Chapter 280 The Wedding

Since the engagement, the Yan family has been busy.

Now the Yan family is not short of money, but Lin still leaves most of it to Suisui.

“Our family became rich because of Sui Sui. There is no reason why we should get a share of the money. Now let’s take out a share of the family property.”

Suisui waved her hand: "I don't want money, as long as mom gives me a lot of meat every day." She grinned her toothless mouth, and then she suddenly covered her mouth, hey, the goddess lost her teeth, isn't that shameless? ?

Lin nodded her head, with a look of hatred on her face.

"You silly girl, this will be your confidence from now on. The girl's family has no dowry, is that true?" Ms. Lin glared at her.

Although Suisui never cared about money, Lin always kept it in mind.

 “What’s so shameful? Just don’t marry.” Suisui looked indifferent.

"You still want to be an old girl?" Lin laughed and scolded her.

"A woman who doesn't have money will be looked down upon by her husband's family." Mrs. Lin sighed, money is a woman's confidence.

Suisui clenched her fists: "Mom, brother Jiuxiao asked me to learn martial arts. I started learning martial arts when I was three years old. Trust me, I won't suffer any loss."

Lin gave her a faint look: "I'm not worried about you."

 I am worried about my future son-in-law.

Suisui trains martial arts for an hour every day.

I was born with divine power, and there was a fairy law, and now I have learned a good martial arts.

Ms. Lin: Thinking about it makes me tremble for my future son-in-law.

 Mr. Lin pulled Suisui to her side, and called her eldest son, her third son, and her husband over.

"I will write to the second brother about today's matter, and our whole family must agree on it." Mrs. Lin asked someone to bring in a pile of account books.

 “This is all the revenue from the hot pot restaurant.”

 “This is all the profit of the milk tea shop.”

 “That’s all the proceeds from the zoo.”

“This is all the income from the jade mine. The jade mine and jewelry shop are currently the most profitable.”

“Our family has also purchased some shops and land. There are also several manors.”

There was a smile on Mrs. Lin's eyebrows: "Your fiefdom is in Suiman City. In previous years, Suiman City was at the bottom of Dai Viet. Last year, our county ranked among the top ten in Dai Viet. Of course, all the money now belongs to Yours. That’s your fiefdom.”

“After a round of statistics this year, Suimancheng should be among the top three.”

"You don't know, even our village is now comparable to half of the county. Every village in the county is developing very well. There is a saying in the outside world that we would rather be a countryman in Suiman City than a city in Wangshan. People." Lin's eyebrows arched as he smiled. The Yan family was the local emperor in Suiman City.

Suisui narrowed her eyes after hearing this.

“The seeds you left behind are now planted in the whole county. We make a big profit every year from selling grain.”

“There is also a zoo food court to attract tourists.”

“Let’s use all the tax revenue in the past three years to build the city. Suisui only has one mouth and one belly, so she can’t spend that much money.” Suisui said seriously.

 Lin paused and said, "You will always have a pure heart." No one can compare to this.

 Just make a mark on the ledger.

“The jadeite mine was discovered by Suisui. Suisui accounts for 70%, and your three brothers each have 10%.” This is managed by the whole family.

“Hot pot restaurants, milk tea shops, etc., are also counted in the same way.”

“The zoo is unique to Suisui.” It was Suisui’s idea. It didn’t need to be taken care of. It was unique to Suisui.

When Suisui heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

"The whole family is not as big as Suisui's. Mom, if you are like this, do you treat Suisui as an outsider?" Suisui's eyes were red and she muttered.

“The Marquis of Cheng’en treats Suisui as an outsider, does my mother do the same? Besides, my parents do the most work for Suisui, so why don’t they?”

Ms. Lin hurriedly hugged her: "It's nothing."

Mrs. Lin hesitated for a moment, and seeing that Suisui was really sad, she hurriedly redistributed: "Suisui will get 50%, and our family will share the rest. No more, Suisui!" Mrs. Lin also had her own insistence.

 She valued Suisui very much, not her own child, but more than her own child. The two brothers looked helpless, but they both knew Suisui's temperament.

Suisui saw Lin’s concession and knew that she would not charge more, so she had no choice but to give up.

“The eldest child, second child, and third child all receive the same betrothal gift.”

"One hundred thousand taels of silver, three shops, three farms. One hundred acres of fertile land..." as well as jewelry and other small things.

Yanchuan's eyelids trembled. He knew that his family's business had become big in recent years, but he didn't expect that just one and a half percent would amount to such a huge sum.

 This is equivalent to nearly 200,000 taels.

 The national treasury is not as rich as one's own.

Yanming waved his hand: "I'm not interested in money, I only like to make money."

"Anyway, I will keep it there for you. You are not short of money. You will have to marry a wife in the future." Lin teased him, saying that Mingming was only ten years old and had no idea of ​​getting married in his mind.

 Speaking of which, many families can share joys and sorrows, but they cannot share wealth and honor.

 But Yan Jia was not affected at all.

 The feelings remain the same.

Suisui looked at her parents and brothers with bright eyes. Perhaps, God gave her the greatest preference in letting her leave Chengenhou Mansion.

How lucky I am to be raised in the Yan family.

“Your uncle and aunt, Huzi, are going to Beijing next month. They will definitely be there for Brother Chuan’s wedding.”

 “Can Huzi talk?” Suisui asked.

 Lin said with a smile on her face: "We've known each other for a while, and now your uncle and aunt are very motivated. Just to earn some family business for Hu Zi." The days are getting more and more promising.

 All this is because of Suisui.

At the end of the year, there was no heavy snowfall, which was rare this year, and only a thin layer of light snow fell.

 On the tenth day of the winter lunar month.

 The Yan family has hired someone.

The Yan family came to Beijing late, and their foundation was shallow. They were born with mud legs and were digging in the fields two years ago.

 But I can’t stand it, my children are all excellent.

  The eldest son is the champion of Xinke and is the favorite of the new emperor.

 The second son was a third-grade general of virtue, holding real power and winning the hearts of the people.

 The youngest son holds tens of thousands of silver coins in his hands and controls the wealth of Dai Viet.

 The little girl I picked up is the reincarnation of a goddess.

Although Xie Wanyue is the legitimate daughter of the Xie family, she has been missing for several years. Who knows what happened to the woman who disappeared. Naturally, he has a very bad reputation in Beijing.

 Many people advised her to enter the temple to pray for the Xie family and save face for the Xie family.

 But who knows…

 She married into the Yan family.

 The Yan family's parents-in-law are harmonious, they are both good people, and she is the mistress of the house. She has a lot of dignity, and I don't know how many girls are envious of her.

On the day of the appointment, countless gold and silver were carried into Xie's house, which made people stunned.

●Jade jewelry that could not be bought with money in the capital was carried basket by basket to Xie's house.

“What kind of good luck did Xie Wanyue have? She had been missing for several years and had a very bad reputation, yet she got such a good match.” It really made people’s eyes turn red.

no one knows.

 All because she became Suisui's maid.

 Handmaids of the gods are also favored by heaven.

 (End of this chapter)

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