My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 227: A letter of renunciation

Chapter 227: A Letter of Severance

Countless treasures were moved out like water.

Li's eyelids trembled. She had been the head wife of the Marquis Mansion for many years and had never seen such wealth.

How did she know that Suisui's adoptive mother, Mrs. Lin, brought money from all over the place to Suisui, and she thought she was really a baby being raised in a golden nest.

 The belongings in the front have already left the door, and the belongings in the back are still in the courtyard.

 Like a long dragon.

At this time, all the people in the Chengenhou Mansion were standing under the corridor, looking at them in amazement.

The group of branches took a breath.

“I’ve never heard that a girl from the countryside is so rich?”

 “She leaked a little bit of it between her fingers, and we couldn’t finish it in a year.”

"Her adoptive mother's house is mining stones in the countryside, isn't it?" The young girl who spoke was the legitimate daughter of the second wife, with a bit of envy in her eyes at this moment.

She has only thirty-two months of silver for one month.

Standing next to her is a three or four-year-old boy, who is her younger brother.

At this moment, everyone was watching her go out.

"Sister Suisui, what do you do at home in the countryside?" The little guy didn't understand the conflicts between adults, so he asked everyone's confusion.

Seeing that the young master had a mouth full of crumbs, Ah Yue immediately bowed and replied: "The girl's family has a small income, but they only own a few continuous jadeite mines. And those jade mines are all in the girl's house." The lady and the master love the girl and keep all the money they make in the girl’s name.”

"I made some money in my house and had nowhere to spend it, so I bought a lot of shops. And our shop buying is not like other shops, so I just buy one. Our house is one street after another, and the whole street is our own Operation." Ah Yue pursed her lips. In just one year, the Yan family's wealth had reached an immeasurable level.

“My wife has said that no matter how poor she is, she can’t bear to have Suisui, and no matter how miserable she is, she can’t bear to suffer for her daughter. Gold and silver mountains are all given to Suisui.”

“The whole family’s belongings are all in the girl’s name. Now she has jade mines, dozens of streets, hundreds of acres of land, hot spring villas, etc…”

 Everyone's eyes widened.

 Shops in one street after another? ? ?

 Hundreds of acres of land?

 Have a mine at home?

Li's face was green and white: "You are really on guard against our Marquis's house. He is so scheming at such a young age."

Ah Yue chuckled: "Mrs. Li is so boring. On the first day she came to Beijing, she said she had brought some local specialties from her family and the rough stones she dug out. She told Madam early in the morning."

"A tree in the girl's courtyard is worth hundreds of thousands, every table is made of jade, the ground is paved with jade, and the lanterns are filled with night pearls. Mrs. Li, our girl has never concealed anything? If Mrs. Madam should know that she has entered the girl's yard once and cared about her once. "

"Mrs. Li has not visited her daughter in person for several months since she returned home. Madam, she said that a mother is kind and her son is filial." Ah Yue covered her mouth and chuckled.

 Mr. Li was so angry that she almost fell down.

"Go away, go away! Don't come back after you leave! Don't think that just because your adoptive mother's family is rich, you can dominate. They are just some nouveau riche! Merchants are the most despicable!" Ms. Li's body trembled slightly.

Ah Yue took a breath and looked at her in surprise.

“Madam, you really don’t care about your girl.”

"The girl's eldest brother is sixteen years old. He has passed the Jieyuan examination and will go to Beijing next year."

“The girl’s second brother is fourteen years old and is already a fourth-grade loyal military general. Compared with your husband, Lord Yan is one level higher.”

"The girl's third brother is only seven or eight years old. Now he has managed Miss Suisui's property very well and is on par with the imperial merchants. Next year, I am afraid that the world's richest businessman will have to change his family." A Yuemei Just saying one sentence will bring gasps of cold air from everyone in the Hou Mansion.

“The three young masters in the house all love Miss Suisui to their bones. They work very hard to keep her from being humble and asking for help.”

Li's body was shaking, and her eyes were dizzy. She pinched her palms tightly to hold on and not fall down.

 This is really a fake thing for her. "However, you did remind us. Mrs. Lin knows that you are going to abandon the girl again, and she feels very sad."

"After all, you have a biological mother. Back then, you abandoned the girl once, and now you have called her back and abandoned her twice. Mrs. Lin feels distressed. You may have violated the girl, and asked someone to send you a letter of divorce. Since you want to break up, let's break up. clean."

Ah Yue smiled and immediately took out a piece of renunciation letter.

Ms. Li's face turned slightly pale, and when she was about to speak, someone jumped over her and directly lifted the letter of renunciation.

 “Write!” The old lady propped herself up and looked at Yan Suisui with malicious eyes.

The future of the Hou Mansion depends on Yan Jiaojiao, and she can naturally tell what is more important.

At this moment, Ms. Li felt a little scared, and there was a trace of uneasiness in her bones.


"Think about Jiaojiao, how much anger did Jiaojiao suffer from her? Think about the Hou Mansion. Before she came to the Hou Mansion, the Hou Mansion was at its peak in recent years, and Brother Yan was promoted one after another. Look at it now! The status of the Hou Mansion is in jeopardy. If Jiaojiao is questioned, you should weigh it yourself," the old lady said sternly.

  Li immediately pursed her lips and stopped trying to stop him.

 “That’s what mother said.”

 Cut off books and sever all relations.

  Suisui doesn't matter from beginning to end, because he has no love, so he never cares.

 She had never expected it either.

Although she was abandoned since she was a child, her family gave her enough family affection.

 She is not a poor person who has nothing and is looking forward to some maternal love from her biological parents.

 She is rich.

 From spiritual to material aspects, the Yan family has never lacked her.

Suisui has long since learned to write her own name. Although the word Suisui is a bit difficult, she has learned it at least.

The old lady personally signed the letter of renunciation on behalf of her son, and Mrs. Li wrote her name with trembling hands.

Sui Sui’s signature and stamp.

She could clearly see that the connection between herself and the Marquis Chengen's Mansion was cut off by an invisible sharp blade amidst the vast power of heaven.

Suisui felt happy and happy, and the Hou Mansion would not be able to take advantage of her luck in the future!

"I just hope that from now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. We will never see each other!" Li murmured in a low voice.

The baby with a childish expression looked at her deeply: "I have one thing to tell Mrs. Li."

  Yeah, she never called her mother.

 In her past, she had already been accompanied by another woman who treated her like a treasure.

“On February 15th every year, I hope Mrs. Li can eat fast and recite the Buddha’s name. It’s best to recite the Purana Sutra twice more. It will be good for my wife.” Suisui glanced at her.

Li frowned and said, "Of course not. Every year on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Jiaojiao is born, and the prominent people in the city come to celebrate. Jiaojiao said that the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is for outsiders, and on the fifteenth day of the second lunar month she invites her relatives, friends and children Come together, it will be a happy day in the house."

 Every year on that day, you have to drink a few drinks.

Suisui was startled for a moment: "Celebrating on that day, you are... really big-hearted. I just hope you don't regret it."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

 Fools don’t know themselves.

 (End of this chapter)

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