My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 278: Suisui's sincerity can't be tolerated

Chapter 278 Suisui’s sincerity can’t be tolerated

Lin hurriedly took Suisui and left Yuelao Temple.

 Mrs. Xie did not expect such a result.

 Fortunately no one heard it at the time.

Lin's eyes were slightly red: "Does he mean that Suisui will never be able to find his destined person in this life?"

Just now I wish the old man could calculate as accurately as possible.

At this moment, I wished that the old man couldn’t calculate anything accurately.

Mrs. Xie got on the carriage and patted the confused Suisui: "How old is Suisui? She is actually less than seven years old this year, and her virtual age is only eight years old. We are just doing the math in passing. I am not allowed to say anything else. How can children of this age have anything to worry about?”

"Besides, Suisui is a goddess, so maybe no one is worthy of her? Do you think this is the case?" Mrs. Xie looked at Suisui with a smile, but her heart felt a little heavy.

 Girl Suisui, sometimes her mind does seem to be missing a string.

 Lin felt a little more relaxed.

Looking at Suisui who looked confused, Mrs. Lin sighed softly: "Mom can always find a good one for you."

 The little girl grinned like a fool.

  After the two houses merged into eight characters, the marriage was quickly settled.

 The reservation was made directly for half a year later, and the first month was very busy.

A Yue has been somewhat estranged from the Yan family since her engagement, and she must avoid suspicion before marriage.

The second brother, Yanlang, was still at the border and had not yet returned. The marriage was scheduled later, in the second year.

 There is a folk custom that no marriage can be held twice in the family within a year.

“I’m not worried about anything else, I’m just worried about your second brother. There have been frequent wars this year, and your second brother has been injured several times, and I don’t know when he will be able to return to Beijing.”

"Mom, I gave my second brother several amulets, don't worry. My second brother will be fine..." Suisui smiled. The little guy had lost some weight in the past six months, but he was still a short guy.

Suisui can’t actually calculate the fate of her family. She can be considered an outsider, but she can’t calculate the fate that involves her.

Suisui stayed at Yan's house for a few days and probably knew that she had angered Fu Jiuxiao, although she didn't understand why he was disappointed.

 But she still found a thorn stick, put it on her back, and went to Fu Jiuxiao to apologize.

 The little girl entered the palace. When the prince saw her, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Little ancestor, if you don’t come for a few days, I will suffer from His Majesty’s cold face for several days. The courtiers have not dared to say anything these days, for fear of bumping into His Majesty’s presence…”

 The prince hurriedly coaxed her into the door.

Suisui was still a little awkward, and the prince did not dare to provoke these two people, so he immediately retreated.

Suisui paused in front of the door and stepped across the threshold.

 Suddenly...the chubby body was stopped.

"Hey..." Suisui twisted. The thorns on her back were too long and lay across her body, blocking the door.

The little girl frowned. She specially chose a bundle of strong and large thorns.

  Someone who came specifically to apologize.

 She is very sincere.

The more she pushed forward, the tighter the bundle of thorns became. She was a little impatient and jumped up again...

Who knows…

 It got stuck in the middle and couldn't fall down.

Suisui kicked her feet in confusion, her whole body hanging in the air. I glanced behind my head and saw no one...

 The prince and his father-in-law had already left with all the palace people.

Suisui gritted her teeth and shook hard, causing the door to creak.

Fu Jiuxiao sat in the hall, deliberately suppressing his temper, and waited for a long time with a cold face, waiting for her to come in.

As a result, the moment of burning the incense passed, Fu Jiuxiao's face became stiff, and she hadn't even entered the door yet.

At this moment, I still heard a voice whispering in my ears: "Is there anyone there?"

"Is there anyone, please help me..." The little guy was obviously feeling guilty.

Fu Jiuxiao couldn't help but stroked his forehead, stood up with a deliberately cold face, walked down the steps, and walked towards the door.    Just passed the corner.

I saw the fat baby stuck in the middle of the door by a bundle of thorns.

 The whole person is hanging in mid-air.

There was already a trace of cold sweat on his face. At this moment, he raised his head and looked at him innocently: "I...I am here to apologize. Do you believe it?"

 Her face was full of sincerity.

Of course, it may be more sincere if it is not hung on the door.

 Fu Jiuxiao…

That cold face almost stopped, and the whole person was a little...distorted.

Suisui looked at him guiltily. She opened her left and right hands, holding the door on the left with one hand and the door on the right with the other.

Fu Jiuxiao took a deep breath, her face full of helplessness.

He couldn't help but step forward and take off the thorns from her back. The little guy was indeed sincere.

The thorns were covered with fine and dense thorns. She also specially selected the thorns with the most thorns and carried them in a bundle on her back.

My summer clothes are thin, and the thorns of the thorns have already pierced my back.

Moreover, because the whole person was stuck on the door and kept struggling, many wooden thorns were deeply pierced into the flesh.

Fu Jiuxiao's eyes darkened and her heart ached.

"You fool, you don't need a thorn stick to apologize!" Fu Jiuxiao's breathing became faster and he hurriedly took off the thorn stick.

 A drop of blood fell from his back.

The moment it fell, the drops of blood turned into extremely powerful spiritual energy.

 In an instant, countless birds flew in the sky.

That majestic spiritual energy almost took root on the ground, and countless flowers and green leaves broke out of the ground.

Even Qiongqi couldn't help but quietly revealed his figure.

 Taking a deep breath, it’s so full of vitality.

 It is even richer than the spiritual energy in the ninth heaven of the God Realm.

Fu Jiuxiao's face hardened, and he stretched out his hand to seal the place.

"The thorns have been removed, why are you still holding on to the doors on both sides?" Fu Jiuxiao was angry and angry when he saw her holding on to the left and right doors with both hands.

Suisui’s nose was covered with sweat, and she smiled guiltily: “I let go of my hand, don’t blame me…”

“Brother Jiuxiao, when did you ever blame you?” Fu Jiuxiao said with a hint of resentment in his tone.

"Then you have to believe me, I really admit my mistake sincerely." Suisui looked serious.

Fu Jiuxiao glanced at her and sighed in his heart.

"I believe it, I believe it." Fu Jiuxiao coaxed her to let go.

As soon as I let go, I heard a clicking sound.

 Then he saw Suisui dragging him and running wildly, just as he left the door...

 A bang...

 The heavy door of the royal study collapsed.

  It stirred up dust on the ground.

Suisui glanced at Fu Jiuxiao awkwardly. She was so strong that she just knocked down the door.

I can only hold a door with two hands each.

"You have to believe in my sincerity. I really... came to apologize, and I am very sincere." Suisui scratched his head.

 Fu Jiuxiao glanced at the door...

  It is indeed full of sincerity.

 The doors were burst.

 (End of this chapter)

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