Chapter 417: Romance

The mirror was glowing with light. As soon as he got closer, he could feel comfortable all over. At that time, he didn't know it was aura.

 But I felt comfortable and instinctively stayed for a while longer.

 But because it was getting late, he was busy carrying firewood down the mountain, so he didn't stay much longer.

 Later, this became the thing that the ancestor of the Jiang family regretted most in his life.

As soon as you get close to the mirror, a line of words will appear.

He was illiterate, so he wrote it down secretly. In just a moment, the mirror disappeared.

The vast white fog also dissipated instantly.

 He looked around as if he was having a dream.

He thought he had seen a ghost and was so frightened that he didn't even want firewood and rushed down the mountain crying.

 It happened to be that the city was testing spiritual roots.

He rolled down the mountain in a panic, not even glancing at Zhi Ling Gen.

 He has taken the test twice every ten years.

 His life is just an ordinary mortal life.

Both his parents are dead at home, and there is no one to take care of the family affairs. He is thirty years old and cannot even get a wife.

Unexpectedly, when he passed by the testing platform, the disciples of the Immortal Sect who were always aloof suddenly looked at him.

 “Come and test it.” The disciple of the Immortal Sect looked like he was banishing an immortal, and he was trembling with fear.

 He wanted to refuse, but the disciple directly put the spiritual stone in his hand.

 The side spirit stone suddenly appeared mottled in color.

 The disciples of the Immortal Sect were full of disappointment.

“It turns out to be three spiritual roots…”

 Among the immortal sects, those with heavenly spiritual roots are the top, followed by those with double spiritual roots, and those with third, fourth or fifth spiritual roots can only become outer disciples.

Of course, the best spiritual roots are all legends.

 “It was clear that there was a strong spiritual energy on my body just now...” The disciple of the Immortal Sect muttered softly.

"That's all, the Immortal Sect's limit for accepting disciples is thirty years old. Since it's an opportunity for you to meet me, pack up and follow me to the Sect." Thirty-year-old Sanlinggen can only be a disciple in the outer sect.

 The ancestor of the Jiang family cried with joy.

 But he felt a little confused in his heart. After testing it several times, he could only be a mortal in this life.

 He thought again of the mirror in the white mist.

 Then he went up the mountain to look for it again, but saw nothing.

 But he also understood in his heart that he was just afraid that he would encounter a miraculous opportunity in the Immortal Sect.

He dared not reveal it to anyone and kept the matter in his heart.

 It became his only secret.

Originally, he had already planned to live alone for the rest of his life, but who knew that as soon as he was accepted as an outer disciple, a high-ranking official came to ask for his eighteen-year-old daughter to marry him.

As a disciple of the Immortal Sect, he dare not imagine that the daughter of a high official was someone he looked up to before.

 But what now?

 All high officials humbled themselves in front of him.

 He soon got married.

His Three Spiritual Roots are indeed inconspicuous in the sect, even a little mediocre.

 But in the mortal world, it is completely enough.

 He suddenly jumped from the bottom to the upper level of the mortal world, which was very beautiful.

His wife had studied in school, but she looked up to him with such a charming young lady above the clouds.

 He began to understand the benefits of cultivating immortality.

 He also scrambled the words and asked his wife to teach him.

Later, he understood what was written on the mirror: Heirs of the Jiang family, the glory of the three realms, the residence of the supreme god.

He didn't understand what the Supreme God's Mansion was, but he only vaguely knew that a big shot was going to be born in the Jiang family.

 He was so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

From then on, he became passionate about testing the spiritual roots of each child.

 In order to have children, he married a concubine.

The people in the Immortal Sect are keen on spiritual practice, and most of them are unwilling to marry. He is the only one who lingers on the mortal world and refuses to leave, and is spurned by his brothers.

 He took in a total of three concubines and a total of six sons, all of whom were mortal. As for the daughter, the residence of the supreme **** and the glory of the three realms, how could she be a daughter with such a destiny?

He didn't even take a second look.

 Later, he began to pay attention to his grandson.

 The thirteen grandsons are still mortals.

He has been confused by that prophecy all his life and has been unable to make any progress in his life, but his obsession has become deep.

  It has been passed down from generation to generation.

Of the treasures he obtained in the Immortal Sect, after several generations, only one Spiritual Recovery Pill remains.

 Those who are seriously ill can recover instantly by using the healing elixir.

Ordinary people can use the Spiritual Recovery Pill to cleanse the marrow, but if they have a chance to wash out the spiritual roots, the price is extremely expensive, and it is extremely difficult to buy genuine products.

It is said that there is not even one person in a thousand who can cleanse the marrow.

 But this is the expectation of ordinary wealthy people.

 The real marrow-cleansing pill will never spread to the mortal world.

If one appears, it will be bloody.

 Influenced by their ancestors, the Jiang family tests the spiritual roots of their descendants from generation to generation.

 The daughter will be married off to establish relationships.

Now that the Jiang family is in such a state of decline, the resurrection pill has become the hope of the whole family. Naturally, he would not save Mrs. Jiang’s life.

"My daughter is also a descendant of the Jiang family. She is also the eldest granddaughter of the first family. We cannot let her lose her mother."

 “Please help the old lady.”

“The Xu family will definitely thank you with treasures, and my uncle will definitely be grateful to you.” The Xu family is Mrs. Jiang’s natal family.

The wet nurse glanced disdainfully: "How can the Xu family's treasure be compared with the fairy medicine? How can it be compared with the Jiang family's future?" The old lady didn't like the eldest daughter-in-law.

Back then, the eldest son insisted on marrying her, so the old lady had no choice but to follow his wishes.

 “It’s her life, she can’t blame anyone else.”

"In three more years, it will be the ten-year spiritual root test. You can go back." The old lady is now only hesitant about which grandchild she should give to the medicine.

 Definitely not her part.

The maid went back in despair. Without medicine, Madam would not be able to survive.

The doctor in the mansion is a disciple of the imperial physician, so he can't save him, and no one can save him.

The maid's eyes were red and swollen. As soon as she entered the door, she saw the doctor sighing.

 “At the end of the battle, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on anymore.”

The maid burst into tears.

 Pushing away the two little maids, he picked up the swaddled baby and placed it next to his wife.

"Madam, please open your eyes and take a look. This is your ten-month-pregnant daughter. If you leave, it will be even more difficult for her in the house."

Mrs. Jiang’s face was as white as paper and her whole body was cold.

 The house had even prepared Zinsu, just waiting for her to die.

 The baby beside her opened her eyes slightly, but her ignorant eyes could not see clearly.

I heard people crying around me, and I couldn't help but cry loudly at the top of my lungs.

While struggling, her little hand accidentally touched Mrs. Jiang's cold finger bones.

 A warm breath instantly entered Mrs. Jiang's body.

 “Take the little lady out quickly.” Another maid said hurriedly.

"Help Madam change her clothes first, so as not to leave dirty. Did Master go to invite her? Are you back? Have you notified the Xu family?" the maid ordered with red eyes.

Unexpectedly, when I first met my wife, I found that she seemed to be a little warmer.

 She was stunned.

 “Stop crying.” He shouted loudly to stop the maids in the house from crying.

“Doctor, come and take a look, my wife seems to be different!” the maid shouted loudly.

The doctor frowned: "Unless the immortal elixir comes, even if my master comes, I can't save her..." His finger fell on her pulse point.

 The doctor looked shocked.

 I saw that the pulse that had been cut off gradually came back to life.

 (End of this chapter)

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