My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 418: Little Tiandao was born

Chapter 418 Little Tiandao is born

“Would you like to go to the Xu family to report the funeral?” The nanny patted her shoulder.

It’s just the New Year, which is really unlucky.

This Mrs. Xu was unlucky. She only gave birth to a daughter in five years of marriage, and she even died of hemorrhage.

 Something worthless.

"Report a funeral, report a funeral, what funeral? Our wife is still alive!" The maid Baoyue cursed boldly with red eyes.

The wet nurse is the popular person in front of the old lady. Who wouldn’t smile with her when they see her?

Now he was actually slapped on the face and turned his head on the spot.

"Madam, madam, you must come through..." Baoyue lay on the bed and sobbed softly.

The doctor checked his pulse and kept muttering: "It's strange. He was obviously in a desperate condition, so why is he alive again?"

Like a dry tree, suddenly a strong vitality surged in, and even the pulse beat violently.

"Doctor Chen, is my wife okay?" Baoyue asked, kneeling in front of the bed.

If the wife passes away like this, the life of the newborn child will become even more difficult.

Dr. Chen looked strange, and Bao Yue was frightened.

"very good."

Even his face, which was as pale as paper, turned rosy in an instant.

 This, even the magic medicine has no such effect.

 “A miracle.”

 “Your wife is a blessed one.” Half of her feet were in the gate of hell, but within half an hour, she suddenly got better.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that an immortal was coming to save him.

"I'll prescribe a prescription first. She's lost too much blood and needs to be replenished. Avoid heavy tonics. She won't be able to bear it. Just warm tonics." Dr. Chen quickly prescribed a few prescriptions and gave them to her. I placed a few orders for food supplements.

 Baoyue hurriedly asked someone to get medicine.

 “I’ll give her golden needles for a few days to strengthen her vitality.”

"You must not get angry again. She was so angry and it coincided with the birth of her child. She almost lost her life." Doctor Chen sighed secretly in his heart.

 He is the doctor of the Jiang family, so he doesn’t understand the affairs of the Jiang family.

The Jiang family boasts that their ancestors have immortal roots, and they usually regard themselves as a family that cultivates immortality.

  There has never been a descendant with spiritual roots in several generations, and people are secretly laughing at him for showing off like this.

Moreover, the Jiang family firmly believes that future generations can produce great figures.

The children and grandchildren in the house are all raising her as if they are their darlings.

 Just wait for the test once every ten years.

 And what about the daughter?

Even marrying in-laws in the court and building relationships can barely support the Jiang family's status in the court.

 The women of the Jiang family did not marry well.

In order to ensure the status of the Jiang family, the eldest aunt of the Jiang family married the young minister of Dali Temple. The young minister of Dali Temple's family had a domineering mother, and the nobles in the capital were unwilling to suffer the consequences of marrying off their daughters.

 The Jiang family happily married.

In less than half a year, the eldest aunt of the Jiang family was as skinny as a stick. It was said that she drank soup and medicine every day and died.

 The person who was beaten took half his life.

The aunt of the Jiang family married a house-filler in Jingzhao Prefecture. The man was sixteen years older than her, and his eldest legitimate son was the same age as her.

It is said that on the day she married the bad old man, she got out of the sedan chair crying.

Doctor Chen shook his head. Mrs. Xu didn't have a good family background, so she probably wouldn't be able to keep her daughter.

  With two and three bedrooms, at least the mother's family is strong enough, and even if she has a daughter, it won't be a problem to win over.

 It was already three days after Xu woke up.

 The whole person looked sick, with a touch of melancholy between his brows.

 “Where is the master?” Mrs. Xu wanted to sit up.

"Madam, you'd better lie down." Baoyue's eyes were red and swollen. There was a smell of medicine everywhere in the house, and the doors and windows were closed, fearing that she would catch the cold again.

"Where is the master?" Xu asked firmly.

Baoyue knelt down with a pop.

“The master came back once, took a look at the eldest girl, gave her a name, and left.” Bao Yue said.

Xu Shi smiled bitterly, after all, she paid her sincerity to the wrong person. She was originally the daughter of a county magistrate. Prince Jiang met her when he was traveling.

Mr. Jiang fell in love with her at first sight and wanted to make a fuss about marrying her.

Jiang Mu is the eldest son, how can the old lady be willing? He originally wanted to marry his eldest son a wife with immortal roots, so that he could give birth to better children in the future.

Who would have thought that Jiang Mu went on a hunger strike and would not marry her unless she was there.

 Finally married her into the house.

From the beginning to the end, the old lady looked down on her small family, and also looked down on the fact that her ancestors had been mortals for generations.

 After only a year of marriage, Jiang Mu changed his mind.

Relying on the connections left by his elders, he got a minor official position and went out to travel when he had nothing to do.

 After getting married for only a year, I brought back a close friend who was born in Huafang.

Within three years, he brought back a poor orphan girl who sold herself to bury her father.

 It turned out to be so easy for him to fall in love at first sight.

Although she is a girl from a small family, she is also a child that her parents and brothers care about.

 In recent years, my elder brother passed the imperial examination and became an official in Beijing.

 The whole family is moving.

  She knew that it was all because of her incompetence.

"Madam, don't cry, take care of yourself. Even if it's not for yourself, it's also for the girl." Baoyue couldn't help but advise.

 Xu wiped her tears and asked, "What did he name the child?"

Baoyue's eyes dodge, not daring to look at Madam.

 “There are many fish in ginger.”

Mrs. Xu was stunned for a moment. She was also a person who read poetry and books, so she didn't understand anything.

  I think the children are just superfluous.

 “Call me Xiaoyu.”

 Jiang Xiaoyu is also lively and pretty.

Mrs. Xu's face was full of bitterness: "The child in the second room is called Shi Cheng, the child in the third room is called Zhengfan, and my daughter is called Duduo." She sat on the bed, holding the quilt, and her finger bones were faintly white.

 The second wife has a son and a daughter, and the daughter’s name is Peiyao.

Only her daughter is called Duan.

 Xu could no longer cry.

There was a squeak.

The wooden door opened, and Mrs. Xu looked up and saw her mother with white hair on her temples.

“Mother.” Mrs. Xu burst into tears.

 “It’s your daughter’s unfilial piety that makes you worry.” The old lady was not the one who blocked the marriage the most.

 It is the Xu family.

Xu's family members felt that their status and family background did not match the marriage, and they tried to stop her in every possible way, but they were reluctant to let their daughter lose weight day by day, so they agreed to the marriage.

Who knows, I almost lost my life.

“It’s good to be alive, it’s good to be alive.” The mother’s eyes were swollen, and she kept patting her daughter on the back.

"If you're not happy, let's make peace, right? Your brother and sister-in-law will tell your mother when they come. My nephews and nieces don't have any objections." High-ranking families are so easy to reach.

During the New Year and festivals, the Jiang family would not pay attention to the belongings sent by the Xu family.

 But they didn’t say a word to their daughter, they just didn’t want their daughter to be caught in the middle.

Who would have thought that the Jiang family would go too far.

Even this time, when she wanted to go into the house to accompany her daughter to give birth, she almost couldn't get in.

 For the past three days, she stayed at her daughter's bedside every day, deeply regretting that she had agreed to the marriage.

Mrs. Xu pursed her lips tightly and said, "Mom, my daughter doesn't want to reconcile." How could she be willing to reconcile?

  It was he who asked to marry her, and it was he who made the vow.

 Now, she has left the gate of hell, and there is no possibility of having children again in her life!

  This matter is not known to the mother-in-law, and Mrs. Xu does not intend to tell it.

"Baoyue, take out the little fish and take a look." Mrs. Xu interrupted her mother's consolation and just held her mother's hand and refused to let go.

 (End of this chapter)

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