Chapter 282 is so vicious

“Mom, I’m going to sleep with Sister Ayue.” Suisui stood in the middle of the lobby wearing cute pajamas and holding a small pillow.

Lin and everyone were stunned.

"Uh... Suisui, I'm afraid I can't do it today." Mrs. Lin laughed.

Today is the wedding night.

Hu Zi also followed his uncle Yan to Beijing. In just over a year, he learned to speak and his eyes were very lively.

  No longer as dull as usual.

"Why not? Suisui smells good, but her brother smells bad. Of course girls sleep with girls." Suisui raised her head and looked at Mrs. Lin.

The tips of Lin's ears are reddish, and she doesn't know how to explain it to Suisui.

"From now on, if you want to call Sister-in-law Ah Yue, it's time to change your tune. Newlyweds have to sleep in the new house for three days after they get married. This is a rule from ancient times." Mrs. Lin could only coax her like this.

 “Oh…” Suisui went back to the house disappointed.

 At night, I heard the suppressed sobbing coming from the next door, and the little guy puffed up his cheeks again.

He was standing outside the door of his eldest brother's room holding a quilt with a red double happiness sticker on it.

"Big brother, big brother... are you bullying Ah... bullying sister-in-law? Sister Ah Yue, are you okay?" Suisui's face tightened. If the elder brother bullies a girl, is she a helper or a helper?

 The little girl’s head was twisted into a knot.

There was a sudden clang in the house, as if someone fell out of bed.

Ah Yue's voice was a little hoarse, and she coughed lightly, unable to hide her smile and shyness: "No... you didn't bully me. Suisui, go to sleep." The voice was so loud that she probably covered her head with the quilt. inside.

"But, I heard you crying. If my eldest brother bullies you, tell me and I will break his legs. Why did he bully you?"

Suisui wanted to say something, but Mrs. Lin, who came in a hurry wearing clothes, picked her up by the neck and carried her away.

Suisui is the reincarnation of a goddess and her ears are more sensitive than ordinary people. Mrs. Lin can only take her to sleep in the outer courtyard.

 Early on the next morning, Ah Yue forced herself to get up early and serve tea to her parents.

Even if Yanchuan persuades her again and again, she must adhere to etiquette.

“The Yan family is kind to Ah Yue, and Ah Yue should cherish it instead of relying on this kindness to act recklessly.” Serving tea to the parents-in-law has been a tradition since ancient times.

"Dad...Mom." Ah Yue and Yan Chuan knelt in front of the hall, while Mrs. Lin and Yan Hansheng smiled and handed over a red envelope.

"great grandmother."

 “Uncle, aunt.”

 The two of them served tea one by one.

After paying tribute to the elders, they began to give gifts to the younger brothers and sisters. Ah Yue prepared a gift for each junior. Suisui thought about it and took out a gift in return.

“A small return gift is not a sign of respect.” She searched in the space for a long time and finally found a piece of dragon scale.

Not like the scales of the dragons in the divine world.

  Instead, it resembles the scales of Poseidon.

There is also a touch of Poseidon's power on it.

"Wear it with you to avoid water." Suisui thought for a while and glanced at her elder brother...

 Then she looked at her elder brother again.

Then she mysteriously pulled her sister-in-law and hid in a corner. She pulled Ah Yue, who looked shy, and glanced at Ah Yue's wide sleeves.

Then carrying everyone on his back, he put something into Ah Yue’s sleeve.

"Well, did my elder brother hit you yesterday? You still said good things to him, and there are still bruises on your neck." The little guy's face bulged with anger.

Ah Yue suddenly stretched out her hand to cover her neck, turned around and glared at Yan Chuan sadly.

"Actually...your eldest brother is quite gentle." Ah Yue pursed her lips, her face turned shockingly red.

Suisui looked dissatisfied: "Hey, now you are still saying good things for him."

“Next time he bullies you, use this to hit him.” Ah Yue’s eyes widened as she watched her hide the thing in her armhole.

 The wide cuffs are stuffed directly.

Ah Yue still had to hold on hard and stammered when speaking.     "No...not that. It's really not that..."

Suisui didn't listen to her explanation, glanced at her brother, hummed softly, and entered the palace.

 In the new year, all the civil and military officials prepared gifts for her.

Ah Yue stretched out her hand to pull her cuffs from time to time, looking a little weird.

Until he returned to the house, Yanchuan was still smiling and said: "Suisui has been closest to me since childhood. Did I secretly give you something good?"

“She gives it to you, take it away, and use it when it’s time to use it.”

"Don't hide it, why don't you show it to me? Can I help you use it?" Yan Chuan was a little curious, touched his nose, and looked at his little wife's weird face.

 “You want to use it? Or...forget it.”

 I don’t want to be a widow when I enter the house.

Yanchuan became even more curious when he saw her eyes rolling.

"Show me, good Ah Yue..." Yanchuan whispered in her ear, and the hoarse voice made Ah Yue tense up.

“Show it to me? Is it jewelry? Let me put the hairpin on for you?”

"Let me help you..." As I pulled gently, I heard a clang in my ears...

Yanchuan blinked his eyes, and the handsome champion was stunned for the first time.

 Slowly lower your head…

 Then he saw a mace as thick as a baby's arm, lying quietly on the ground.

The mace is surrounded by sharp iron teeth, which makes one's scalp numb just by looking at it.

"She said...if you refuse domestic violence, it starts with me." This mace cannot kill anyone, but it is endowed with divine power. Once the stick is struck, it will hurt along with the soul.

Yanchuan grimaced upon hearing this.

“She actually gave you this thing as a wedding gift?”

Yanchuan trembled as he thought about what would happen if this thing fell on him.

"Hang it by the bed." Ah Yue teased him with a half-smile, and Yanchuan tilted his head straight: "I don't think we can use it, not in our lifetime."

His sister really doesn’t help with marriage.

At this moment, Xiao Suisui went to the palace to receive gifts in high spirits.

“The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty gave me New Year’s gifts? That’s too polite. Suisui is so embarrassed.” Suisui sat on the floor of the royal study room, saying she was embarrassed, but she quickly opened the gift box in her hands.

"Actually, I have never blamed them. They are always afraid of me, and Suisui is not a scourge..."

“Tomorrow, I’ll ask my mother to invite them into the house...” There was a sudden pause in her tone.

The smile suddenly faded.

 The moment the gift box was opened, the book popped out from inside as soon as you stepped on it.

Suisui’s face was expressionless.

 Hands opened all the gift boxes quickly...

 Brand-new books filled half of the imperial study room.

 The atmosphere in the Imperial Study Room was solemn and terrifying. Fu Jiuxiao shrank his neck. At this moment, Suisui...

 The anger is worse than that of a ghost.

"How about inviting them all to my house and beating them to death." Suisui had a serious face. She was serious.

"It's too cruel, it's too cruel. They want my life!" Suisui scratched her head in anger. She had not finished the homework assigned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The little girl was in tears. It was only a few days before school started.

The awesome little goddess hasn’t done her homework yet!


 (End of this chapter)

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