Chapter 284 At stake

"Half a month has passed since General Yan issued the order, and now..." The man who reported the news paused, his whole body was in a state of embarrassment, and his lips were already cracked.

It can be seen that during this period of time, I almost didn't sleep until I got back.

"Now, General Yan is trapped in the Forsaken City and has lost contact." After the man finished speaking, he fell to the ground as if he was exhausted.

 Lin stood under the corridor, already sluggish. '

"Your second brother is trapped in the City Abandoned by the Gods?" Lin's face turned pale.

 The teapot in his hand clinked and fell to the ground.

"Mother..." Suisui suddenly stepped forward to support Mrs. Lin, and Mrs. Lin's whole body was pressed against her.

Ah Yue appeared in time, and the two of them helped Lin back into the house.

Lin's face turned horribly pale: "Trapped in the city? How long have you been?"

"Has the City Abandoned by God rebelled? Why has the outside world never heard of it? Lang'er, my Lang'er." Lin cried suddenly, her voice full of sorrow and fear.

Suisui's eyelids twitched so suddenly that she felt a slight chill in her heart.

 It was the second brother's amulet that was broken.

 She gave her second brother three amulets, but now one of them has been broken.

 “I’ll go to the palace first.” Suisui pursed her lips and looked very ugly.

Although she is a goddess, she cannot interfere with the course of human history, but at this moment she cannot rest assured at all.

Jingchen glanced at her and followed her into the palace.

"Sister-in-law Ah Yue, please take care of mother." Sui Suishang's childish voice came, and Mrs. Lin's voice was hoarse as she hugged Ah Yue and almost cried.

Suisui hurriedly entered the palace.

At this moment, the former court urgently summoned hundreds of civil and military officials into the palace. Countless officials all had sullen faces and looked extremely ugly.

Suisui stood outside the imperial study room and could hear the sounds in the palace.

 The news that came back was more detailed than the Yan family's few sentences, and they knew more.

"Logically speaking, a group of prisoners were to be escorted to the Forsaken City three months ago, but the **** has not returned yet." Because of the long distance, I always thought that I was wasting time, but now it seems that something unexpected happened.

The city abandoned by God also became a place of exile.

This is the place where all countries will exile felons. Those who have made serious mistakes will never be able to return to the capital.

 But many years have passed, and the descendants of sinners have developed there.

“According to the news, it is said that someone accidentally discovered that the city abandoned by the gods was surrounded by white fog, and it was impossible to contact the residents in the city. Then someone entered the white fog..."

"But who would have known that there are countless murderous intentions hidden in the white mist. Anyone who enters will be slaughtered without leaving a trace alive."

 “There is murderous intent hidden in the white mist. And a strange rune is formed on the ground.”

"The runes surround the entire city abandoned by the gods. If the runes are filled up, I'm afraid the city will need to be massacred."

"Outside the city, there is the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms stationed. They are the armies organized by the three kingdoms of Beidi, Nanman, and Mobei. They try to attack the city. Once they succeed in attacking the city, the city will be devastated and corpses will litter the fields."

"General Yan discovered traces of the enemy. General Yan led 30,000 people there, but after entering the white mist, they disappeared into the sea, and there was no more news."

“The residents outside the city abandoned by God have been slaughtered. Now, all the surviving people are hiding in the city, waiting for rescue.”

 There was dead silence in the imperial study room.

“Three-Nation Alliance? What do they want to do? Is it targeting me, Dai Viet?”

Fu Jiuxiao looked slightly ugly, "How many people are there in the City Abandoned by God now?"

 “Because it is at the junction of all countries, and each country has one data.” The city abandoned by God is at the junction of the four countries.

 The four kingdoms of Dayue, Mobei, Beidi and Nanman each occupy a part.

 Among them, Dai Viet has the largest share, and it is also the first line of defense between Dai Viet and the Three Kingdoms.

 In all these years, I have never taken a single step beyond the thunder pool.

“The city abandoned by God has been established for hundreds of years and has tens of thousands of sinners. In addition to the descendants of the sinners, there are also some caravans in the city, about 60,000 people.” It is a huge city. “In recent years, there have been very few criminals who have committed serious crimes, and almost all the people in the city are ordinary people.”

“How terrifying would it be for more than 60,000 people to be trapped in the city?”

"The white mist is filling the air? Is it to hide the huge runes on the ground? The Three Kingdoms Allied Forces are trying to massacre the city. Is there any evil method?" The ministers looked at each other with extremely ugly expressions.

 60,000 people, the life of the entire city.

 “Are they crazy?!”

Suisui's heart felt hot, and the second amulet was almost reaching its limit.

 What did the second brother experience when he arrived?

"Your Majesty, the abbot of Huguo Temple is willing to go to the city abandoned by the gods. If there is any evil spirit, the abbot is willing to do his best for the world."

General Xie stood in the corner with his eyes lowered. At this moment, he stepped forward and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the Xie family army to the city abandoned by the gods."

“Xie Jiajun is stationed five hundred miles away and can arrive within three days.”

General Xie's eyes were bright. His daughter had a good marriage and his twin sons were well-behaved and smart. He also wanted to spend his old age at home.

 But the court needs him.

 Fu Jiuxiao waved her hand: "Yes."

 The ministers filed out and were not surprised to see Xiao Suisui outside the door.

 Her second brother is now trapped in the city abandoned by the gods, and she does not know whether he is alive or dead, so she is naturally worried.

 “I’m going too.” Suisui pursed her lips tightly, and after the ministers left, Suisui immediately said seriously.

Fu Jiuxiao frowned: "Suisui, you are the reincarnation of the goddess. You should understand that you cannot participate in the historical process of the mortal world. Even the way of heaven cannot stop the destiny."

If gods could arbitrarily interfere in human affairs, the world would already be in chaos.

"Evil spirits are rampant. As a goddess, Suisui has an unshirkable responsibility." Suisui looked at him intently, with her own persistence in her eyes.

 Fu Jiuxiao was silent for a moment: "Suisui, you know better than me whether there is any evil spirit."

Suisui's breathing was stagnant.

  Yes, she has not noticed any evil aura so far.

 If there is no evil spirit, then it is a human matter.

 It's not her business.

"But...but there must be an evil spirit behind that rune. Filling the rune with the blood of 60,000 people must be an evil method that goes against heaven."

Fu Jiuxiao shook his head: "Suisui, even if there are evil spirits pushing it, but...the people participating in the war now are all the imperial court. If you take action, you have overstepped."

 This is the restriction imposed by the divine realm on all gods.

 Humans are the most vulnerable between gods and demons, but the two realms of gods and demons cannot interfere at will.

If you interfere wantonly and disrupt the order of the world, the more lives involved, the greater the backlash.

Suisui burst into tears.

"Do you believe me? I will personally go to the place of exile and bring your brother back? Trust me, okay?" Fu Jiuxiao saw how pitifully she was crying and gently wiped the tears on her face.

Suisui's heart was burning fiercely, and she looked up at Fu Jiuxiao with tears in her eyes.

"I want to go. Only when I see my brother can I feel relieved." Suisui only said this and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

Fu Jiuxiao sighed softly.

 Covered her eyes, blocking her sight.

 Apply gently.

 There is never any way to refuse her.

 (End of this chapter)

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