My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 283: ominous premonition

Chapter 283 An ominous premonition

 In the imperial study room.

 Fu Jiuxiao stayed up all night and stayed up until dawn to write.

  The Chinese character Suisui was taught by him.

  60 to 70% similar.

 There is no sense of disobedience when writing homework.

Who would have thought that the emperor stayed up all night to review Sui Sui's homework instead of the memorial.

The two of them hurriedly hurriedly hurriedly and finally finished it on the morning of the eighth day of the lunar month, the day they entered school.

"Suisui, I won't help you next time." Fu Jiuxiao pinched her cheek, feeling a little headache.

“But I’ve written it all down. It’s clear that he only needs to read it once and I can write it down. Why do I have to copy it so many times?” Suisui muttered and wrinkled his face.

 Fu Jiuxiao: Oh, because Master is a normal person, but you are not.

“I will tell the Master when school starts and ask him to give you less copying homework.” Fu Jiuxiao squeezed her wrist. She marked memorials during the day and copied homework at night. Her wrist hurt.

 At the end of writing, he had let himself go like a dragon and a phoenix.

Suisui returned to the academy, went to the backyard first, and then handed in her homework.

 Ever since Suisui's identity was exposed, the dean has personally taught their class.

At this moment, when he saw Suisui coming in, he said seriously: "This semester, our Chinese Academy of Chinese Studies has added a new rule." The dean said slowly.

"From now on, it is forbidden to catch fish raised in the academy." After saying that, he glanced at Suisui.

Suisui wiped the black ashes from the burned fish on her cheeks and burped: "The student has written it down."

Ever since Suisui entered school, the fish in the pond have to be replenished every three days.

The dean flipped through the children's homework and sneered: "You are so brave that you actually hired someone to write for you."

“Okay, let’s find your writer here tomorrow. I want to talk about how to educate children.”

 The children immediately grimaced.

 “Especially Suisui, who are you looking for?”

The dean nodded emphatically.

"They were looking for someone, and they even found someone who could write well. What did you look for? Who did you look for? This person has a certain skill in calligraphy, but students must follow student rules. Which student have you seen write like this? "

Suisui stepped on her feet and glanced, okay, others have written neatly.

 Fu Jiuxiao writes like a dragon and a snake, and the dragon and the phoenix dance.

The character is like the person he is, and he is extremely arrogant at first glance.

 “There is no professionalism at all, and the writing is far behind.” The dean frowned.

“Type all these pages back. You will copy them once, and the person who copied them for you will also be punished.”

Suisui grimaced, brother Jiuxiao is a liar!

 The dean stood up and saw that the children all looked like they knew they were wrong, so he dropped the topic.

However, the handwriting copied for Suisui seemed a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

 Forget it, go back and write the memorial.

 I heard that turmoil has begun in the north again. I really hope that the world will be peaceful.

"By the way, the youngest children in the class are all seven years old. Starting tomorrow, we will teach in separate classes. The women will stay here, and the men will go to the outer courtyard to attend classes." After saying that, the dean left.

 Fu Wulin’s eyes dimmed, Suisui rejected him.

 He also strangled his wild goose to death.

Fu Wulin drooped his head, looking listless.

"Is your eldest brother getting engaged? It seems like there is an engagement party today?" asked the young princess Li Huanyan.

 Fu Wulin frowned: "Yeah."

"I remember that your elder brother has already made an order once?" Li Huanyan was a little confused.

 Fu Wulin sighed: "My eldest brother... made an appointment last time. But... but the girl was not lucky and had some accidents."

 He ​​looked around and saw that no one was paying attention around him, so he whispered: "As you know, my eldest brother has always had bad luck and low fortune."

 It was during those few years that Yan Jiaojiao's fortune changed. Fu Wulin was a little silent when he thought about this matter. His family was definitely related to Yan Jiaojiao.

 Before Yan Jiaojiao’s accident, the closest person she had was the Prince Jin’s Mansion.

 After the accident, the eldest brother had very bad luck.

“At the end of the year, I actually decided on a girl from Governor Li’s family.” Mr. Li is in charge of a piece of land, which is called the granary of Dayue and is an extremely rich place.

 My brother was born well and often traveled around Dai Viet. He accidentally saved Miss Li once.

At the end of the year, the two parties exchanged letters and got engaged.

Unexpectedly, on the second day, Miss Li ate almonds, her face became rash, her throat became red and swollen, and she suffocated to death.

At that time, neither party dared to speak out for fear of damaging their reputation.

 At the beginning of the year, I found another girl with a strong personality.

Today is the engagement banquet.

“Will the girl’s family come?” Li Huanyan asked.

 Fu Wulin shook his head: "I have to avoid suspicion, but I can take you to see it secretly." After speaking, he glanced at Suisui secretly.

Suisui caught his gaze and grinned at him: "Thank you, Brother Wulin. The two ducks you gave me are delicious."

 Fu Wulin wanted to correct the geese.

 But he sighed again and gave up.

“Suisui, can we go to see the Crown Prince’s engagement party together?” Li Huanyan and all the children were very interested.

Suisui is suspicious. Fu Wujiang is the original male lead. The female lead Yan Jiaojiao is dead. Can he still be engaged to someone else?

Seeing Suisui nodding, Fu Wulin's eyebrows brought a smile.

 He treated everyone to a meal at Suimanlou, and then took them back to Prince Jin's Mansion.

Suisui had never been to Prince Jin's Mansion before, but as soon as she entered the door, her eyelids trembled.

 The aura of emperors has always been possessed only by the royal family and the emperor.

 Ke Jin Prince’s Mansion actually has an extremely strong dragon vein aura.

 In the outer courtyard, they exchanged cups and cups, and now they have returned from proposing marriage.

 Fu Wujiang lowered his eyes and sat at the bottom. Sitting on the main seat were the woman's parents.

 “The prince is so talented, so I’m so lucky for you.” The middle-aged man looked very satisfied.

Fu Wujiang’s lips were tightly closed. He shouldn’t be like this. He couldn’t tell what kind of mood he was feeling, but in his imagination, it shouldn’t be like this.

 It’s like fate, I don’t know when it has changed.

Suisui lay down at the dog hole and frowned suddenly.

 No wonder the original male protagonist had extremely bad luck and needed to change his luck with Yan Jiaojiao.

The Prince of Jin actually used him as an intermediary to steal the dragon veins of the Dai Yue royal family, and used the dragon veins to nourish this place. If this goes on for a long time, the Jin Dynasty will surely produce an emperor.

 But without Yan Jiaojiao’s help, who would Fu Wujiang be?

Sure enough, before the engagement banquet was finished, the beams in the main courtyard of Prince Jin's Mansion suddenly collapsed, pinning the woman's parents directly under the beams.

 Fu Wujiang was repented of his marriage again.

The atmosphere in Prince Jin's palace was tense, but Suisui climbed out of the dog hole secretly. Humph, Fu Wujiang, you are going to die alone in this life.

The Prince of Jin stole the dragon's veins by stealing the sky and changing the sun. When Heaven discovered it, this vein was destined to be extinct.

Suisui has just returned home.

 Then an urgent report was heard from the outer courtyard.

"Report, the northernmost part of Dai Viet, the land abandoned by the gods, suddenly launched a fierce attack on Dai Viet. The offensive is strong and not afraid of life and death. General Yan has temporarily transferred orders to the land abandoned by the gods!"

Two urgent reports, one to the palace and one to the Yan family.

Hearing the news, Suisui's eyes suddenly swayed.

 Seems to be dizzy for a moment.

 I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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