My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 211: Kidnapped his mother

Chapter 211 Kidnapped his mother

 The moment when the snacks are broken into pieces.

 The Queen Mother seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.

It seems that I also heard a little sobbing.

 I saw her struggling several times before she got up unsteadily from the ground.

 The last complete piece of pastry seems to be still held in his hand.

I saw her face flushed and her eyes gleaming, stumbling towards the Queen Mother.

She suddenly lowered her voice and leaned into the ear of the Queen Mother and said: "Sister, do you know where the Queen Mother is? Suisui came to see her..." She asked in a breathy voice.

 The Queen Mother could even smell a nice milky fragrance on her body.

 Just like the newly born Hui Yi.

  No, Hui Yi was born thin and small, and her face has never been so round.

As for the prince, he has been cold-tempered since he was a child. From the time he could speak, he called her mother in an extremely serious manner.

 The Queen Mother suddenly became teasing: "How do you know that I am not the Queen Mother?"

Suisui's face panicked and she hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Hush...what if the queen mother hears it and beheads her? You are so beautiful, you can't lose your head." The little guy said in a sweet voice.

"Of course you are not the Queen Mother. My mother said that the Queen Mother is majestic. Brother Jiuxiao said that the Queen Mother is fierce. Sister, you are so beautiful. How could you be the Queen Mother? Don't lie to me..." The little guy said while using his hands and feet to move towards Crawling beside the Queen Mother.

I didn't find that the palace people's shocking legs stopped.

She crawled to the Queen Mother, spread her palms, and revealed a crushed snack.

"Sister, why are you looking so pale? Are you hungry? Here, let's eat for you. This is the last piece..." The little guy handed the snack over, but his eyes never left the snack.

"I stole this from brother Jiuxiao." The little girl said and swallowed.

Seeing that the pretty sister didn't want to eat, he put the snack to her mouth again.

 The palace people all trembled.

There are five finger prints on that snack!

"Eat it quickly. If you still like it, I'll steal it for you tomorrow." Suisui stuffed it into the Queen Mother's mouth.


 The palace people all stood up and were about to kneel down.

 Seeing the Queen Mother's eyes stern, the palace attendants retreated silently.

"Beautiful sister, how are you? Is it delicious?" Suisui secretly licked the snack on her fingertips.

 The Queen Mother suddenly curved her lips and swallowed the snack in her mouth.

  A little choking.

 The little girl slid down from the soft couch again and poured her a glass of water with her feet on her feet.

The Queen Mother drank the tea before swallowing it alive.

"Sister Beauty, the weather is so beautiful outside, why don't you go out for a walk? You will get sick if you lie in the house all the time." Suisui took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and handed it to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother was startled.

 Since entering the palace, almost twenty years later, she has not eaten melon seeds.

 The Queen Mother held a small handful in her palm.

"Hurry up and eat. The two birds will be angry when they come back later. Brother Jiuxiao said that I need to change my teeth soon and won't let me eat hard things. What's the point if I don't knock the melon seeds by myself!" Suisui rolled her eyes.

 “Is this bird food?”

The Queen Mother asked.

Suisui's eyes lit up: "Don't think it's bird food. This is bought from the most prosperous snack shop in the capital. It smells like milk."

 “Are you still afraid of those two birds?”

Suisui let out a disgusted sigh: "Have you ever seen Beijing in the early morning? They can spray until the sun rises every day!" If the zoo couldn't control them, Suisui wouldn't take them.

They not only curse people themselves, but also collude with animals to do bad things.

There are two gorillas in the zoo. Whenever they go for a walk, the gorillas like to hit people with their feces. The gorilla was imprisoned for half a year because he hit people with feces.

 They then changed to smashing them with mud.

Suisui had no choice but to take these two evils away.

Suisui sighed, and the hair on her head drooped.

“Hey, I really want to drink sweet milk tea, crispy pearls, and eat spicy and delicious hot pot. This is the meaning of winter.” Suisui looked aggrieved.

 “Milk tea? What is that?”

 “What is hot pot?”

When Suisui heard that there were still people who had never eaten hot pot, he immediately threw the melon seeds away.

 While drooling, he narrated: "Milk tea is the favorite of all women. Take one sip and you will never forget it for the rest of your life."

“Hot pot is even better, it will make you look forward to the winter.” Suisui couldn't help but take a sip.

 The Queen Mother is quite curious. She has a weak constitution and has always hated winter.

At this moment, silver charcoal was burning everywhere in Changxin Palace. Even so, she could feel the slightest chill.

 “Hey, it’s a pity that brother Jiuxiao won’t let him eat it.” Suisui felt aggrieved.

"Sister, do you want to go out to eat? Suisui invites you. Suisui has some property, so it's okay to treat sister to dinner." Suisui looked very interested.

The Queen Mother glanced at her and wanted to teach her a lesson, telling her not to be spoiled...

"Sorrow..." She wanted to say sorry for her family, but the Queen Mother swallowed it back.

"I don't care. My son is getting older and will not get married. My husband died young. Do you think you can afford it?" The queen mother narrowed her eyes slightly.

Suisui blinked.

 “Why can’t I eat it?”

  "If you die, just change it. My sister is so beautiful, and the little brothers outside are so good-looking. Find him ten or eight..."

The little guy waved his hand and made the Queen Mother laugh.

 Ask the Queen Mother to find the young man? Ha ha ha ha

 Does Fu Jiuxiao know that you are looking for a father for him?

“You will have no worries if your son is not married. Have you ever heard of the old saying?”

“No matter how sweet it is, it cannot sweeten the children, and no matter how bitter it is, it cannot hurt oneself. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, and I will enjoy the blessings without children and grandchildren.”

“My mother is worried when her son travels a thousand miles, but I am not worried if I have no children.”

 “I have pity on the hearts of parents in the world, but I don’t care if I’m not a parent.”

"Since you have become a parent and have been worried for so many years, why do you still have to add trouble to yourself? Of course, you should live happily for yourself for the rest of your life." Suisui shook her little head and made the Queen Mother stunned. .

“There are some properties in the family that must be inherited by someone.” The Queen Mother said hesitantly.

“So now that he is not married, will it affect the property?”

 The Queen Mother was startled, then shook her head, "It's stronger than before."

 “Then you don’t care about him so much…”

Suisui rolled her eyes.

"You are quite agile. No wonder so doting." The Queen Mother said in a low voice.

 It was agreed that she would not be pampered, so how could she...

How much do you love her? ? ?

At this moment, Jiajia quickly led Fu Jiuxiao towards Changxin Palace.

By the time he arrived at Changxin Palace, the emperor's face was already extremely ugly.

There are many ways to harm people in the harem, and there are endless ways to torture people.

If Suisui is hurt, what should he do?

 “Where is Suisui?” The emperor asked through gritted teeth, almost suppressing his temper.

Mammy, who was extremely arrogant just now, now has a drooped face: "She...she secretly took the Queen Mother out of the palace!"

 Oh haha.

 She abducted the queen mother!

 (End of this chapter)

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