Chapter 277 Incomplete love

 Little Xingchen’s eyes were a little dazed.

 She felt that she shouldn't look at him, but she couldn't control her behavior.

 Just like in the dark, she must follow him.

The little girl who was just over two years old didn't understand anything. Her eyes were a little frightened, and she nervously pulled on her sister's clothes.

Suisui saw Fu Wujiang's indifferent eyebrows and saw the invisible red line directly connecting the stars.

His brows were pressed hard.

Seeing Fu Wujiang and his group walking closer and closer, Little Xingchen's expression suddenly changed...

 A sound of "Wow...".

 She actually vomited.

 When she saw Fu Wujiang, she vomited.

 In the original book, when she was a child, she first saw Fu Wujiang and was fascinated by him. Later, she even died on the road to being obsessed with Fu Wujiang.

 A perfect supporting female villain.

 But now, the first time she saw it, she immediately vomited.

Everyone was stunned. Just now, Xiao Xingchen looked at Fu Wujiang blankly, and the sarcasm on Princess Jin's face had not yet appeared. Little Xingchen suddenly vomited...

"Yes...I'm sorry, big brother. It's not because you are ugly, I...I just feel like vomiting after looking at you." Xiao Xingchen was a little embarrassed, and she glanced at Fu Wujiang again.

 Suddenly, another strong wave of nausea came to my heart.

 In an instant, he squatted down and vomited wildly.

Ms. Lin was startled and hurriedly picked up Yan Xingchen.

“Did you have a bad stomach? Or did you catch a cold?” No one thought deeply about Fu Wujiang.

Fu Wujiang had a cold face. Only he knew that the child was serious about vomiting.

 But he felt a sense of disobedience in his heart, shouldn't be like this.

 The fact itself shouldn’t be like this.

 This feeling was extremely strong when Yan Jiaojiao was knocked off the altar.

 At this moment, this strange emotion appeared again.

“It’s okay, Xingchen’s stomach doesn’t hurt, and he doesn’t feel uncomfortable.” Yan Xingchen didn’t feel any weird when he wasn’t facing Fu Wujiang.

 But when she raised her head and glanced at Fu Wujiang, she couldn't suppress the nausea.

 Lin’s face was full of embarrassment.

 She also noticed something was wrong.

"Can...please please stay away from the prince? Maybe the prince has made my daughter feel sick." Mrs. Lin was standing in the corner, and Fu Wujiang just blocked the road ahead.

At this moment, everyone's eyes came to him, and Fu Wujiang took a deep breath.

No one expected Lin to say such a thing.

Princess Jin was really furious, but she was embarrassed several times in front of Mrs. Lin. Remembering Prince Jin's repeated instructions, she only gave her a fierce look and walked up the steps to Yuelao Temple.

Mrs. Xie glanced at Mrs. Lin. She always thought that Mrs. Lin had a gentle temperament, but she didn't expect him to be angular.

And it is sharp and extremely piercing.

 She thinks this is good.

Lin sighed and saw that Xingchen had returned to normal, then he said slowly: "When I was pregnant with Xingchen, he spoke evil words to me and almost killed two people."

“Probably, this child had an enmity with him since he was in his mother’s womb. Unexpectedly, he felt sick and vomited when he saw him.”

Sure enough, Yan Xingchen felt no discomfort at all after leaving Fu Wujiang.

Fu Wulin was taken away by her mother again, and she looked at Suisui pitifully.

Suisui touched Little Xingchen’s head and said, “Well done.”

She was shocked just now. She thought that if the heroine Yan Jiaojiao died, the female partner would replace him as his official partner.

Ah Yue still takes care of Suisui, more properly than before.

 She likes Suisui not because of anything.

The group of people went to Yuelao Temple. This season is the peak season. There are countless young men and women in Yuelao Temple, all of whom were brought by their elders to seek marriage. Yue Lao is worshiped in the temple.

Yue Lao was dressed in red and holding a ball of red thread in his hand.

Every man or woman who enters the temple can go to the statue of Yue Lao to receive a red thread.

  means the marriage line.

Everyone lined up to lead the line, and there were many children among them. Mostly just for fun...

"Suisui, go and get one too. Once you get it, you can tie it around your wrist. In the future, good men will not run away..." Everyone laughed and joked, and Suisui and Xingchen also lined up.

The boys and girls turned red with embarrassment.

 Children just play with it in their hands.

Everyone successfully received a red thread from the Yuelao statue. When it was Suisui's turn, there was a slight hiccup.

The red threads are probably mixed together, and that one cannot be pulled out no matter what.

Soon a manager came to untie the thread: "It's strange, it's not knotted..."

 But Suisui pulled again, but still couldn't pull it out, so she tried harder...

 The whole mass of red lines fell to the ground.

Lin's eyes twitched, and she stepped forward to hold Suisui in hand: "Forget it, let's go and do the horoscopes for your two brothers first." She took Suisui and Xingchen and left.

As soon as they walked away with their front legs, the **** the back legs pulled lightly, and the red thread was easily pulled out.

 “It’s strange, it’s obviously not knotted.”

Everyone thought that the red thread was probably hung somewhere, so it couldn't be pulled out.

Suisui was thinking in her heart, could it be what Father Tiandao meant?

 After all, Daddy Tiandao has been pregnant for thousands of years, so he got a baby bump like her.

 There is an old man in red outside the gate of Yuelao Temple. He does horoscopes for everyone at the door every day.

 When it was Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Xie's turn, they both handed over the birth dates of the children.

The old man's eyebrows raised a bit of a smile: "The old man has never seen such a perfect match. It is truly a match made in heaven. The man should be dignified, make progress in adversity, and be a capable minister of the first rank." Everyone onlookers were all excited. It's surprise.

This old man is very accurate, and the horoscopes he assigns are almost never wrong.

As long as he disagrees, the couple will definitely divorce.

 But he never said it was a match made in heaven.

Has never mentioned anything other than marriage.

Someone recognized Mrs. Lin and knew that she was the mother of the new champion. This old man was really sure.

 Thinking about reaching the first rank again, everyone's hearts became hot.

"This girl's character is too resolute. Logically speaking, she will experience a devastating blow before she gets her hairpin." Mrs. Xie's face turned pale, and the old man was right.

"But if you successfully survive this disaster, you will be able to live a smooth life and have a smooth life. Her horoscope and this young man are a perfect match. There is no one who is more suitable in the whole world."

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Lin thanked her happily and added a lot of money for sesame oil.

The old man saw the two little girls behind Mrs. Lin and said with a smile: "Madam, I am destined. Why don't I do your fortune-telling for you again?"

Ms. Lin smiled and blushed.

"Look, I'm almost at the age of becoming a grandmother, so how can it be considered a marriage? If you want to calculate it, you might as well count it as my girl." Suisui is seven and a half years old this year, about to be eight years old. It's okay to calculate it and listen to it. .

Mr. Lin was in a happy mood, so she just took it as a joke.

 She wrote down her birth date and handed it to the old man.

The old man looked at Suisui and pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on Suisui, and he lowered his eyes and said: "We are born to be heartless, how can we have love."

 “The soul is incomplete, the thread of love is cut off. The roots of love have been cut off, and there is nothing left in the heart.”

 Seeing the little girl's confused face, she shook her head slightly.

 Lin’s face suddenly darkened.

  He directly took back the horoscope on the old man's desk, his expression gloomy and ugly.

 (End of this chapter)

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