My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 287: It’s hard to gather souls when flesh and blood are separated

Chapter 287 It’s hard to gather souls when flesh and blood are separated

“Are you cold? Look at your eyebrows turned into ice.”

Ms. Su sat in the snow with a white face, holding General Yan covered in blood in her arms.

Suisui stood on the outside, her eyes not daring to fall on her second brother.

Yan Lang’s eyes were also gouged out.

Ms. Su raised her hand to cover his empty eye sockets: "It's okay, I will be your eyes."

 “If you can’t walk, I will carry you.”

 “If you don’t have eyes, I will be your eyes.”

Ms. Su's eyes were red, her whole body was trembling as she hugged General Yan's body, and finally burst into tears.

“You kept silent because you were afraid that we would be worried and endure all this alone. Do you feel any pain?” Miss Su hugged him in a broken voice, and the people around her were in tears.

 The young man picked up the weapons on the ground and rushed to the battlefield.

"We will fight hard to avenge General Yan."

"We have reinforcements and food. We are not afraid anymore. We will avenge General Yan." The old, weak, women and children retreated into the city, while the young and middle-aged picked up weapons and fought against the enemy.

Suisui staggered, staggered, and took a deep breath.

 My heart feels heavy and I have difficulty breathing.

 "Second...Second brother..." Suisui couldn't finish her sentence, and tears fell heavily.

The second brother who always secretly hid delicious food for her and always protected her from being bullied to support her is gone.

Suisui’s eyes fell on her second brother, and the dazzling red color made her extremely disgusted.

They pulled out the second brother's teeth, gouged out his eyes, cut off his limbs, and chopped him into pieces, which was more painful and torturous than Lingchi's execution.

“Actually, your second brother can’t hold it any longer.” Miss Su pressed her face tightly against his face, not caring about his bruised and swollen cheeks.

Ms. Su seemed to have lost her soul, her eyes were empty and she could not see anything.

"There is a shortage of food in the city. They cut off the food route. There is no food in the city. Your second brother left all the food in the city. When he walked out of the city gate alone, he had been hungry for three days."

 “In order to tease him, the king of war said that the army will wait as long as you can hold on.”

"When the tendons of his hands and hamstrings were severed, he fell into a brief coma for a while. He was wearing a Chinese coat and felt cold and painful. After the tendons of his hands and hamstrings were severed, he could not stop the bleeding, and he had a suspended animation. But in order to gain a chance for the city, he forced himself to He held his breath and refused to let go." Miss Su placed a gentle kiss on his **** forehead.

Suisui's fingertips moved. It was when she felt her second brother's amulet break when she left the capital.

“He actually couldn’t hold it on for a long time, but he couldn’t worry about the people. He is a great hero...” Miss Su murmured in a low voice.

 Lie down in his ear and say: "But I wish you were not a hero."

She was shaking all over and choking uncontrollably.

She met Yan Lang while throwing hydrangeas, and she was already impressed by him and fell in love with him.

 But before anything could be done, he left in such a tragic way.

 How could she accept it?

 How can she accept it?

Fu Jiuxiao had already sent someone to send a letter back to Beijing as soon as possible. The Yan family was still waiting to host Yanlang's wedding later in the year, but now they were expecting bad news.

How should Yanjia accept it?

 The battle lasted three days.

Ms. Su didn't allow anyone else to touch Yan Lang, so she stood up alone, holding Yan Lang in her arms. The flesh and blood on Yan Lang's body were separated, and his bones were already fluttering, which made everyone even more sad.

The roads separated automatically, and everyone watched Miss Su carrying Yan Lang back to the city.

Suisui followed Miss Su, her eyes were in a trance, and she was already numb with heartache.

The fight continued until late at night, and Fu Jiuxiao's eyebrows were dyed bright red.

 The long sword in his hand was stained with blood, and the blood slipped from the tip of the sword, exuding a strong **** smell. When Suisui saw him, the tip of her nose suddenly felt hot and her eyes began to turn red.

Fu Jiuxiao threw away the sword and took off the blood-stained robe. The smell of blood was still on his body, and he didn't want Suisui to be stained with blood, but when he saw Suisui crying hard, he finally stepped forward.

"Don't cry. All the generals of the Three Kingdoms were beheaded. I will avenge you." Fu Jiuxiao did not dare to let Suisui take action.

Suisui is the reincarnation of the goddess. When Xiushan was attacked, she resisted and used human power, at least in compliance with God's will.

 But now, the country has changed and the four countries are at war. If she uses her divine power rashly, she will violate the laws of the divine world.

 “But my second brother is gone…”

  "They cut the second brother to pieces with a thousand knives, and even the soul of the second brother was scattered everywhere. He didn't even have a soul..." Suisui tried to summon the soul of the second brother.

 She just discovered...

 The soul of the second brother is everywhere in every corner of the battlefield.

 They separated his flesh and blood, his bones, and he could not even get his soul back.

Suisui just thought about how much pain he suffered before his death, waiting for reinforcements, and even only a white skeleton was left. He still held on to his breath and looked into the distance.

Sui Sui feels like a knife piercing his heart.

 “My second brother is gone, my second brother is gone.”

"I have been stupid since I was a child. I grew up on my second brother's back. He carried me wherever he went. My second brother went to the battlefield just to save my face. My second brother... why did he take away my second brother? ”

 In just three years, Yan Lang's name has gained extremely shocking power in all major battlefields.

 With him here, Vietnam will be safe.

Enemy countries will be frightened whenever they hear his name.

 Since his arrival, Dai Viet, which has been attacked all year round, has never lost an inch of land. He even regained the city that the previous emperor had lost.

 When he is on the border, the border will be stable and peaceful.

Suisui’s tears kept falling like a kite with its string broken.

Suisui hugged the sunset divine bow tightly. In order to seal the power of the divine bow, a circle of cloth was wrapped around the divine bow. At this moment, the cloth strip was stained with coagulated blood, and the blood stains were a little black. It was difficult to tell whether it belonged to the enemy or to him.

Suisui put the divine bow against her cheek, as if she could feel her second brother's body temperature.

 “I want to bring my second brother back...” Suisui has never had selfish motives since she became a god.

 But at this moment, she stubbornly wanted to bring her second brother back.

Fu Jiuxiao's heart skipped a beat and he tried to stop her, but Suisui's figure disappeared directly in front of him.

 “Suisui is back!” Fu Jiuxiao shouted, but Suisui had already disappeared from sight.

Fu Jiuxiao frowned tightly. At this moment, the battlefield was being cleaned outside the city, and mourning flags were hung everywhere in the city.

Yan Lang stopped in the lobby of the Yamen, and the people spontaneously prepared for General Yan's funeral.

“Your Majesty, something happened with Miss Su.”

Fu Jiuxiao frowned and hurried towards the Yamen.

Standing far outside the Yamen, I saw a touch of red standing outside the mourning hall.

“Miss Su wants to marry him and doesn’t want him to die alone.”

General Xie's face was injured, but he didn't care to deal with it at the moment. He only looked at that stubborn figure, feeling a little sad.

Ms. Su looked calm and held Yan Lang's memorial tablet in her arms. At this moment, she saw the dusty carriage of the Yan family.

There was a slight smile on her eyebrows.

 Gentle yet decisive.

 (End of this chapter)

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