My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 281: My cabbage has just begun to grow

Chapter 281 My cabbage is beginning to grow

 The wedding day.

Ten miles of red makeup, the whole city is filled with festive red.

Lin's family provided eight-treasure porridge at the four gates of the city, southeast, northwest, and all the beggars could eat it for three days.

"The eldest son is getting married. It is a happy event. Everyone is happy and will surely live a good life in the coming year." Mrs. Lin is still a tough and tender woman.

Little Xingchen held a ladle bigger than her face and stepped on a stool to give people porridge.

 The beggars coming and going have a bad smell, but the little girl is smiling and doesn't mind them at all.

  He also specially gave the other party a ladle of thick porridge.

“If it hadn’t been for your sister Suisui back then, our family might have been among those begging.” Ms. Lin rubbed Xingchen’s head with emotion. Little did she know that the fate of the Yan family would be even worse than that of begging.

 The family was destroyed and people were killed, it was too tragic to see.

 On the first day of the first lunar month, Yanchuan got married.

Yan Chuan was dressed in red. The man had jade cheeks and a slender figure. There was a bit of gentleness between his brows, but he carried the majesty of a close minister of the emperor.

  On this day, I don’t know how many girls’ eyes were swollen from crying.

 When Yanchuan came back from picking up his bride, there was a charcoal brazier at the door.

Lin was worried about burning Ah Yue, so she specially used silver wire charcoal without smoke or open flame. The newlyweds stood hand in hand, and they seemed to be a surprisingly good match.

Suisui is also wearing a cheerful winter dress. The girl, who is seven years old but eight years old, has already begun to show off her appearance.

 The baby fat on her cheeks gradually faded away, giving her a hint of refinement.

 It seems as if God has exhausted all its power to create her beauty.

 She is the most perfect existence without speaking.

She stood aside to watch the ceremony, and Fu Wulin secretly looked at her, his little face secretly turning red.

 Fu Wulin is ten years old this year. He used to be a short and fat little boy.

In the past two years, the sliver has been drawn quickly, and it is already half a head taller than Sui Sui.

Suisui watched her eldest brother and sister-in-law get married with great interest, not noticing anyone peeking at her.

Fu Jiuxiao, who was sitting in the main seat, looked gloomy.

 His little cabbage is coveted!

Fu Jiuxiao is the emperor, and coming to Yanchuan's wedding banquet is already the greatest reward for the Yan family.

 Everyone mentioned the position of Yanjia again and again in their hearts.

 Hey, many people feel sour.

The two people sitting on the main seat are just a pair of farmers.

Who knew that life would be so good, with royal decrees and orders, sons and daughters striving for success, and even the emperor would take a high look at him.

 Even very polite to Mrs. Lin.

How can outsiders know the emperor's thoughts?

 “Worship the heaven and the earth…”

 “Two bows to the high hall…”

 “Husband and wife bow to each other…”

 The emperor only watched the ceremony from the side and did not disturb the newlyweds.

 “The ceremony is completed and sent to the bridal chamber.” All the young people immediately shouted and ran to the new house. Suisui saw that there was a good show and went straight in.

“I know where the dog hole is. Come with me. Come with me quickly.”

Unexpectedly, before he could get in, Fu Jiuxiao grabbed him by the collar.

Fu Jiuxiao’s face was covered with black lines.

"Is this something you can see?" Does she also want to participate in the wedding ceremony?

“Today, chefs from all over the world have gathered for the banquet outside. When the food gets cold...” Before Fu Jiuxiao could finish her words, Suisui decisively turned around and went to eat at the banquet.

 Fu Jiuxiao was placed in the inner room, accompanied by a group of old ministers.

Suisui is behind the curtain, sitting at the same table with the female family members.

 Women eat less, but Suisui has experience in eating banquets.

Suisui had not eaten for two days just to keep her stomach occupied for this meal.

  He nodded with satisfaction after eating.

The little girl stood under the corridor with a look of emotion on her face, looking at the red letters of joy in the room, she sighed: "I also want to get married." Fu Jiuxiao looked startled.

 As if he asked casually: " you feel anything?" Are you about to get enlightened?

She sighed deeply: "The wedding banquet was so delicious."

 “I want to get married a few more times to see which one is the most delicious.”

 Fu Jiuxiao……

As soon as Fu Jiuxiao raised his head, he saw Fu Wulin coming over with two pets.

When Fu Wulin saw the emperor, he immediately shrank his head and wanted to retreat, but when he saw Suisui's appearance, he resisted and forced himself forward.

 “Uncle Emperor.” Fu Wulin stepped forward and saluted honestly.

 Fu Wulin glanced at him and hummed softly.

"Uncle, won't you go back and drink? My father is drinking in front..." Fu Wulin wanted to send the emperor away.

The emperor looked at him coldly, and Fu Wulin immediately shrank: "My nephew has something to do with Suisui."

Fu Jiuxiao remained silent, and Fu Wulin did not dare to say anything more.

He only asked Suisui in a low voice: "Suisui, can you come with me? I have something to tell you." His ears were red, and he didn't know where to put his nervous hands and feet.

Fu Jiuxiao looked at him indifferently and led Suisui towards the corner.

"Suisui, I have a gift for you..." Fu Wulin seemed nervous and his voice was trembling.

 Since ancient times, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he would give a pair of wild geese as a token.

 Fu Wulin grabbed two wild geese from behind.

At this moment, the little boy's cheeks were red with embarrassment and he could hardly raise his head to look at Suisui.

"This is... I picked this pair back early in the morning. This pair of wild geese, one male and one female, is chubby. The wild geese..."

“It is the most affectionate animal. If something happens to one, the other will die.”

 “It means unyielding love.”

"I...I want to...give you." Fu Wulin stammered, unable to speak clearly.

At this moment, Fu Jiuxiao's face looked horrifying.

Suisui looked straight at the pair of geese and took them with both hands happily.

Fu Wulin was immediately ecstatic, his eyebrows raised high: "You, you, you... you collect the geese, I will go home..." I went home to find someone to propose marriage earlier, but the words had not yet been spoken.

Suisui asked: "They are well raised. These geese must be very tender, right?"

 Fu Wulin: "Ah? It should...should be tender, right?"


 I saw Suisui pinch the goose's neck lightly with two fingers, and there was a click.

 The wild goose suddenly drooped its head.

 I will never die in peace.

"Well, since they are affectionate animals, put them in a pot to fulfill their love." After saying that, with a click, he broke the neck of another goose.

“Thank you Ang, I have never eaten wild geese before. You are really my good friend. You even come to add food to me in the middle of the night.”

Fu Wulin looked confused: "Huh??"

 Fu Wulin was directly stunned by this saucy operation.

"By the way, what did you just say about going home?" Suisui looked at him seriously while holding two dead geese.

Fu Wulin held his breath in his heart and looked at her without blinking.

  Looking at…

 “Wow…” The half-grown boy cried loudly.

He was shaking all over, pointed his fingertips straight at Suisui, and strangled my wild goose. Is this a clear rejection?

 The boy ran out of the door crying.

The gloom on Fu Jiuxiao's face suddenly relaxed.

 He actually didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

What should be laughed at is that no one can dig out this little cabbage.

 What should be cried is that you can’t even think of digging it yourself.

 (End of this chapter)

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