My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 225: Yoneda joint warning

Chapter 225 Yoneda Kyo’s Warning

 Yan Jiaojiao was suspected.

 She picked golden lotuses at the Huguo Temple, which caused the lotuses in the pond to be destroyed instantly, and everyone spread the news.

Once back in Beijing, Mr. Shen was cuckolded, and the twin sons were not his own. This incident even caused a stir.

“Back then, Xiao Fubao personally blessed Mrs. Shen!”

"What kind of blessing does she give? Does she give someone an adulterer if she can't conceive?"

“Then, will all the children born with her blessing have problems? Aren’t they all born to adulterers?”

This matter caused quite a stir, and the woman who had given her a child was crying and fussing at the gate of the Marquis of Chengen's Mansion, holding her child in her arms.

"The Marquis must give us an explanation for this matter. We just came here to ask for a child. Now the outside world suspects that we have an adulterer."

 “I can’t get this reputation anymore.”

 “Chengenhou Mansion, come out!”

“Yan Jiaojiao, come out!”

 Seven or eight women, holding their children, stood in the Marquis Chengen's Mansion and cried.

The women were crying and cursing.

  Not only them, there are also many servants watching secretly.

 After all, there are quite a few infertile men among these dignitaries.

It was only because of Yan Jiaojiao's blessing that she became pregnant with an heir.

  When Mrs. Li came back from Huguo Temple, everyone blocked the door.

“It’s ridiculous and shameless! They didn’t behave like this when they were pregnant with the child! Back then they even beat gongs and drums to deliver a plaque to the Marquis Mansion, and said they would be Jiaojiao’s followers for the rest of their lives! They would enshrine a golden body to Jiaojiao!”

With a pale face, Yan Jiaojiao asked her servants to carry the sedan to the Marquis' residence.

"Yan Jiaojiao, come out. Now my husband suspects that the child is not hers. Come out and explain!" There was a woman with her hair disheveled and holding a babbling child in her arms.

The servant stopped the woman, but the woman rushed towards Yan Jiaojiao's sedan like she was crazy.

 “My husband wants to divorce me, come out!” The women who had been given children by her were now being roasted on the fire.

 “Aren’t you a goddess? Come out.”

"Go away, what does Mrs. Shen's unruly behavior have to do with my son?" Mrs. Li immediately scolded her angrily.

"You got an advantage and behaved yourself. You are all destined to be destitute. It was Jiaojiao who gave you children!" Mrs. Li was so angry that her face turned red, blaming Yan Suisui for that dead girl.

As soon as she came back, she caused turmoil in the Marquis Mansion.

 It is indeed a disaster star.

“Yan Jiaojiao, you’re hurting us, you’re hurting us!” Women’s reputations are so important that they are now under suspicion. How can they live a good life?

Yan Jiaojiao was surrounded by servants. She had just gotten off the sedan and was about to enter the mansion.

The woman with disheveled hair had a hard look on her face, as the child in her arms was crying loudly.

Suisui saw her eyes falling on the child. The little guy's eyes narrowed, and he immediately covered his nose and jumped away quickly.

 The moment of jumping away.

"I'll fight with you!" The woman grabbed something yellow and orange and threw it at Yan Jiaojiao.

 Suddenly, a strange smell spread out.


"Eat shit! I'm not good-looking, and you won't be able to live well if I'm divorced!" The woman scolded angrily, and threw the child's filth directly onto Yan Jiaojiao.

 Yan Jiaojiao’s miserable screams could not be heard without stopping.

It was also accompanied by bouts of retching.

Yan Jiaojiao cried and screamed, suppressing the murderous look in her eyes.

 “Hurry up and arrest her!” Mrs. Li covered her nose and brought the collapsed Yan Jiaojiao, who was covered in filth, into the Marquis Mansion while feeling nauseated.

Yan Jiaojiao collapsed, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.

The old lady felt distressed and disgusted, so she hurriedly took her dirty hand and protected her into the house.

Suisui curled her lips, what does this mean?

 It’s just interest.

Suisui followed her arrogantly to go in. The women who were crazy about killing looked at her and asked, "Are you from the Hou Mansion too?"

Suisui said calmly: "If you don't let me include the genealogy, does it count?"

 That group of women let her in.

As soon as she entered the house, the grandmother in front of the old lady said: "The old lady asked you to kneel in the ancestral hall." The grandmother's eyes were sharp. “I am her junior uncle, why should she let me kneel down?”

"How long can the title of "Little Master Uncle" protect you? You haven't entered the family tree of the Marquis Mansion yet." Without entering the family tree, she would always be a wild child.

 “Who cares?” She saved the whole town in Xiushan, and the Xiushan County Chronicle gave her a separate page.

 Wangjiacun, she was the first composer in the village.

Are you curious about the genealogy of Chengenhou Mansion?

"You...just wait for the old lady to deal with you!"

Suisui is not afraid at all.

 At night, before the old Marquis came back, Suisui was called to the main courtyard.

 When she passed by, her father, whom she had never met, and Mrs. Li were already there.

 The room was filled with a sweet fragrance, and it was estimated that Yan Jiaojiao had applied a lot of powder.

 “Kneel down!” Before Suisui could enter the door, the man in official uniform shouted sharply.

 In his arms was Yan Jiaojiao, who was sobbing softly.

 “It was really a mistake to bring you back!”

  "It's okay to be born into a marquis's house and not seek the interests of the marquis's house. Instead, you expose the shortcomings of the marquis's house time and time again. Are you the kind of person who would do this to your own sister?"

“Jiaojiao knew you were coming back and looked forward to it day and night, but she didn’t expect you to be such a virtuous person!”

“Are you worthy of Hou Fu and Jiaojiao?”

“You have only been back for a few months, and you have already made the capital a mess. You are really spoiled!” The young man looked at Suisui dissatisfied.

Suisui understood that this was her biological father whom she could not figure out.

"Admit your mistake to Jiaojiao. Don't always be jealous of Jiaojiao in the future. Jiaojiao is a goddess. Being able to raise her is a blessing to the Hou family. Don't try to compare with Jiaojiao! Although you are the sister of the same mother, you It’s different from Jiaojiao!”

"What's the difference? Is it because you have no talent or virtue and rely on your daughter to get promoted?" Suisui grasped the key point and asked immediately.

  directly made the righteous and cheap father look livid with anger.

 He is most afraid of others saying that he relied on his daughter to get promoted!

 The more guilty you feel, the more afraid you are of others telling you.

“Besides, it’s not me who wiped **** on her face, so what does it have to do with me?”

"She still has to call me sister-in-law. Can she bear it if I kneel down to her?"

 The man gets angrier.

"Should you kneel or not? Today, your father is leaving Beijing. Don't think that anyone can protect you!"

 Everyone in the house looked at her with serious eyes.

"You think I want to come back? A blessed daughter will not enter an unlucky home. I don't want to go back to the Marquis Mansion yet."

At this moment, several strong nuns in the surrounding area were faintly approaching Suisui.

 “How dare you!” Ah Yue was shocked.

Old God Suisui pointed to the sky: "Let me tell you, there is someone above me."

Yan Yan frowned: "Are you referring to His Majesty? Even though he is the emperor, I can't control him. I will educate my daughter."

"Besides, we are the only ones in the house today. Who can see it?"

 “Someone, let her kneel down!”

Several ladies came forward immediately.

 A Yue is ready.

Suisui waved her hand: "Come down."

The words just fell.


I saw the empty main hall of the Hou Mansion, filled with people.

 A large group of men in black holding long knives.

 Yan Yan? ? ? ? ?

The beams of the Hou Mansion did not collapse?

Suisui looked innocent.

 “Literally, there’s someone above me.”

Jiajia left her the Emperor Shengyuan's order, which commanded Shengyuan's 100,000-strong army.

 (End of this chapter)

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