Chapter 279 The mysterious power

Suisui lay on the soft bed.

 Fu Jiuxiao asked the palace servants to get the medicine, and just lifted the sleeve of Suisui's arm...

 The arm that was **** and **** just now is extremely smooth and has no traces at all.

Fu Jiuxiao pursed her lips slightly and her eyes trembled.

If it weren't for the mottled blood stains on the skirt, it would be as if he had never been injured.

Fu Jiuxiao put away the medicine calmly. Suisui turned around and asked, "Aren't you going to apply the medicine?"

Fu Jiuxiao hummed softly: "You are a goddess and have excellent self-healing ability. You don't need medicine."

Qiongqi's eyes flashed, even the gods had never seen such a fast healing speed.

Fu Jiuxiao's eyes were stern, Qiongqi could only lower his head and dare not say a word.

"Then do you forgive me?" Suisui lowered her head obediently, leaving only the top of her head for Fu Jiuxiao.

 Fu Jiuxiao rubbed her head: "Suisui, I have never blamed you."

Fu Jiuxiao squatted down. He knew that Suisui didn't understand.

 But he is willing to give Suisui time.

 Having waited for this for so many lives, this is not missing.

“Suisui, do you know? Brother Jiuxiao is willing to forgive you anything and will tolerate everything you do.”

"Good or bad, Brother Jiuxiao is willing to accept them."

   "Going to heaven or sea, brother Jiuxiao is willing to accompany you to adventure."

“As long as you look back, Brother Jiuxiao will be behind you.”

Suisui pursed her lips, but her face was hesitant to speak.

"Suisui, you can say whatever you want." Fu Jiuxiao felt that after so many lives, he had an extremely strong heart and an extremely strong ability to accept.

 There is nothing he cannot accept.

Suisui glanced at him secretly: "So, do you want to be my father?" Her eyes were extremely sincere.

"You said before that any man who is good to me has some intention for me. Brother Jiuxiao is so good to me, so do you want to be my father?"

“Suisui actually has no objection, but my mother might not be too happy about it.” Suisui waved her hand and acted as if I had no objection.

Fu Jiuxiao's face twitched and she turned her head expressionlessly.

 He wanted to whip himself to death.

 Can you blame others for blocking the road yourself?

 He silently reached out and slapped himself.

“Brother Jiuxiao, why did you hit yourself?” Suisui looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Fu Jiuxiao: "It's nothing, he's a **** and wants to be beaten."

Suisui yelled, and after having dinner, he went to the Queen Mother's chamber soon after.

The Queen Mother did not induce the birth this time. She only said that someone had given birth to two more children, that someone had a grandson, and that someone had gotten married.

After a long time, Youyou sighed: "This palace is still too quiet."

Fu Jiuxiao paused, turned around and asked the prince to arrange a three-day and three-night drama for the Queen Mother.

 After dinner, Fu Jiuxiao sent Suisui off to the palace.

When leaving the palace, Fu Jiuxiao said: "Suisui likes sweets, so I asked the imperial kitchen to send the prepared candied haws." The prince smiled and said: "These candied haws fruits are sent thousands of miles away, hundreds of miles away, specially. Choose one with plenty of sunshine and high sugar content. Girls Suisui will definitely like it.”

  The candied haws are all tied on a stick, which looks particularly good-looking.

Fu Jiuxiao thought to herself that this gift was extremely cheap, but it was still deeply felt.

Suisui really likes this candied haws. She has never eaten such delicious candied haws.

 She even had candied haws sticks placed beside her bed, and her dreams were filled with a sweet smell.

 Early on the second day…

“Ah!!” The maid holding the copper basin screamed suddenly, and the basin in her hand crashed to the ground.

Suisui opened her eyes in confusion and felt her cheeks were itchy, so she couldn't help but reach out and scratch it.

When Mrs. Lin arrived, she saw Suisui’s face was red and pimpled.

 Lin's eyelids jumped up.

The maid had a bitter look on her face: "It was sunny in summer, so the window in the girl's room was open. Who knew... the room was filled with candied haws, attracting countless mosquitoes and bees." She bit Suisui on the face.

Suisui looked up and saw that the candied haws she had been thinking about was covered with bees.

 Dang even got so angry that he wanted to fight the bees.

 Fortunately, Lin stopped him quickly.

Hurryly, someone threw the candied haws skewers out.


 He was also bitten all over his face.

Fu Jiuxiao, who thought she had given it to her heart, asked the prince just after leaving the morning court: "Is Suisui very happy to receive the gift? Did she say anything? Is she very grateful to me?"

The prince's heart trembled when he thought of the words from the secret guard.

Your Majesty, nothing is going well for you as a gift.

 It was as if God was deliberately tormenting him.

 The prince said with a bitter face: "Miss Suisui... said you were not good-hearted and had bad intentions... so someone threw the candied haws out."

 Fu Jiuxiao? ? ?

 At night.

 At the place of exile three thousand miles away from Dai Viet, a white mist suddenly filled the surrounding area.

 Surround the entire place of exile.

This place was the place where criminals were exiled thousands of years ago. Criminals from all countries were exiled here, and the residents are also descendants of criminals.

This is also known as the place abandoned by God.

 A place where even God has given up.

This place is in chaos. Everyone has no faith and no future. They live in a hazy state, like a living dead.

At this moment, there were screams and blood in the white mist.

 The ruthless power slaughters all living creatures wantonly.

 Everything happens quietly.

 No one knows.

 (End of this chapter)

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