My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 290: That strange woman

Chapter 290 That strange woman

“If the little goddess wants to see it, of course she can.”

 King Guang of Qin led the two of them into the main hall. Emperor Fengdu placed Suisui on the throne, but Suisui didn't pay attention.

  Anyway, she takes the lead wherever she is in the God Realm.

When the Emperor of Heaven went to court, she also sat next to him and played with her feet.

 King Qin Guang waved his hand, and a golden book floating in mid-air suddenly appeared in front of him.

Suisui read her second brother's name and birthday with red eyes.

 King Qin Guang blinked at Emperor Fengdu crazily, and Emperor Fengdu lowered his eyes and said nothing.

  King Qin Guang clenched his fists anxiously, and there was a faint cold sweat on his forehead.

 The pamphlet floating in front of me was flipping through the pages crazily.

 Finally, Yan Lang's name appeared out of thin air on a certain page.

“Yan Lang was born...who was upright, brave and good at fighting. He rescued tens of thousands of people in the city abandoned by the gods, resisted the invasion of enemy countries, and defended Dai Viet.”

“Died in the 17th year of Yongde.”

Suisui breathed slightly and her eyes turned red: "Died in the 17th year of Yongde?"

"The second brother is not married and is only a teenager. Suisui can bear all this. Why should the second brother bear everything?" Suisui burst into tears.

  King Qin Guang’s eyelids twitched and he glanced at Emperor Fengdu.

"Suisui, you are a goddess. You should understand that life and death must comply with the laws of nature. Resurrection from the dead is against the laws of nature."

“Neither you nor I can change it.”

"This is a rule that has been established since the beginning of the world. It is a rule that neither you nor I, nor the Emperor of Heaven, can change."

 “Otherwise, how are we similar to evil spirits?”

"Little goddess, you are the most observant of rules. You have abided by the rules since you came down to earth, and you have always been a qualified god. You know it in your heart." Emperor Fengdu lowered his eyes and did not look at the pitiful Suisui.

 Yeah, she understands it all.

 “Where is my brother’s soul?”

  King Qin Guang took a look at Yan Lang's past. Such a general who sacrificed his life for the country is really admirable.

King Qin Guang sighed: "He died on the battlefield, his blood was scattered in all directions, his bones and flesh were separated, his soul was incomplete, and the underworld has not yet reported his soul."

 “Is it possible that my brother will end up in a state of despair?”

"I promised my mother, I will take my brother back. What should Suisui do..." the little girl said with sobs.

When King Qin Guang saw her saying this, he seemed to see her holding a magic sword again many years ago, kneeling on the ground, and asked confusedly what to do.

As soon as he finished speaking, he slashed the gate of **** with a sword.

 Poke a big hole.

 Now it has to be repaired every year, which is miserable.

"A dead person cannot be resurrected. I can find a way to gather his soul, but resurrection is not possible. No one can come back after death..." Emperor Fengdu said seriously.

Suisui looked at him: "Is there no one in the Three Realms?"

Emperor Fengdu was about to shake his head when his eyes suddenly flashed and he slightly avoided Suisui's eyes.

Hmmed slightly.

Suisui was slightly disappointed, but she still did not give up the idea of ​​resurrecting her second brother.

Just as he was talking, the judge suddenly entered the hall, and he, who had always been indifferent, was surprised.

“Yam Luo, the flowers of the other side of the underworld have bloomed again, just now, they all bloomed overnight.”

Suisui wiped her tears and asked: "What is the flower of the other side? Can it still bloom if there is no sunshine and no aura in the underworld?"

She stood behind Emperor Fengdu, and the judge did not see her.

The judge was very surprised when he saw Emperor Fengdu: "Emperor, what a good day is today? You have been sleeping for several years, and today you are released from seclusion?"

Suisui was confused for a moment, how many years has she been sleeping? It's impossible. It wasn't many years ago when she last transformed. She saw him at the Peach Festival at that time.

"There have never been flowers in the underworld before. All flowers and plants in the underworld will be corroded by darkness. Even the flowers in the divine world are exceptions."

“But a few hundred years ago, someone entered the divine realm, and her blood was sprinkled on the underworld, and flowers from the other side bloomed in the underworld.”

“Flowers bloom but no leaves are seen; there are leaves but no flowers; life after life, flowers and leaves cannot see each other.”

“If this flower grows leaves, it will not grow flowers; if it grows flowers, it will not grow leaves.”

"The leaves that have just grown must last at least a hundred years. But just now, all the flowers have bloomed. It's really strange..." The judge was full of curiosity.

Suisui walked out from behind Emperor Fengdu and asked with slightly red eyes: "Is it really so interesting?"

 The moment the judge saw her, the corners of his slightly raised mouth suddenly turned frightened.

 Her face became paler.

He took a step back suddenly, and fell to the ground in a panic.

The judge stammered and sat on the ground. There was a thud and the judge's pen fell to the ground.

Suisui curiously stepped forward to pick up the judge's pen, which made the judge feel nervous.

“I heard that the Judge’s Pen can judge all living beings in the human world, but I have never seen it before.”

The judge smiled dryly and said nothing, but his eyes fell firmly on her.

 Then he turned to look at Emperor Fengdu, and then at King Qin Guang.

The lips were trembling unbelievably.

"Your judge's pen seems to be made of hair." Suisui murmured and returned the pen to the judge.

The judge’s eyelids twitched when he heard that it was made of hair.

"Hey, how could it be possible? The Judge's Pen is also called the Merit Pen. If this pen is to write a mortal's life, even if the Emperor of Heaven's hair is pulled out, he still won't be able to make this pen."

The Emperor of Heaven is in charge of the three realms of gods, humans, and demons. He can’t do hair, so who else can do it?

Suisui thought about it for a while.

The judge took the pen almost tremblingly, then put it in his arms and never took it out again.

Suisui looked a little depressed, but she was stubborn and didn’t want to leave the underworld.

“Why don’t we go see Higanbana flowers?” The judge saw that she was sad and tried to divert her emotions.

 As soon as I finished speaking, I wished I could give myself a slap.

  Made you have a bad mouth.

Suisui followed her without saying a word. Emperor Fengdu sighed softly and followed her away.

The other side of the flower blooms beside the Wangchuan River. When I first came, there were only a few inconspicuous leaves. Now, both sides are covered with bright red flowers.

 Not a trace of green leaves to be seen.

 Red is like fire, red is like blood.

All the ghosts came close to the river. They tried to pick a flower, but they just pulled out a flower from the other side.

 The flower on the other side disappeared directly in front of everyone.

“Such pure spiritual power, the Flower of the Other Shore is actually transformed by spiritual power.” A ghost exclaimed.

 Immediately, when I pulled out the ghost of the Bianhua flower, it dispersed with a bang.

 The aura is strong and pure, just enough to restrain the ghosts.

 All the ghosts suddenly dispersed, no longer daring to watch.

That patch of thriving Bana flowers has long become the most beautiful scenery in the underworld.

"You said that someone's blood was spilled in the underworld, so the flower bloomed forever, and its flowers bloomed and its leaves were never seen again. Who was that person?" Suisui sniffed, quite curious.

"No plants can grow in the underworld or even in the underworld. How is it done? Can you let her save my second brother?" A glimmer of hope ignited in Suisui's eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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