My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 420: Pearl covered in dust

Chapter 420 The pearl is covered in dust

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Xu couldn't help but ask when she saw that the maid was restless and looked at Xiaoyu from time to time.

The maid paused, looking a little embarrassed.

 Looking at Mrs. Xu, she also looked a little uneasy.

Xu frowned slightly.

“The old man didn’t take any money, he just took a sip of water and said that happiness is a blessing. He also said...”

The maid stammered and refused to say any more.

"Say it." Mrs. Wen said when she saw that she was stammering and Mrs. Xu kept staring.

The maid then continued.

“It is also said...It is also said that the phoenix is ​​destined by fate, but the falling flowers are deliberately flowing and the water is ruthless. When a phoenix meets a phoenix, it will lead to a life of misfortune...Love, love, and love are life-threatening poisons, and you will die if you touch them."

"What else can you say? The gears of fate have begun to turn. There is no way to escape or change." On a cold day, the maid almost broke out in cold sweat on her forehead.

Seeing Mrs. Xu's face getting darker and darker, the maid's voice behind her became quieter and softer.

“Nonsense!” Mr. Wen frowned and shouted angrily.

 Xu's face was ashen.

   小鱼儿 has just reached the full moon, and anyone who hears these words will be angry.

Doesn't this mean that she, Xiao Yu'er, will be in love with Wen Mingxuan from the first moment she sees him to death? ?

Why is it that Phoenix is ​​destined by fate, but Wen Mingxuan has no intention of her?

How do you see this? Xiaoyuer wants to have unrequited love for the rest of his life and chase Wen Mingxuan?

   Xu's heart and eyes were full of her daughter now, and she became furious when she heard this.

"Where did the old man go?" Mrs. Xu looked ugly, and she insisted on tearing the old man's mouth open.

The maid bowed and said, "After saying this, the old man disappeared in just the blink of an eye." There was a wide road in front of the Wen family's door, and it definitely wouldn't disappear in the blink of an eye.


 The other party is a truly capable immortal cultivator.

 Xu's face turned even more ugly.

Mrs. Wen glanced at her son sitting at the bottom, frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Sister Xu, this old Taoist You Fang can't be truthful if he doesn't say a word of truth in his mouth. Don't get so angry."

"Mingxuan and Xiao Yu'er are married at the fingertips. Believe in You Ran, he will never let him betray Xiao Yu'er. If he treats Xiao Yu'er badly, I will skin him personally." All children are parents. Mrs. Wen understands Mr. Xu's anger.

 Xu's face was still ugly.

"There are still important things in the house today, so I will take the fish back first." Mrs. Xu's expression was dull and she couldn't cheer up.

 Wen didn’t stay much.

   She wanted to shout out and bring more fish over to play, but she didn't dare to say anything.

 Xu returned to Jiang's house and became angrier the more she thought about it.

Seeing Xiao Yu'er still bubbling unconsciously in her infancy, Mrs. Xu reached out and pinched her little face in a cruel way.

"Don't run after that bastard. You are my mother's darling, and I won't allow you to harm yourself." Especially when she heard the sentence "Luo Hua deliberately flowed and the water was ruthless", Mrs. Xu felt heartbroken when she met Wen Mingxuan and spent her whole life.

Mrs. Xu sent people out to investigate again. The Wen family was adjacent to the Jiang family. It was thought that the servants of the Jiang family could also see the Taoist.

After this inquiry, Mrs. Xu felt even more uncomfortable when she learned that the Taoist disappeared out of thin air.

  The more genuine the person is, the more truthful the criticism is, and the more uneasy she becomes.

"Madam, our little lady has just turned one full moon, who can say for sure what will happen in the future. Don't worry too much." Bao Yue saw Mrs. Xu's worried look and couldn't help but advise.

"No big deal, let's just teach the little lady well."

Xu gradually felt more at ease.

 In a family like the Jiang family, it stands to reason that there would be a wet nurse to feed the children. However, the relationship between Mr. Xu and Jiang Mu broke up, and there was a possibility that they would have no heirs due to heavy bleeding.

 Xu simply fed the child by herself.

 After feeding the child and putting him to sleep, she got up and went to the front yard.

The front yard is still full of laughter and laughter, and the two direct grandchildren of the second and third bedrooms are here. Mrs. Xu felt a little gloomy when she thought that neither the old lady nor the old man had ever asked about her daughter after she was born.

When I entered the door, I heard the old lady sitting on her knees holding Shicheng and saying: "In three years, there will be an immortal testing the spiritual roots..." The old lady's brows were full of joy.

Jiang Shicheng, the grandson of the second wife, is four years old this year. He often makes the old lady smile with his mouth, but his temper is a bit spoiled.

Sanfang Jiang Zhengfan is three years old. He is chubby and has a good temper.

 Xu didn’t like Jiang Shicheng.

 Even though he is only four years old.

 When she was pregnant with Xiaoyu, her belly was bulging high.

At that time, there were rumors among outsiders that the hope of the Jiang family might come out of her belly.

She didn't know if the young Jiang Shicheng was careless. He rushed over like a cannonball and pushed Mrs. Xu to the ground. Mrs. Xu suffered from abdominal pain all night and even saw blood.

 The child almost dropped.

 “Mother.” Mrs. Xu saluted the old lady.

Jiang Shicheng wanted to come down and salute, but the old lady said: "As a family, what are you doing with more courtesy?"

Jiang Shicheng didn’t get up either.

“Why don’t you bring Xiao Yu’er over and see if that boy from the Wen family is really well?” The old lady peeled off an orange, twisted the white silk outside cleanly, and fed it to Jiang Shicheng’s mouth.

 You can see the love and affection.

Mrs. Xu pursed her lips and said, "Look at my daughter-in-law, she is really well. Her eyes are clear and her speech is eloquent."

 The old lady’s eyebrows were slightly happy.

"That's good."

Mrs. Xu paused, pinched her fingertips and said, "My daughter-in-law came today to discuss with her mother."

"Youran and I made a hasty engagement back then. Now that the child is born, it would be unsightly to force the marriage. It would be better..." Before Xu could finish her words, the old lady's face darkened.

"She, the Wen family's child, wants to break the relationship after her child is well?" The Jiang family is not as strong as the Wen family. Even when Wen Mingxuan was an idiot, the old lady didn't even think about breaking the relationship, let alone now that she has recovered.

"No, it's my daughter-in-law..." Mrs. Xu hesitated for a moment, but still said firmly.

Before she could finish her words, a teacup flew toward her cheek.

Xu turned slightly to one side, and the tea cup rubbed along the corner of her eye, slightly breaking the skin and showing a trace of blood.

"Nonsense! How can I allow you to mess around in this important matter of marriage?" The only thing she could see about this Xu family was that she was married to the Wen family back then.

“I’m getting more and more confused. What’s wrong with the Wen family? It’s more than enough to match Xiaoyuer!”

“A nephew is also a son. Even if you can’t have a baby, our Jiang family still has Shi Cheng and Zheng Fan.”

 The old lady looked a little ugly and immediately waved her hand.

“Okay, you can go back and have a rest. This marriage cannot be ruined, don’t talk about me, even the old man will not agree.”

Mrs. Xu was persuaded by the nanny to come out, and Baoyue took out a handkerchief to cover her forehead.

 You can vaguely hear some words in the room: "The boss is just confused. He is a small family and can't stand on the stage."

Xu covered her face and ran out crying.

 Wait for Mr. Xu to leave.

Jiang Shicheng, who was sitting on his knees, raised his hand to smooth his grandmother's eyebrows.

"Grandma, don't get angry with auntie. The Wen family is nothing. Shicheng will earn face for you in the future!" Xiao Shicheng raised his fists with a solemn look on his face.

 “Oh, you are really my grandmother’s darling. Not to mention the ones that are useless.”

“You are the hope that our Jiang family has been looking forward to for generations.” Old Mrs. Jiang felt a little enthusiastic.

 She told no one that she had had a dream.

 (End of this chapter)

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