My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 220: A branch of red apricot

Chapter 220 A branch of red apricot

 “I’ll beat you to death, you whore!”

"My son, how could I ever be sorry for you? How dare you cheat on me, you bitch!" The old woman was dressed elegantly and luxuriously, but she didn't have any manners at this moment.

The old woman had a fierce expression on her face, and there was no trace of her being the mother of a fourth-grade official.

Mr. Shen stopped the old lady who was trying to come forward and said, "Mother, my son will take care of this matter. You can go back to the carriage first."

Mr. Shen spoke word by word.

Master Shen looked around and saw that many people had gathered here. Master Shen bowed his hands and bowed to everyone.

Although the middle-aged man has gained a bit of age, he still has a certain elegance and calmness. Even if he is cuckolded, he is the first to calm down.

"Shen has caused trouble to everyone today, and Shen apologizes to everyone." Just now, two carriages blocked the road, and even though they have moved to the side now, everyone is gathered here to watch the fun.

 “Everyone, please disperse, Shen thanked everyone.”

The Shen family attendants went to apologize one by one.

Suisui looked at it and jumped out of the carriage: "What a injustice... uh, Uncle Shen, let me help you."

Suisui shouted as she walked: "Let's leave, let's leave. Uncle Shen is a cuckold and has a thin skin, so let's leave."

Mr. Shen originally thought she was helpful, but now her feet slipped and she almost sat on the ground.

Mr. Shen: I really appreciate your whole family.


 The scary thing is not that he was cheated.

But the whole capital knew that he was green.

When Sui Sui persuaded everyone, Dali Temple Qing, Shen, was wearing a green hat by his wife, and had spread all over the capital.

Master Shen gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, Miss Suisui."

"It's nothing, you should be grateful for this." If it weren't for me, you, a pure and innocent bastard, would still be raising children for others.

Master Shen paused.

The Chengen Marquis Mansion was already looking at her with anger.

Mr. Shen took a deep breath and lifted up the pale lady who fell to the ground.

"You and I have known each other for twenty years...Since I met you, I have never looked at anyone else." Along the way, countless people have given him beautiful wives and beautiful families, and he has never wavered a bit.

The dignified woman's hair fell down between her temples, looking a little embarrassed.

There is a hint of bitterness on his face.

"You and I have been married for sixteen years, but we have been childless all these years. My mother always scolded me as a hen that doesn't lay eggs, occupying the manhole and not pooping. She also mocked me as the merchant's daughter for climbing up a big tree like yours. "The woman smiled bitterly, her face expressionless.

"I am the daughter of a merchant. It was you who saved me when I fell into the water that year. You had already been admitted as a scholar at that time and were a well-known child prodigy. My mother originally wanted to marry you a helpful wife in the future, but she has always been Dislike me."

“Every day after you go to court, my mother never speaks to me.”

 “How should I survive these more than ten years?”

"Your official position is getting higher and higher. I am always surrounded by ladies from various families. I am the only one who doesn't fit in."

“I have been married for sixteen years and have no children, and my mother hates me so much. I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it!”

She knew that her husband had recommended a beautiful girl sent by many people to her.

This also made the old lady hate her even more.

Hate her for blocking the Shen family's heirs. I hate her for being jealous.

 The woman closed her eyes gently, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

"I betrayed you." She never said who the man was.

"I just want a child..." At that time, the old lady urged her so hard that her mind went numb for a while, so she kept the child.

Just in time, Yan Jiaojiao gave her a blessing, and everything fell into place.

Mr. Shen's eyes were red, and his heart felt like a knife as he looked at the two babbling sons reaching out towards him.

He didn't spend much time at home, but he never stayed out for even half a minute during the next court visit. He always hurried back to accompany his wife.

 The whole capital knows that he loves his wife to the core.

"Why don't I blame you? When my son saved you, he didn't have the strength to climb ashore, and he was soaked in the water with only one breath left. Your parents didn't admit that Qinghe saved you at all. Why didn't I blame you?!"

“The family was poor at that time, and they didn’t even have money to pay for Qinghe’s medical treatment.”

"He will soon enter Beijing to take the examination. He is only fourteen years old, which is a great age. If he passes the examination, he will be the youngest candidate in the whole country, or even the top scholar!"

"Just because I saved you, my life was hanging by a thread. At that time, my husband passed away early, and I raised him up alone. There was no money for medical treatment, and your parents refused to admit that Qinghe saved you and refused to give any money. My son is going to die, who can Come help me! He lay at home for three days and three nights, and the funeral hall was decorated and the coffin was ready before he could breathe again."

"How can I not blame you? Later, he delayed for three years before re-entering Beijing to take part in the examination at the age of eighteen. When he met you, he delayed so much!"

"Your parents, who can't handle what they're doing, often come to your house to fight. Don't think that I don't know that you secretly give them money. They almost killed my son, but I didn't kill her alive. I showed restraint!" Mrs. Shen opened the door. The carriage curtain was scolding with a white face.

“In order to marry you, he threatened me not to go to Beijing to take the exam and knelt until I fainted! Until I agreed!”

"Over the years, he has always thought that you were infertile. He even begged me privately that he would only have you for the rest of his life. It doesn't matter if he doesn't have children! He will not have a wife or an aunt. He is tearing out my heart. Ah, are the Shen family going to die in my hands?" Mrs. Shen cried out.

"Why don't I blame you? I hate you! The great future of the Shen family was all ruined in your hands! If I hadn't saved you that year, he would have won the top prize in his teens and had a bright future. He wouldn't have been defeated by you. Being dragged down by my mother’s family!”

Mrs. Shen paused slightly.

 Hands of hands were gently clenched.

 After she was rescued, she wanted to thank her benefactor.

 But at that time, the Shen family was a poor scholar, and he was raised by a widowed mother who had died.

 Her parents were afraid of being blackmailed at home, so they locked her in the house and wouldn't let her go out.

 She later explained to her husband, who also forgave her family.

But I don’t know that my husband’s life was endangered several times and he almost died.

The dean on one side stroked his beard: "He has fallen into the water before? But in winter?"

Mrs. Shen wiped her tears: "Yes, it was winter, and it was snowing at that time. He was tired from writing, so he went out for a walk and saw her falling into the water. After he rescued her, her cotton clothes were soaked in water and she couldn't swim. He fished her out. When I woke up, my whole body was green and white, and I was almost out of breath. I suffered from cold at that time, and then my body hurt every winter. The disease started at a young age. "She still remembers the despair at that moment.

 Despair almost enveloped her.

The dean pondered for a moment and said: "His hidden injury was caused by the ice water at that time."

“I have been in the ice and snow for too long, and I have not received any treatment. I have to rely on myself to survive.” The dean sighed, it was really a pity.

Mrs. Shen's face suddenly froze and she looked at the dean blankly.

"Is it... to save me from the disease?" Mrs. Shen was swaying, almost unsteady.

The dean looked at her deeply and nodded.

 (End of this chapter)

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