My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 226: Cut off ties with the Hou Mansion

Chapter 226 Severing relations with the Hou Mansion

 There is someone above me.

Who has ever thought about it? Because of these words, the beams of Chengenhou Mansion were filled with people.

 The old lady was frightened and fainted by the large number of men in black who appeared in front of her.

Yan Yan was so angry that he was shaking all over, pointing at her and unable to say a word.

"Your life is cheap, but my life is very precious."

"You don't think that I dare to stay in the wolf's den and let you bully me, do you?" Suisui looked surprised.

 “I am already five years old, and I am not three years old.” Suisui spat.

 “I am young, but not stupid.”

He said, pointing to his head: "This is a head full of wisdom, not just a decoration."

" don't have a daughter like you, get out of here!" Yan Yan gritted his teeth. He had always been a prosperous Master Yan outside.

His mistreatment of his daughter today was seen by outsiders, how could he not complain?

 Jiaojiao is the backbone of the Chengen Hou Mansion and the backbone of the Hou Mansion. Nothing can happen to her.

 You can only give up Yan Sui Sui.

She is in the Marquis Mansion, and I don’t know how much trouble she will cause Jiaojiao.

"There are still three days to summon the gods. The Hou Mansion will never let you ruin Jiaojiao's good deeds and ruin the face of the Hou Mansion. From now on, my Yan family will not have a daughter like you!"

"Today, I will expel you from the Yan family." Yan Yan breathed heavily, not like a father at all.

That's right, what he is protecting at the moment is the interests of the Hou Mansion, which is the magic weapon for his promotion.

"I want to see what kind of trouble you can make without the Marquis Mansion." Yan Yan clenched his teeth, and there was no father-daughter love in his eyes.

"Dad..." Yan Jiaojiao gently pulled her father's sleeve.

Li Shi frowned.

"Jiaojiao, you are still soft-hearted and you still speak for her. You treat her as a sister, but does she treat you as a sister?" Mrs. Li sighed and wanted to hold Jiaojiao in her arms.

Jiaojiao, however, leaned on her father's arms and did not want to go.

"You, you have been close to your father since you were a child." Mrs. Li felt sour in her heart. This girl had been close to Yan Yan since she was a child, which made her feel a little uncomfortable as a mother.

“Daddy is your biological father…” Yan Jiaojiao muttered.

“Mother is also my mother.” Mrs. Li laughed and scolded her.

 The family of three was enjoying themselves happily, but Suisui’s eyes were full of interest.

"You go away. I will treat you as my daughter from now on. When you see me, you don't have to call me daddy. When I see you, I won't pay attention to you."

 “From now on, the Hou Mansion will sever ties with you!”

Yan Yan waved her sleeves and saw the group of men in black protecting her, as if she were a ferocious beast.

Moreover, before entering Beijing, she already had the status of princess.

  also met the emperor.

 She became Mr. Lu’s younger junior sister and her old father’s younger junior uncle.

 Start the game big at the beginning.

Yan Yan didn't even want to think that if he had lived for decades, it would be worse than her living in the countryside.

Yan Jiaojiao hid in Yan Yan's arms and raised the corners of her lips slightly without anyone noticing.

Your biological parents kicked you out of the house, what can you do to me?

Suisui narrowed her eyes: "Don't grin so wide, be careful of throwing dirt into your mouth."

 After saying that, he turned around and went out neatly.

As soon as I went out, I heard Yue’s voice behind me.

The two birds were still jumping on the shoulders: "Why is it so smelly? Why is it so smelly? Who is eating shit?"

Yan Jiaojiao's crying cry of collapse sounded again.

 Her father and mother beside her were coaxing her, Suisui lowered her eyes slightly...

 Enjoy your last warm moments.

Suisui took people to Qishenyuan.

“Take off the plaque and leave nothing to her.” Even though the Chengenhou Mansion is such a big mansion, it actually supports many people and the monthly expenses are huge.

Just as he was talking, Mrs. Li came. Mrs. Li's face was gloomy. When she saw Suisui, she suppressed her anger and said, "If you are willing to admit your mistake to Jiaojiao and submit to me, I will beg for you and let you stay."

Suisui lowered her eyes and ignored her at all.

  Li is angry.

"The old lady just gave me the order. Since you want to leave, you must leave with dignity. You can't take away even a shred of the Marquis's residence." After Mrs. Li finished speaking, she stood directly at the door.

He was actually trying to prevent Suisui from taking away the property of the Hou Mansion.

If Suisui is really a five-year-old child, I'm afraid my heart will be cold.

Mr. Li was followed by many servants, all watching the move in the courtyard.

Ms. Li thought that sooner or later she would have to suffer some hardships before she could come back and admit her mistake.

Let her go out and suffer some hardships!

 The little money she brought was probably not enough to buy a house!

 The mother and daughter were so indifferent that they were worse than strangers.

Ah Yue brought over a small oven and placed roasted sweet and glutinous chestnuts and sweet potatoes on it.

Suisui sat unceremoniously at the entrance of Qishen Temple, eating tea and feeling quite contented under the snowy scenery.

 There was never any embarrassment at all.

Ah Yue chuckled, her aura of nobility was natural, a magnanimity that the mud-legged Houfu could not cultivate.

 Even Mr. Li would feel suffocated and short of breath in front of her.

Li took a step back, unwilling to admit that she was inferior to her maids.

 Ah Yue took out a booklet.

“The ground of the Marquis’ Mansion was bare. The girl found it uncomfortable for her feet, so she changed the cobblestones on the ground into emeralds. Go and dig out the emerald road.”

There is a cobblestone path in Qishen Temple, which is now completely paved with jade.

“The girl disliked the dimness of the candles in the Marquis Mansion, so she changed the candles into night-light pearls.”

 “Go and dig out the night-glow pearls from the lantern.”

"The girl thought the bed in the Marquis' Mansion was too hard, so she specially made a bed out of golden sandalwood, which is worth a thousand taels. Go and carry it out."

“The girl felt that the tents in the Marquis Mansion were rustic, so she embroidered the mosquito nets with gold thread instead. Go and take down the mosquito nets.”

“The girl thought the decorations in the courtyard were tacky, so she specially replaced them with deep-sea corals and took them away.”

“The girl felt that the bodhi tree in the courtyard was not blooming, so she specially made a crystal clear emerald tree with emeralds and gems. If a few more people come, this thing is worth one hundred thousand taels of silver... It must not be damaged.”

A Yue held the booklet, read one sentence, and then lifted it out.

 Not long after, the servants of the Marquis Mansion were already surrounding Qishen Courtyard.

Even Mrs. Li was so shocked that her eyes widened.

 One hundred thousand taels to build a tree!

At this moment, the tree was carried out by everyone. Under the snow, it reflected a faint green color, like a small bud in early spring. Beautiful and full of hidden luxury.

Li took a breath, her cheeks hurting.


 An emerald the size of a pigeon egg costs three thousand taels of silver.

This prodigal son actually built a tree and it was covered with rubies.

More than 100,000, if it is auctioned, it will be no less than 150,000!

Even if you are one of the top wealthy families in the capital, you would not dare to be so extravagant.

 She didn’t even know when Yan Suisui brought these things in.

The original ornaments of the Hou Mansion were now thrown at the foot of the wall like scraps of metal.

Nobody cares.

Li took a breath. Because of her charming words, she now got a lot of benefits.

 But after so many years of savings, it only amounts to six shops and 40,000 taels of silver.

 And all her belongings cannot buy a tree in her yard.

Mr. Li’s eyes are red.

Her daughter living in the countryside seems to be better than everyone else in the capital...

 They are all rich!

He was kicked out of the house in embarrassment?


 She is an out-and-out rich woman.

She was afraid that the Marquis would take advantage of her, so she kept covering it up. Now...

 Let yourself go!

 (End of this chapter)

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