My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 289: The door of **** is opened for her

Chapter 289 The door of **** is open for her

 Outside the Netherworld Pass.

A huge door that seems to connect heaven and earth is closed tightly, and there is a gloomy atmosphere all around. If you get closer, you can hear the howling of ghosts and wolves.

 The real ghost crying and wolf howling.

This huge door is painted with ancient runes and vicious ghost patterns, which is shocking just by looking at it.

 “The gate of **** is closed.” Suisui murmured in a low voice.

 She now knows a lot of words and is no longer the illiterate she once was.

Suisui took a deep breath. This door was the only way to the underworld.

The Yin energy here is very strong, and there are often evil spirits wandering around behind the door, hoping to return to the Yang world.

The gate of **** is never wide open, and black and white impermanence has always passed by. Only with a mourning stick in hand can the ghosts pass through the gate.

The gate of **** is closed, and it is only opened during the Ghost Festival in July every year.

 Let the ghosts return home to receive offerings.

If you do not return after the time limit, you will lose the opportunity to reincarnate.

Sui Sui has never been to the underworld, but she has seen the Ten Palaces of Yama.

 The year she took shape coincided with the Peach Festival that happens once every five thousand years. That year, all the ten palaces of Yama gathered in the upper realm, and she still remembered that Emperor Fengdu glanced at her from a distance.

That's right, she is the spirit of speech conceived by heaven, and she possesses an inscription.

  The gods who pass by every day will stop in front of that inscription.

 Everyone is curious about what will be conceived in the inscription.

 That year, almost the entire divine world came to see her.

She has an impression of Emperor Fengdu because from the beginning of the world, it was divided into three realms: gods, humans and demons.

 The underworld is independent of the system.

It is said that after the death of a living person, the ghosts wreaked havoc in the world, and then the underworld was re-established. Use a ghost gate to isolate the path of humans and ghosts.

After countless years, the Ten Palaces of Yamas returned to their thrones one after another.

Most of them are mortals who have great merits in the mortal world. After death, they are directly extradited to become gods in the underworld and control the underworld.

 Only Emperor Fengdu accepted his fate from the beginning.

Suisui stood outside the gate of **** at the moment and pursed her lips slightly. The yin energy here made her uncomfortable.

There is still a sword mark on the gate of Guimenguan, and the traces of compensation can be clearly seen.

Who is so strong that he can pierce through the gate of **** with one sword?

It is said that Guimenguan is made of the Sky Stone, which is so hard that even the Emperor of Heaven may not be able to split it open.

Suisui wiped her tears, raised her steps with red eyes, and flew into the air.

 He lightly touched the sword mark, and even though it had been repaired, it still became the weakest point in the gate of hell.

 It’s so strong.

Suisui is a little confused. Haven't you heard that someone has broken into Guimenguan before?

When I saw this trace, I saw that someone broke open the door and broke in.

Suisui felt extremely heartbroken when she thought of her second brother.

Hurrying to calm down her emotions, she wanted to break open the city gate, but then Father Tiandao would notice.

 She pulled out a lot of things from the space and tried to break open the door.

There is also a broken sword in the space, broken into two parts, without any luster, and the divine power can no longer be attached to it.

 “It looks like a treasure, but it’s a pity it’s broken...”

The little girl sat in front of the city gate and shed tears.

The little guy hugged his knees, his chubby face full of tears. He cried uncomfortably and wiped the tears with the back of his hand.

 The small bun on her head also fell down, hanging weakly on both sides.

I was crying so hard that I saw a pair of shoes in front of me.

Looking up along the shoes, he saw the majestic Emperor Fengdu standing in front of him, looking at her quietly with his head lowered. Suisui cried hard and even burped.

“Woooooooo, no one opened the door for me...” The eight-year-old girl cried with her eyes red and looked pitiful.

Emperor Fengdu seemed to sigh softly: "You are really promising, you can only cry..." He seemed to look up at the gate of hell, then at Suisui, and sighed silently.

"I'm only a few years old, why can't I cry? I'm not like old... old people like you. Even if you take a nap, you can live longer than me." The little girl said aggrievedly while hiccupping.

Emperor Fengdu rarely went out. He had been practicing hard for tens of thousands of years. The affairs of the underworld were always taken care of by the Ten Palaces of Yama.

 As a boss, he hardly shows up.

Emperor Fengdu seemed to be smiling, but also seemed not to be smiling.

 He knelt down, took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears on her face.

 “Where did you get the handkerchief?” Suisui asked, sobbing.

 “It’s made by peeling off the skin of a dead person.” Emperor Fengdu glanced at her and said as if it was true.

Emperor Fengdu was handsome, but he was in charge of the underworld all the year round and had a terrifying aura. No one dared to look directly at him. Rumors have been circulating among the people that Emperor Fengdu was born with a sinister spirit.

 But he is indeed in the underworld and can scare all ghosts.

  Just mentioning his name makes you tremble.

Emperor Fengdu took Suisui's hand and led her through the gate of hell. Suisui suddenly tilted her head and looked at him.

"Although I have never spoken to you, I feel that you are very familiar." Suisui occasionally sobbed slightly.

The corners of Emperor Fengdu’s mouth moved, but he didn’t speak.

"What did you come to the underworld for today? Aren't you... experiencing calamity in the human world? Heaven knows that you will be punished again." Emperor Fengdu led her forward and crossed the Huangquan Road.

 Walking onto Naihe Bridge.

 Flowing underneath is the Wangchuan River.

There is a Wangxiang Tower at the head of the bridge, where countless ghosts are waiting in line.

 The moment Emperor Fengdu appeared, all the ghosts and ghosts were prostrate on the ground.

All the ghosts are trembling, why did Emperor Fengdu come out?

Suisui choked up: "I want the second brother. The second brother shouldn't die, the second brother shouldn't die!" As she said that, Suisui's tears fell again.

  "He was implicated by Sui Sui, and it was Sui Sui's fault that made him be humiliated to death." It was because she captured King Li that King Zhan hated his brother.

Emperor Fengdu reached out and patted her little one.

"I want my second brother back. I want to see the book of life and death, wuwuwu..." Suisui wiped her tears.

Emperor Fengdu didn't say anything. He held her hand and walked with her across the Naihe Bridge and across the Wangchuan River.

 Further ahead is the main hall of the Ten Halls of Yama.

 King Qin Guang has just come out of the eighteenth level of **** and is coming in a hurry.

"Emperor, why did you suddenly leave seclusion?" Before he finished speaking, he saw a fair-skinned girl standing next to him.

Emperor Fengdu was born tall, and Suisui was only half as tall as him, making him look particularly petite.

King Qin Guang’s pupils shrank suddenly: “She’s back to fight again!”

Emperor Fengdu looked at him, and King Qin Guang's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked: "When will the little goddess come back again?"

Suisui always felt that something was wrong with the two sentences before and after him, but she didn't listen carefully.

He only asked in a low voice: "Uncle King Qin Guang, I want to see the book of life and death, and I want to find my brother..."

"You're welcome. When you come back here, it's just like going home."

Hearing this uncle, Emperor Fengdu looked at him with a smile on his face.

  King Qin Guang felt that his skin was all tense.

 For God's sake, please don't call me uncle.

Emperor Fengdu’s eyes almost cut him alive.

 (End of this chapter)

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