My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 288: Live in the same quilt, die in the same hole

Chapter 288 Born in the same quilt, died in the same hole

 “No! I don’t agree!”

 Lin's voice was hoarse and she fell out of the carriage.

Yanchuan didn't rush to help her up, so she staggered up from the snow, looking miserable.

Three days and three nights of galloping horses, Lin's legs have long been worn out. Lin fell off his horse at the gate of the city before he got into the carriage.

"I don't agree." Lin's expression was firm.

"Marriage must be dictated by parents. I don't agree with the matchmaker's advice. You can't get married!" Mrs. Lin's voice was choked with sobs. In the past three days, her voice had been hoarse from crying.

He didn't sleep for three days and three nights. He changed horses at every station along the way and hurried over.

 She was exhausted physically and mentally, but she didn't dare to close her eyes.

 She was afraid of missing the last sight of her son.

Ms. Su turned to look at her, her eyes gradually turning red, and her body was shaking while holding Yan Lang's coffin.

"Silly girl, why are you so stupid? I know what you are thinking, but Langer will never want you to do this!" Mrs. Lin stepped forward and hugged her.

Ms. Su finally couldn't help it and cried with her.

"Before he left the city gate, he was wearing armor. He and I had already bowed to heaven and earth. We are just waiting to come back to worship our parents. We are only waiting for the last bow."

 “All the fathers and fellow villagers are witnesses.”

  At first, she pulled Yan Lang's sleeve and prevented Yan Lang from leaving the city gate.

Yan Lang didn't want to hurt her, so he agreed with a smile.

Eye full of doting, and the words: "If I haven't come back, don't wait for me." Perhaps, when he went out, he knew that he would never come back.

 The soldiers were approaching the city, and there were tens of thousands of enemy troops outside the gate. She and Yan Lang were behind a weak city gate. They went up to worship heaven and earth, and the husband and wife worshiped each other.

 In that white snow, they had already gotten married.

 Heaven and earth are witnesses.

Hearing this, Mrs. Lin looked at her blankly.

 I feel sorry for my son, and also feel sorry for her.

"It doesn't count, it doesn't count. Why are you so stupid... Lang'er doesn't want you to be like this. Neither do I..." She knew her son best. When she saw the cheap wooden hairpin on Miss Su's head, she knew it was her son's hand. done.

Back then, when my son was still young, he did carpentry work all day long. He also said with a smile that when he married his wife in the future, he would make her a wooden hairpin with his own hands.

 The hairpin should be engraved with the word "Lang".

 She is Lang'er, a girl I really like.

How could she harm her?

Ms. Su smiled and pushed her into the mourning hall. There were two places in the mourning hall.

Yan Hansheng's eyes were red and swollen, his hands were trembling, and he seemed to have aged countless years overnight.

Ms. Su pushed the two of them to sit up, holding Yan Lang's coffin in her arms. She was wearing a long red dress among the dazzling mourning flags.

"This phoenix crown and harem, as well as the wedding dress, were already prepared by Brother Lang and I. We originally planned to come back after the New Year to get engaged, but we didn't want to, so we used them in advance." Miss Su's eyes were red, she held the memorial tablet in her arms, and said to The two men kowtowed heavily.

Ah Yue took a deep breath, held the tray and squatted in front of her with her face propped up.

Ms. Su nodded towards her, then picked up the tea and called: "Dad..."

 “Mom, drink tea.”

When Mrs. Lin heard this, she could no longer control her tears. Looking at the cup of tea, she burst into tears.

 Yan Hansheng sheds tears in his old age.

The wife-in-law tea that they have been looking forward to for a long time is not under such circumstances.

The coffin was in the center of the mourning hall. Mrs. Lin did not want to drink the cup of tea, but Miss Su begged her sadly.

“Mom, if I don’t become the daughter-in-law of the Yan family in this life, Su Su will only be accompanied by the ancient Buddha with a green lantern.” Su Su said with red eyes.

 When she meets such a man, no one in the world can look at her again.

She can no longer hold anyone else in her heart. She will always remember that man, taking her galloping on the grassland, and she will always remember that he stood in front of all living beings with his posture that no one could escape.

“Mom, can you drink this cup of tea? Su Su please.” Su Su knelt down in front of her and kowtowed.

Mrs. Lin wiped her tears: "I am also a mother, and I can't harm you. You are also my parents' darling. My Lang'er is not lucky enough to marry such a good girl like you. You..." Mrs. Lin choked with sobs. Speechless.

Susu is a good child. How could she harm Susu?

This girl is also the only daughter of the Su family. How can the Su family's lineage be cut off from her?

"Lang'er is very lucky to have met you. I know Lang'er, he wouldn't want this." Lin's heartache was almost numb, but she still didn't want to harm other people's girls.

"Su Su, if you are willing, can your mother accept you as your adopted daughter?" Marrying Lang'er is tantamount to a marriage. How can she marry into a girl's family?

Su Su shook her head, looked down at the burial place, and smiled: "Mom, please help Su Su. Su Su has actually...prepared another thin coffin, and originally planned to share the coffin with Lang Ge."

Lin's expression changed.

Sure enough, there was still a coffin standing in the corner of the mourning hall.

Mr. Lin's breathing was rapid, and she clutched Su Su's wrist tightly: "Su Su!" Ms. Lin was really frightened to the point of splitting her liver and gallbladder.

 She actually wanted to die together with Lang'er.

"Mom, before he left, he told Su Su that he wanted Su Su to take care of his parents for him. Now Su Su understands that he was afraid that Su Su would not be able to think about it... He had long known that he would never come back." Su Su said sadly with tears in her eyes. Looked at Mrs. Lin.

He picked up the cup of tea again: "Mom, please drink tea."

 “Dad, please drink tea.” Su Su’s voice was trembling, and she looked at Lin with tears.

 Lin and Yan Hansheng looked at each other and took the cup of tea with trembling hands. This cup of tea was so bitter.

 My heart is extremely bitter.

"Lang Ge, I finally became your wife." Su Su murmured in a low voice while holding the coffin.

Ah Yue gently stepped forward to help her up, and Su Su called out softly: "Sister-in-law."

A Yue nodded, Su Su looked haggard and had not slept for several days.

 The eyes were bloodshot.

 “Big brother.”

Susu called out Yanchuan.

Yanchuan was still wearing official uniform. He heard the news just after returning from court, and he didn't even change his clothes.

The official hat no longer knows where to fall, and the meticulous man who always takes care of it shows embarrassment at this moment.

 The official uniform is full of wrinkles, and the long hair on the temples is faintly spread out.

He held the coffin, his fingers tightened, and his knuckles turned white.

 He wanted to push the coffin away, but he was afraid of seeing his brother's appearance.

 He wanted to see it, but he was afraid of seeing him.

Yanchuan never shed tears along the way, but everyone could feel his sadness.

He is the eldest son. His father was too honest and honest, and he was submissive and did not dare to say anything in front of his parents.

The mother does not want the father's help, does not want to disobey the father, and does not dare to stand up to protect the child.

 He is like half a father, protecting his younger brothers and sisters and letting them grow up.

 The three brothers and Suisui have a deeper relationship than their parents.

 But now, the second brother is gone.

Yanming knelt in front of the mourning hall: "Second brother, second brother... come back. You said you would come back to protect us."

“You also said that Suisui would get married in the future, so that her husband’s family would not dare to bully Suisui. You haven’t fulfilled your promise yet, and you broke your promise. Second brother, come back..."

“Second brother, we don’t want anything anymore, wuwuwuwu, I don’t want anything anymore. Come back.”

  Everybody burst into tears.

 (End of this chapter)

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