My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 419: The fortune-telling begins to turn

Chapter 419 The destiny tree begins to turn

When Mrs. Xu saw the baby in her arms, her heart softened instantly.

 She didn't know what was wrong with herself.

 She was obviously an innocent little girl before marriage, but she became a resentful shrew after marriage.

 Seeing Jiang Mu bring back one woman after another, her collapse reached its peak.

 Finally found out she was pregnant, how she hoped that she could rely on the child to change Jiang Mu's mind.

 She was looking forward to the birth of this child very much.

 But when the child was actually born, Jiang Mu still ignored it, and her mentality collapsed.

 She couldn't even control her emotions and wanted to end it.

She sarcastically cursed her ten-month-pregnant daughter. At that moment, she looked like a devil.

 She couldn't control herself, she was like crazy.

After walking through **** for a while, my mind became a little clearer.

At this moment, holding the white and tender baby in swaddling clothes, guilt swept over her like a tide.

 She was so young, she was so innocent, she didn’t understand anything.

Tears fell one by one, and she kissed the child again and again on the forehead.

"It's my mother who is sorry for you. It's my mother who has implicated you. It's not your fault." Mrs. Xu whispered.

Baoyue wiped her tears. Madam has figured it out. It’s great.

 In the past ten months, my wife has rubbed her belly countless times in anticipation of the arrival of the child. Everything was ruined when the master avoided seeing her.

 Fortunately, the lady woke up in time.

 The old lady of the Xu family stayed at the Jiang family for seven days.

 In the end, I really didn’t like the Jiang family’s overwhelming aura, so I went back.

I just told my daughter again and again that if she couldn't survive, the Xu family would come to pick her up at any time.

 Children that the Jiang family doesn’t expect, the Xu family does.

The Xu family all responded with a smile.

"Madam, the little miss is really well-born. I have never seen such a beautiful child." Baoyue also likes the little miss very much.

The little lady eats, sleeps and eats every day and is extremely easy to maintain.

In just one month, my face became chubby, and my arms were as thick as lotus joints.

She has gradually relieved most of Xu's depression over the past five years.

 At the time of confinement, the Jiang family did not have much to do.

 Only the Wen family next door and my natal family sent generous gifts.

Mrs. Xu's mentality has become much calmer during this period. Whether Jiang Mu doted on his concubine or promoted his aunt, she did not get angry.

"Madam, I heard that something big happened in the Wen family." Baoyue hurriedly came in and said.

“A few days before my wife was due to give birth, the young master of the Wen family climbed a tree and fell. Do you still remember?”

 Xu frowned slightly.

 At that time, she was good friends with Qu Youran in the boudoir, and later she married into the Jiang family.

 Qu Youran married into the Wen family.

 The Wen family has gained momentum in recent years, but within a few years it has surpassed the Jiang family.

 And he was also a close minister of the emperor.

She felt a little bit unfair in her heart, but she couldn't say she was jealous.

 The only thing that bothered her was.

The two of them joked in the boudoir that in the future they would have sons as brothers and sons and daughters as in-laws.

 The Wen eldest son born to Qu Youran was not visible at birth, but the older he got, the more he showed signs of being crazy.

 At the age of three, he still cannot speak or communicate, as if he is mentally retarded.

 Looking like a fool.

 She regretted it just thinking about this marriage.

“Remember, she is also a miserable person.” Mrs. Xu sighed.

Bao Yue's eyebrows danced with joy: "She is not suffering, and neither is our little lady."

"Do you remember young master Mingxuan?" Wen Mingxuan, Wen's eldest son. Mr. Xu nodded.

“The young master is stupid, and even the best doctors in the world can’t cure him. He fell from a tree a few days ago. Guess what?”

“I’ve been in a coma for three days, and it’s the day you give birth to the little girl. It’s great!”

“I heard that when I opened my eyes, I called my parents. Everyone in the Wen family was so happy that they opened a temple to worship their ancestors and called them to open their eyes.”

“The Wen family didn’t make any public announcement at the time, and only asked the imperial doctor to come into the house. They didn’t publicize the matter until they were sure that the child was well.”

"Look at me, slave, maybe this is the blessing brought by our little miss. After all, the two of them are married at the same time, so the little miss is born with a good life." Baoyue spoke nicely, and Mrs. Xu couldn't help but smile a little.

 “Prepare a generous gift for the Wen family…”

"Forget it, I'll send it there myself." She had some conflicts with Qu Youran recently, and she wanted to make it clear.

I lowered my head and teased my daughter. The little one was playing with bubbles.

  Xu stretched out his hand to **** her.

 The little guy seemed to be more energetic and puffed up his cheeks and puffed out a bigger bubble.

 Gulu gulu spitting everywhere.

 Xu was smiling from ear to ear.

"Look at how naughty she is." Mrs. Xu looked at her daughter lovingly. She was really blinded by lard when she was on the delivery bed.

 The man is guilty, but the child is innocent.

This is her blood-related child.

Knowing that she was going to the Wen family, the old lady became a little warmer and asked someone to open the storeroom and pick out some generous gifts for her to take with her.

 Early on the next morning, Mrs. Xu went to Wen's house.

 In the past, the Wen family was calm and solemn, but now the vitality and joy can be seen throughout the courtyard.

Even the brows of the maids and slaves are filled with joy.

"Brother Xuan, you are not well yet, so don't let the wind catch the cold."

 Qu Youran’s voice was gentle, and Mrs. Xu raised her head.

Then she saw a young man with red lips and white teeth looking at her from a distance.

Her eyes were clear and her expression was calm. She nodded slightly, looking polite.

 I was shocked, it turned out great.

"Sister Xu..." Qu Youran saw Mrs. Xu and called out hurriedly.

The maid led several people through the corridor and into the inner room.

“Brother Xuan, this is Aunt Xu.” Mrs. Wen said with a smile.

 The little child bowed calmly: "Aunt Xu."

 The sound was as clear and crisp as pearls falling on a jade plate, and the chaos of the past had long since disappeared.

 In the past, I was silly and loved to laugh, but now I am cold and quiet and don’t like to joke.

"Why are you here in person? You have just given birth. I haven't seen my future daughter-in-law yet. Come over and show me." Mrs. Wen shouted hurriedly.

 The precious moon lifts the tight veil.

At first glance, Mrs. Wen saw Jiang Xiaoyu lying in her swaddling clothes and blowing bubbles.

 I fell in love with it at first sight.

“Oh, it’s so cute. Unlike my brat, who is very naughty.” Although Mrs. Wen said this, her brows were very happy.

The little boy frowned: "What daughter-in-law?"

Mrs. Wen chuckled.

  "It was a matter of marriage, and all the tokens were exchanged."

Wen Mingxuan glanced at her coldly and said, "Whoever wants to marry her, I won't recognize the marriage!"

Mrs. Wen smiled and patted her son.

 Suddenly a wandering Taoist came outside the door.

"Madam, an old man came to the door. He said that there is a God-given marriage in the house, and he wants to ask for a drink of water." The maid came in with a smile and reported.

"Oh, where did these Taoists get the news? Okay, sister Xu and her daughter are safe, Mingxuan has regained his consciousness, and it's a double happiness. Please give me some money and food." Mrs. Wen was kind-hearted and asked the maid to take some red envelopes.

After a while, the maid came in with a strange look on her face.

 (End of this chapter)

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