My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 219: So green that you panic

Chapter 219 It’s so green that you’ll panic

 “You bastard!”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” the old lady yelled angrily, waking up the stunned people.

Mrs. Li also said with a displeased face: "He was meant to be cut off, but your sister personally blessed him, and now he has an heir, so don't talk nonsense!"

Master Shen's brows flashed with a hint of displeasure: "Who is this?"

Ms. Li frowned, got out of the car and apologized to Mrs. Shen.

"This is Jiaojiao's incompetent sister. She was raised in the countryside, and she spoke freely, and she said nothing big or small. She was the one who moved Jiaojiao out in anger before." Mrs. Li sighed.

 “Don’t be offended, Mr. Shen.”

Suisui curled her lips disdainfully: "You're really interesting. His face still looks like he's been cut off. Where did he get the heir?"

Mrs. Shen pinched the handkerchief in her hand and said with a smile: "You can't throw dirty water on Jiaojiao's blessing just because you are jealous of little Fu Bao or your sister." In one sentence, Suisui's behavior was defined. For jealousy.

Suisui didn't want to do anything at first, but she immediately sat up straight.

“Look at Mrs. Shen, there are so many of them, and she doesn’t care about you. Why don’t you come down and apologize to Mrs. Shen?”

  Li was very unhappy.

"Whether it's a dirty trick or not, this gentleman will know after checking his body. The child's palace is collapsed, and the body is generally defective."

 Since ancient times, infertility tests for both men and women have been carried out on women.

 Very rarely checks on men.

"Nonsense. Suisui, did you hear what mother said? Come down and admit your mistake!" Ms. Li's face was stern, and her eyes were full of displeasure.

"Master Shen and Mrs. Shen are a young couple, and they don't even have a concubine in the house. By saying this, aren't you trying to drive a wedge between the two of them? Mother has never thought that you, Suisui, are such a vicious child." Vicious Er All the words came out of Li's mouth.

 As long as Yan Jiaojiao is around, she will never be able to see Suisui.

Mr. Shen and his wife looked livid.

Mrs. Shen even held Juanzi in tears and said nothing, which made Mr. Shen extremely distressed.

"Don't cry, I have never doubted you. You and I have been holding hands for twenty years, and there is no way for a little girl to talk nonsense." Master Shen was full of heartache.

 He and his wife met when they were twelve years old.

That year, his wife was young and accidentally fell into the water. He rescued her in the dead of winter.

Subsequently, the two fell in love with each other, and everything came together naturally.

The two parties blocked the official road. Some people behind them were gradually dissatisfied and had sent servants to ask questions.

Suisui still didn’t admit her mistake.

"He has the appearance of being childless. He has a prosperous official career, and his children should be rich and powerful. But those two children are obviously ordinary and have no official wealth." Suisui did not change his tune at all.

 The old lady was so angry that she cursed.

 The two parties gradually lost control.

At this moment.

“Is that carriage the carriage from the Taiyuan Hospital?” Ah Yue pointed to a green carriage stopping not far away.

Mrs. Shen's eyes panicked, and she pinched her sleeves gently: "Mr. Sir, let's go back." Mrs. Shen had tears in her eyes, and she was already half-leaning on Mr. Shen.

But Ah Yue acted quickly and hurried forward to tell the matter and asked the Taiyuan Hospital to get out of the carriage.

The dean is already sixty this year and is a energetic little old man.

 The medicine boy behind him is carrying a medicine box.

 The tears in Mrs. Shen's eyes almost fell, almost pleading.

At this moment, Master Shen, for some reason, felt a little uneasy when he saw Madam's panic.

He and his wife have been together for nearly twenty years. This is the first time he has seen his wife like this.

 He is clean and self-sufficient, and his wife is dignified and virtuous. The two of them have always been an image of love.

“Madam, it’s just for checking the pulse, it’s okay. We ask for Ping An’s pulse every month at home.” Mr. Shen gently patted his wife’s hand and saw that her hands were cold and even a little trembling.

Mr. Shen felt a sharp pain in his heart.

 Even breathing became tense.

He couldn't help but look at the little **** the carriage. The girl had red lips and white teeth and a charming face. At this moment, she was looking at him...

 Exceptionally sympathetic.

That look hurt him. Mrs. Shen was almost hanging on him, powerless.

 The two children also cried uneasily.

"Master Shen, don't listen to this **** girl's nonsense. If you diagnose her pulse, wouldn't it be an insult to my wife and an insult to her." Mrs. Li cut out Suisui fiercely.

Suisui spread her hands: "Those who tell the truth will always face all kinds of slander."

"The imperial doctor is right in front of you. Whether you check or not depends on your own willingness."

 After speaking, Suisui waved: "Send a horse to Uncle Shen. You can raise horses in Qingqing Grassland."

Master Shen's face suddenly darkened.

Who on earth raised such a weird baby?

 The Chengenhou Mansion cannot raise such a handsome and handsome child.

Even the most impressive little blessing actually has a bit of adult worldliness.

Master Shen saw the horse and sighed deeply: "Liu Ying, hold on to the madam." Master Shen gently pushed away the limp madam and walked towards the dean.

Mrs. Shen felt weak all over and broke out in a cold sweat in the winter.

Master Shen clenched his fists and saluted the dean.

 The two of them were officials in the same dynasty and were familiar with each other.

“Master Shen, please extend your wrist.” The dean said calmly.

However, he has been practicing medicine for many years and only looked at the facial features. In fact, he had some vague guesses.

At this moment, both parties of people and horses stopped at the edge, but the surrounding carriages did not leave, but gathered together.

Mr. Shen is a gentleman and does not care about others watching.

 On the contrary, Mrs. Shen's expression turned pale and she was almost unsteady.

Li's heart skipped a beat.

 The dean was silent for a long time after diagnosing the pulse. Master Shen sighed softly: "Sir, just say it."

The director of Taiyuan Hospital sighed: "Master Shen's body bones are very good, but it seems... there is a hidden injury. It's not good for... it's not good for..."


As soon as the dean said these words, everyone was in an uproar.

 The old lady of the Yan family swayed and looked at the dean.

“Based on the diagnosis of old age, it is extremely difficult for Mr. Shen to have any heirs in this life.”

 Everyone was shocked.

"How could it be? Mrs. Shen clearly gave birth to twins!"

 “The child is one year old, so to speak…”

 “That child is not Mr. Shen’s?”

 Everyone was talking about it, and Mr. Shen looked ugly. He did not look at the two children, but only looked at his wife who was sitting in the snow, slumped and frightened.

Master Shen opened his mouth, but no words came out.

 As if the throat is blocked.

Suddenly, an old woman with gray temples rushed out from behind the Shen family carriage.

"I'll beat you to death, you're a cheater, I'll beat you to death, you're a restless bitch! You actually brought shame on my son, you actually cuckolded my son, confusing the blood of the Shen family!"

“Shentang, take her to Shentang!!”

"Yan family, is this the heir you gave to the Shen family? Is this the blessing you gave to the Shen family?!" Mrs. Shen was so angry that she yelled.

"How can you talk? Why are you blaming Xiao Fubao? Xiao Fubao also has good intentions."

"Damn it, mother, do you want this blessing? Do you want this kindness?" Mrs. Shen spat directly on Mrs. Li's face.


 Li's disgusting scream.

Suisui beat her legs and sat on the edge of the carriage, singing acapella: "Love is a ray of light, so green it makes you panic..."

 Yan Jiaojiao, I will restore all your blessings to their original form!

 In front of the public, everyone saw it with their own eyes!

Mr. Shen…

 When you are tired, destroy it.

 (End of this chapter)

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