My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 221: All gods and Buddhas welcome her

Chapter 221 Gods and Buddhas welcome her

Mrs. Shen left five slap marks on her daughter-in-law with one slap.

“What an injustice, what an injustice! It’s my Shen family that is unlucky!” After the old lady slapped her, she fainted in the snow.

 “Old Madam, Old Madam…” The maid’s expression changed drastically.

Fortunately, the dean took her pulse and said: "I feel so angry that I'm so angry. Just go home and rest. But... there can't be a next time. The next time I will have a stroke." The old lady has worked hard to raise her child, and now All destroyed.

Mr. Shen deeply thanked the old dean before asking someone to send the old lady back to the mansion.

Mrs. Shen was shaky, and she knelt on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of Mrs. Shen: "Mother, husband... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The woman cried silently.

 Perhaps, the two of them had a bad relationship from that time they fell into the water.

Master Shen took a deep breath: "Whose child is it?"

 The woman was silent.

Master Shen gave a wry smile: "I never thought that we would reach this point. Are you still protecting him today?"

 “That’s it, let’s make peace tomorrow.”

Shen Tang will not have any objection if she makes a serious mistake. If she does not, a letter of divorce is indispensable.

"I have made mistakes over the years. I walked too fast and tried to change the future of the Shen family. It was also my fault that I didn't pay attention to your steps." Peace and divorce are already the best arrangement.

Mr. Shen turned around.

 The body staggered.

"Mr. sir..." the woman shouted sadly.

 The voice was full of regret and guilt.

 The root cause of his illness is due to saving himself!

Ever since she had a different heart three years ago, she has enjoyed the joy and the meticulous care, but she has also been oppressed by guilt in her heart.

Whenever my husband came back from the court, he would even go around half the city to buy her favorite snacks.

There was a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and his official uniform was soaked through. He had never slacked off for a day in sixteen years.

 "I was wrong..." Mrs. Shen whispered.

"Take the child away." Mr. Shen looked away, unable to bear to look at the twins next to him.

That was the child he devoted all his efforts to.

Seeing this change, the old lady Yan stood aside silently.

"Blessing? It's really a good gift." Mr. Shen chuckled mockingly, shook his sleeves fiercely, turned around and left.

"Little girl, Uncle Shen owes you this." Mr. Shen looked coldly at the Marquis of Cheng'en, and only gave Suisui a big gift.

If it weren't for Suisui, I'm afraid he would still be a big grievance and raise a son for someone else.

 When everyone left, the old lady lowered her face severely.

 He has a sinister and terrifying face.

"Do you have any intention at all? You exposed this matter in public, what should your sister do? Have you ever thought about Jiaojiao?" Ms. Li was the first to attack her.

“She gives people blessings and makes them cuckold, but she’s not allowed to tell her?” Suisui looked at her in shock.

"Mr. Shen has never had any children in his life, so what's wrong with having two lovely twins now? What's the difference between the twins he's raised by his side since childhood and his own children?" Ms. Li lowered her voice. She didn't care whether the other party was Master Shen's child. But this matter had a great impact on Jiaojiao.

She gave people a son and a cuckold.

 All children who have been blessed by her will be suspected.

 Has a great influence on Jiaojiao.

Suisui was shocked for the first time by the shamelessness of the Marquis Chengen Mansion.

 “City people are thicker-skinned than country people.” Suisui looked scared.

Then he looked at her seriously: "Do you really think so? The affection that surrounds you is more important than blood?"

"It's good that you think so. I hope you don't regret it..." Suisui looked at her deeply.

"You..." Mrs. Li was confused by what she said and immediately frowned.

The old lady gave Suisui a hard look: "Let's go! Don't waste the time to burn incense!"

“I just hope that all the Yan family members will remember that Jiaojiao is the hope for the prosperity of the Hou Mansion. If anyone does bad things, they will be expelled from the Chengen Hou Mansion!”

Suisui's expression remained unchanged as she climbed onto the carriage majestically.

Chasing or not chasing me, my eldest brother will try to move his family to Beijing next year, and no one will want to live in your house.

 The carriage drove away for more than half an hour.

 When we stopped again, Suisui had already woken up from her sleep.

At the end of the year, many noble people went to Huguo Temple to offer incense. Many people had already greeted the old lady along the way. Along the way, Suisui was always looked at with vague eyes, and she was not angry.

"Is this the child?" The lady who spoke looked at Suisui wantonly.

 “The fruit is really good.”

"He is unruly and stubborn. He has developed a bad temper in the countryside. He has to bring it back." Mr. Li said with a smile.

 After coming back for a few months, she never called her mother.

 It is probably a lie that Mr. Li is not worried.

"You will always be taught. How well-educated is your Jiaojiao? Your happiness in this life depends on Jiaojiao. Has Jiaojiao come to Huguo Temple?" the lady opposite said with a smile.

Her father-in-law did not gather wealth, but after being blessed by Yan Suisui, the money in her hand has tripled.

 The smile on Li's face was a bit sincere.

“Here we are, I have been invited by the Imperial Master to rest in the Zen room.”

Suisui glanced at her and said, "The word greed is like a knife in the head. Money that doesn't belong to you will always be recovered from other places." You can't make money that you shouldn't earn.

The lady frowned slightly and glanced at Suisui displeasedly.

"The Imperial Master really values ​​her, so he must ask her to raise that lotus again, right?" She ignored Suisui.

Li Shi smiled and nodded.

There is a patch of lotus in the backyard of Huguo Temple. It is said that it was planted by the golden lotus seeds under the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, but it has never bloomed because of the lack of spiritual energy in the mortal world.

Sure enough, as soon as Cheng'enhou Mansion arrived at the gate of Huguo Temple, a novice monk came to greet him in person.

 Only the Marquis Mansion has such treatment.

 The old lady and Mrs. Li walked proudly in front.

 Only Jiaojiao can give them such treatment.

Suisui looked at the wind chimes under the eaves of Huguo Temple and smiled softly.

 “There are actually bells to welcome gods in mortal temples?” Suisui was extremely curious.

 Sure enough, as soon as she approached the gate of Huguo Temple.


The bell that had never rang before suddenly jingled at this moment.

 The bells in the entire temple were ringing automatically without wind, shaking crazily.

 At this moment, the old abbot who was meditating in the monastery suddenly opened his eyes.

 The prayer beads in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

 “The bell rings to welcome the gods, and the gods come to earth...” the abbot murmured.

 Immediately he stood up from the futon like crazy, stumbled open the door, and rushed out.

 “God comes to the mortal world…God comes to the mortal world.”

“Wow…it blooms in winter. Look, it blooms in winter…”

Everyone looked at it in surprise and saw that all the flowers and plants in the Huguo Temple were blooming and colorful, as if they were welcoming something.

The usually calm little novice monk rushed out: "The golden lotus has bloomed, Abbot, the golden lotus has bloomed!"

“The golden lotus will bear lotus seeds soon…”

The abbot looked surprised, put his hands together and made a Buddhist salute to the sky.

“I wonder, which **** descended to earth and made such a big move?” The gods and Buddhas in the Huguo Temple were all welcoming the arrival of that god.

 The entire Huguo Temple is welcoming their god.

Suisui stood at the door and pinched a flower.

 She could even feel the joy of the flower.

 “You are still sensible...”

 These old friends are still friendly.

She never needs to be welcomed by mortals.

Those who greeted her were all gods and Buddhas in the sky.

PS: Please help me to make a sound, vote, and give it a five-point rating, okay? Three updates tomorrow…

 (End of this chapter)

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