish in his eyes and heart. Yu'er has unrequited love."

Obviously, the fish looks so beautiful alive.

"Madam, the master is here." The maid outside the door said softly.

Xu frowned slightly.

 “What is he here for?” In the past, she was still obsessed with her personal relationship and felt sorry for herself.

 Even competing with the backyard for favor.

Since she had Yu'er, her whole heart has been devoted to her daughter. She doesn't care whether Jiang Mu lives or lives.

“Madam, today is our twentieth anniversary, have you forgotten?” Jiang Mu came back with a smile.

 Xu's meal.

 She and Jiang Mu fell in love early, but it was also early for their love to end.

 Five years after getting married, Xiao Yu'er was born. Now Yu'er is fourteen, which means exactly twenty years.

Baoyue retreated quietly.

Today, Jiang Mu and Mrs. Xu had dinner together and rested in Mrs. Xu's room.

Mrs. Xu has no friendship with him, but she doesn't want Yu'er to have no father.

 I am willing to coax him.


This superficial harmony was soon shattered.

"What did you say? Go and ask for the Nine Turns Golden Pill?" Xu Shi slapped Jiang Mu's hand that was tying her hairpin away with a slap.

“Where did your Jiang family get such a big face?”

"The Nine Transformations Golden Elixir is the treasure of the Wen family. Whose family doesn't pass it down from generation to generation? Is there something wrong with your Jiang family?" Mrs. Xu immediately became angry.

  That marrow-cleansing pill made her, Xiao Yuer, called a child bride for many years, which made her angry and heartbroken.

 (End of this chapter)

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