My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 228: Milk baby sitting on dragon chair

Chapter 228 Milk Baby Sitting on the Dragon Throne

“She was kicked out?” Yan Yan held a cup of hot tea in his hand, and the rising smoke made it difficult to see his expression.

 “Have you cried bitterly? Have you regretted and begged for mercy?”

Yan Yan lowered his eyes and asked.

The attendant knelt on the ground, frowned slightly, opened his mouth, and after a while said slowly: "She just left the house..."

“The old lady of Shangshu Mansion waited outside the door with everyone in the mansion, and invited her to stay for a while.”

"There is also Mr. Shen, the minister of Dali Temple, who is also waiting outside the door."

“There is also a junior member of Lu Ge’s family who is outside the door. I would like to invite her to stay for a while.”

“The three parties argued endlessly, and finally... In the end, someone from the palace personally came to pick him up and took him into the palace.”

 There was silence in the hall for a long time, and no one spoke for a long time.

Master Yan pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes slightly.

 As soon as I squinted my eyes, I remembered Yan Suisui's round little face.

Innocent, intelligent and cunning, her eyes seem to see through everything, and she can vaguely see what she looked like when she was born.

at the same time.

  It is also slightly different from Jiaojiao.

 Actually, he knew that the child had been found half a year ago.

 Living in the house these past few months, he had countless opportunities to visit, but he never had one.

 The old lady glanced at him and asked the servant to retreat.

“Okay, that child and the Hou Mansion are not blessed. Child, you want a lot of things, but you can’t find anyone who can bring hope to the Hou Mansion.”

"Jiaojiao has been promoted to that position, and she is still your flesh and blood. Furthermore, Yan Suisui has already developed a bad temper outside the house. Letting her come back will be a bad thing." The old lady could not hide the disgust in her eyes.

 “I have written a letter of renunciation for you. In the future, it is impossible to return to the Marquis Mansion.” The old lady said lightly.

Yan Yan was startled: "Mother, she is my flesh and blood after all."

"You don't still hope to suppress her arrogance and let her come back in disgrace, do you? Don't even think about it. Even if you are willing, I will never let you do this! Besides, when she was at the house, the person in the pool was The koi fish were killed one by one, and the chickens and dogs in the house were lying on the ground moaning every day... She was a disaster. "

“She and Jiaojiao are not…”

“The two of them face each other day and night, and sooner or later someone will notice something strange.”

Mr. Yan took a deep breath: "Father, have you taken care of things? Don't let any signs be discovered."

The old lady hummed softly. The old man happened to be seriously ill when the twins were born.

At that time, the illness was severe, and he was afraid that the child would be aggravated by the illness. The old man lingered on the bed all day long, not knowing anything about the troubles in the house.

Now that I have found a little granddaughter for nothing, probably only the old Marquis is really happy.

“I’m afraid there will be trouble when father comes back.”

The old lady sneered: "Let's make trouble, how can he divorce me?"

"Jiaojiao, you're welcome to coax me. Tomorrow night is the New Year's Eve palace banquet. If you summon the gods on New Year's Day, there won't be any trouble." Yan Yan sighed and gave instructions carefully.

 The old lady nodded.

When Yan Yan returned to the dormitory, Mrs. Li was sitting by the bed, looking at a pair of baby clothes on the bed in a daze.

Yan Yan was startled.

"This is the quilt that Jiaojiao and Suisui used in those days, and the clothes they wore before they were born. Smell it, five years have passed, and it still smells like milk."

"You burned all Suisui's belongings, and I secretly kept one set."

Yan Yan said nothing.

"I thought she would suffer a lot after leaving the Hou Mansion. It turns out that she has lived such a good life..." From just a few words, one can understand that she was raised by the Manfu.

 No less than Jiaojiao.

 I don’t know why. She is obviously doing well, but she doesn’t feel good about herself. Probably, it’s because the child lacks everything, which makes her lack a sense of need.

"Why doesn't she understand me? I'm also a mother, why can't she be considerate and considerate of me? Jiaojiao is her sister born from the same mother. They should have the closest relationship in the world. How could it be like this? What about being hostile to the other party?”

"Why can't she let her sister Yirang? They are connected by the same blood, and they are not some evil breed from outside." Mrs. Li cried.

Yan Yan's eyelids twitched: "Shut up!"

"What kind of evil are you talking about? My bloodline is not evil even if I am a concubine!" Mr. Yan frowned.

"You are still thinking about the woman you keep outside, right? As long as I'm here, she can't even think of coming in! Yan Yan, I've helped you bring in all the aunts and concubines you want, but she is definitely not allowed!"

"You two are in love with each other. You are your childhood sweetheart. She has already been married once. Are you ashamed? Are you ashamed to come back as an illegitimate wife after the flowers have faded?"

"Shut up! Look at how you look now. You don't look like a matron. You look like a shrew!" Yan Yan looked angry.

"I look like a shrew? It's all because of you." Mrs. Li was so stimulated that she immediately yelled angrily.

"She chose to marry someone else back then. After her husband-in-law died, she came back to join you. I gave birth to a son and a daughter for you, but you still want to divorce?"

"Ha, if the imperial master hadn't declared that I was pregnant with the goddess, I would have almost given birth to the evil thing outside, right?" Mrs. Li's face was full of resentment.

 She had just found out that she was pregnant.

As a result, the woman who had been raised outside came to the door, stroking her belly and claiming that she was pregnant with Yan Yan's child.

It was originally a big deal, but it's a pity...

 The imperial master came to visit her, and she suddenly became the favorite of the Hou family.

This child, indeed, came to her to save her. The old lady, who originally had no intention of intervening, forced the outer room to abort the child.

"You blame me for giving birth to that evil thing, right? It's a pity..." Mrs. Li touched the hairpin on her temples.

"With me and Jiaojiao here, she can't come in. It will always be just an outer room, an outer room that cannot be promoted." Mrs. Li sneered.

  "The child I gave birth to is a goddess. Even if the aunt was born, she would still be an evil daughter, an illegitimate daughter who could not see the light of day."

Yan Yan suddenly lost all his anger and closed his eyes slightly.

 “It’s unreasonable.” After saying this, Yan Yan rushed out of the door.

Mr. Li smashed all the things on the table to the ground. Her husband was not at ease, and Yan Suisui was not at ease either. None of them were good things.

Having taken her back, she has already taken a lot of risks. Why can't she be considerate of herself and insist on competing with Jiaojiao?

 Mrs. Li calmed down her temper, went to the small kitchen to prepare a table of delicious food, and delivered it to Yan Jiaojiao herself.

This is the good daughter she has longed for.

 Early on the next morning, Yan Yan changed into official uniform and went to court.

 New Year's Eve is the last morning court meeting of the year, and there is also a New Year's Eve palace banquet in the evening.

Early in the morning, Mr. Yan went out early in the wind and snow.

“Sir Yan, I heard that you have severed ties with that child?”

“Sir Yan, do you really not want your daughter anymore?” All the lords asked in a low voice when they were in the Jinluan Hall.

Lord Yan smiled bitterly: "That child's heart is as high as the sky, and the Marquis's temple is too small to accommodate a big Buddha like her. I will probably never see her again in this life."

 Sir Yan is exactly the fifth rank, and he can stand at the end of the Jinluan Hall in the previous court.

 The **** sang loudly.

"The emperor has arrived..." Everyone knelt down in unison, and Master Yan also followed the crowd into the main hall.

 “Long live my emperor, long live the emperor.”

 “Pingshen.” The young emperor has an outstanding figure, with jade trees facing the wind. He raises his hand and Lord Yan stands up.

Slightly raised his eyes and looked into a pair of clear and bright eyes.

Master Yan was stunned.

On the dragon chair, which was too high to be reached and could not be looked directly at, sat the daughter he had kicked out yesterday!

 Hands Sui Sui!

 (End of this chapter)

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