Chapter 276 Heartless

 Fu Jiuxiao didn't know how he got back.

 All he knew was that when the girls saw him, their expressions suddenly changed.

Everyone was kneeling on the ground, their faces pale and trembling. Fu Jiuxiao didn't even look at them.

His eyes only fell on Suisui.

Suisui was still holding something in her hand and looking at him blankly.

Fu Jiuxiao felt a stabbing pain in her heart and staggered in her steps.

 She doesn’t understand.

 She still doesn’t understand anything.

"Your Majesty..." Miss Shen glanced at the emperor worriedly, but the emperor's eyes were gloomy and terrifying. She just glanced at him and lowered her head suddenly.

Fu Jiuxiao only led Suisui back to the palace. Suisui pursed her lips and glanced at Fu Jiuxiao.

 He raised his head and glanced at Fu Jiuxiao again.

 She seems to have done something wrong.

 Brother Jiuxiao seems to be very angry.

She wanted to grasp this emotion, she wanted to understand what the indescribable feeling of discomfort was, but her heart was empty and she couldn't understand even half of it.

"You give up. It's impossible for her to wake up." Qiongqi stood behind him.

 “She was...” Qiongqi suddenly shut up.

 Just the palms of my hands trembled slightly.

 During dinner, Fu Jiuxiao and Suisui sat opposite each other.

Suisui couldn't sit still. She grabbed the silver chopsticks and said carefully: "Is it because I... sold your things in exchange for food?"

 Fu Jiuxiao was silent for a moment: "Suisui, you know I don't care about this."

 “Is it because I didn’t share the spoils with you?”

 Fu Jiuxiao's breath was stagnant and he shook his head slightly.

"But...I feel that you seem to be feeling very uncomfortable. Your heart is heavy, like a pool of stagnant water, and you have fallen into despair. Why?" Suisui's face was a little uneasy. Did she do something wrong?

Fu Jiuxiao sighed softly.

He never blamed Suisui for taking his things out, he just...

 Sad that Suisui still doesn’t understand anything.

 The blankness in her eyes, the clarity in her eyes, and her unhesitating reliance on herself all showed that she had not enlightened at all.

 She didn't even understand that kind of emotion.

After Suisui finished her dinner, Fu Jiuxiao personally sent her out of the palace.

She stood on the carriage, turned back from a distance, and saw Fu Jiuxiao standing inside the palace wall, which was flickering in and out of light. Thinking of Fu Jiuxiao, she suddenly felt uncomfortable in her heart.

 But she couldn't catch the strangeness, and in the blink of an eye, her mind went blank.

 The cool breeze was blowing, and Suisui stood by the lotus pond.

The petals of the golden lotus are slightly opened, and a burst of lotus fragrance comes.

Suisui raised her eyes and saw her sister landing in front of her.

The little girl has been kept warm in the golden lotus for more than a year. Now her body shape has condensed into substance, and she is 60 to 70% similar to Sui Sui.

 The look between her brows was even more accidental than that of Suisui.

 “You’re not happy.” The younger sister stretched out her hand to smooth her frown. There was a lotus fragrance on her body.

"You feel very uncomfortable here." My sister pointed to her chest.

Suisui looked at her with tears in her eyes: "I don't understand why when he looked at me, I suddenly wanted to cry." But she couldn't feel the slightest emotion in her heart.

It was as if there were countless emotions in the other person's eyes, but she couldn't comprehend any of them.

 She seemed to be cut off.

 The sister said nothing, she just held her and let her fall asleep in her arms.

 Wait for her to fall asleep and secretly take her back to the house.

 The younger sister was sitting in front of the bed, with some doubts on her face. She put her hand between her eyebrows and her chest.

 A faint light came from Suisui.

" could it be? How could this happen?" The younger sister had a look of fear on her face and just walked out of the room.

Then a thunder was heard in the vast sky.

That thunder struck just in the lotus pond. My sister made a loud noise and spat out a mouthful of blood.

She raised her head and looked at the dark sky in shock.

 It seems like there is some kind of man-eating monster hiding in the clouds.

The solid soul shook suddenly, and the figure became erratic again. The younger sister turned her head and glanced at Suisui, and then returned to Jinlian.

That thunder from the sky did not wake Sui Sui up.

 But she was also uneasy in her sleep.

Countless fragments seemed to flash before her eyes, and she seemed to see herself growing up.

She seemed to be wearing a wedding dress, and the wedding dress was like fire. She seemed to be tilting her head and smiling at the person next to her. Her eyes and heart seemed to be smiling.

  Different from her usual silly self.

She held the other person's hand tightly, as if she was worshiping the heaven and earth with the other person.

 She smiled and started vomiting blood.

  kept saying: I have no regrets...

 I have no regrets.

 The blood in her mouth was almost gushing out.

Suisui suddenly opened her eyes, covered in cold sweat. The moment she woke up, she seemed to see herself lying in a pool of blood. There was a man with an elegant face lying beside him, his hands clenched tightly and he refused to let go.

Just as the maid came into the house to fetch water, she was waiting for her to wash up.

“Is mother going to the Moon Temple today?” Suisui put on her clothes. The eldest brother was getting engaged to Sister A Yue. According to the rules, he had to go to the Moon Temple to seek good luck.

“Yes, I heard that I want to beg for the second son together.”

Suisui smiled and narrowed her eyes. Now that her eldest brother's marriage has been arranged, the family is always full of joy.

Mrs. Lin was so happy that she doubled the money of the maids and slaves in the house.

"Young lady slept very well. The thunder last night woke up all the slaves." The maid said with a smile.

Suisui was stunned for a moment: "Did it thunder last night? I didn't hear it at all."

"The thunderbolt yesterday was terrifying. It hit our backyard and chopped up all the lotus plants in the backyard. Fortunately, it was over and the damage was not serious." The maid combing her hair was still frightened.

Suisui was startled and rushed out with disheveled hair before she even combed it.

It is summer now. The lotus pond was originally green, but now it is all rolled up and completely black.

 Only the golden lotus plant was left with a bit of green. The lotus flower looked healthy, at least it was still alive.

Suisui breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Why did I just chop you?” Suisui gritted her teeth and stared at the sky.

 The sky seemed to capture her majesty, with clouds drifting over to block her sight.

The younger sister sat on the lotus platform, her lips moved, remembering the intimidation last night, and did not dare to say anything more.

“Suisui, come out quickly, we are going out.” Lin and Mrs. Xie made an appointment to take Ah Yue to the temple together.

Now Yan Chuan is engaged and wants to avoid A Yue. The two haven't seen each other for a long time.

 Yan Xingchen is already two and a half years old, clinging to Sui Sui like a follower.

“Girl, you have never been so clingy to my mother.” Mrs. Lin was a little annoyed, but she was more pleased to see that the two sisters were in harmony.

Mrs. Xie just came out of the carriage and said with a smile: "Don't talk about your Xingchen, these two monkeys in my family are very close to each other when they see Suisui." Compared with father and mother, they are more intimate.

It's really strange.

Suisui grinned secretly, she was the one who saved Mrs. Xie's two monkeys from being born.

Not to mention the stars.

A Yue was detained at home during this period to embroider her wedding dress. When she saw Suisui, she blushed rarely.

 Outside Yuelao Temple.

 The carriage of Prince Jin's Mansion stopped at the foot of the mountain.

 Fu Wulin jumped down from the carriage and wanted to run towards Suisui.

Xingchen, however, looked at Fu Wujiang behind him with piercing eyes.

 The male protagonist of the original book is Fu Wujiang.

 (End of this chapter)

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