My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 212: Find him a stepfather

Chapter 212 Find him a stepfather

 “What is this?”

"This is milk tea. Do you like soft and glutinous pearls or crispy pearls? Forget it, only children make choices. You can have both." Suisui put her little feet on her feet and dug out twenty A copper plate.

“Boss, two cups of milk tea. I want the big one, and the small one with pearls.”

 Good guy, I made the Queen Mother laugh directly.

Your copper coins are all smelly.

"Ahem, it's not that I want to eat. I'm here to accompany my sister..." Suisui patted her chest righteously.

The Queen Mother pursed her lips and said, "You can drink. If Fu Jiuxiao scolds you, I will punish him."

Suisui’s eyes lit up.

"Really? Aren't you afraid of him? His methods are very powerful..." Suisui looked scared.

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows, followed only by a maid.

She knew that her secret guards and the little guy's secret guards were probably crushing the roof beams of this store.

"His methods are indeed powerful. Whenever someone falls into his hands, almost no one comes out alive." The Queen Mother sighed softly. He was not like his father.

His methods are tough and can even be called violent.

 But he is indeed fit to be emperor.

 A born emperor.

"He is willing to let you see such vicious methods. What have you seen?" The Queen Mother was a little dissatisfied and was not afraid of scaring the children.

Suisui thought for a while: "He punished me not to eat meat. He ate it big and let me watch."

 “He had supper at night and asked me to get up and smell it.”

“It was so vicious...I made Suisui cry because of it.”

The Queen Mother glanced at her expressionlessly?

Before the Queen Mother could say anything, the waiter shouted loudly: "Your milk tea is here... Please use it slowly and be careful not to burn your mouth."

The little guy stepped on his feet and put the milk tea into her hand.

 “This needs to be drunk while walking to make it taste better.”

  Hey, since she entered the teething period, she can no longer take whatever she wants from the store.

 You still have to pay!

 The Queen Mother's natal family is also from an aristocratic family, and she has experienced harsh education since she was a child.

What's more, she later entered the palace and became the queen.

Having a cup of hot milk tea in her hand, the Queen Mother felt at a loss for the first time in her life.

"Take a breath, just take a breath, take a breath and try..." Xiao Suisui was like a devil, pulling the Queen Mother into the abyss little by little.

 Oh, the abyss of enjoyment.

 The Queen Mother took a sip.

The overbearing milky fragrance spreads over the surface, it is sweet and delicious, and it is also mixed with soft and waxy pearls.

Occasionally, there will be what Suisui calls crispy popping, which is crunchy when you take a bite.

The Queen Mother couldn't hold it back and took another sip.

Suisui took out some coins while drinking. After spending a long time, he bought some meat skewers for the Queen Mother.

 “It’s a pity that I don’t have money to eat hot pot...” Suisui sighed.

Seeing her wrinkled face, the Queen Mother couldn't help but take out a piece of gold from her pocket.

 She is so old and she still spends a child's private money. It is so shameless.

Sure enough, the little guy excitedly took her to the hot pot restaurant to buy it.

“It seems that the hot pot restaurant and the milk tea restaurant are both opened by the same person, Suimanlou. I don’t know if Suimange, the most luxurious restaurant in the capital, is the same one.” The Queen Mother was a little curious.

Suisui covered her mouth and snickered.

 “Small table for two. I want Yuanyang Hotpot.” Suisui always felt that Yuanyang Hotpot was an insult to hot pot.

But the beautiful sister has never eaten it before, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to tolerate the spicy food, so she could only order a mandarin duck pot.

From the moment the Queen Mother walked in, her nose was filled with a spicy and delicious smell.

 Taking a breath, I have never smelled such a domineering fragrance.

"Hot pot is fun only when you eat it by yourself. You can go back and set a table for yourself." Suisui waved her hand.

The little maid looked at the Queen Mother without daring to say a word.

 The Queen Mother nodded: "Do as she said."

  The servant placed a table next to it, only three steps away, and did not dare to go further.

The Queen Mother was a little uncomfortable at first, but when she saw that Suisui was sweating profusely from eating, her mouth was full of oil, and her cheeks were bulging like a hamster.      couldn't help but feel interested.

Every winter is extremely difficult for her.

Even three meals a day are just a few bites to cope with.

 But today, she stretched herself so hard that her stomach hurt.

The further you go into the hot pot, the stronger the aroma becomes and the hotter dishes become more delicious.

The Queen Mother's lips were numb from the spicy food, but she still quickly put her chopsticks into the spicy pot.

By the end of the meal, the two of them were completely exhausted.

 It is better for the two sisters to hold hands before entering the door.

 When getting off the table.

 “Well, this is the mutton roll you ordered...”

 “Here are the quail eggs you ordered…”

 “This is the beef roll you ordered…”

 “You ordered the shrimp sliders.”

"Whoever ordered it will eat it." The two of them shared their dishes, and the depression in the Queen Mother's brows had dissipated quite a bit.

 In the end, the two of them went out holding on to the wall.

 “I haven’t been this happy for a long time...”

“If you weren’t young, I would really like to drink some wine.” The Queen Mother was holding milk tea, and her whole body was filled with the smell of hot pot.

She has never experienced such a day.

“Since his death, I have to stay a widow for him. I can’t laugh, eat meat, and can’t even wear bright clothes.” Obviously, they have a very bad relationship.

Obviously she is not old, but she can only wear dull clothes.

 It seemed that she could no longer live well after his death.

Suisui blinked her eyes: "We will secretly dump the maid later, and I will take you to a good place."

"I heard people say that it is a place where women can feel happy." Suisui did what she said.

 Hands on the Queen Mother a few times to get rid of the follower.

Then she led the Queen Mother to turn left and right, and entered from a small alley.

 When we came out again, this place was already a completely different place.

 Having just eaten hot pot, most of it was left. Now, imitating the eldest princess, she threw the money on the table.

 “Call the best-looking guy in your store over here.”

 The Queen Mother looked confused.

By the time she came to her senses, there were already ten little brothers around her, calling her sister sweetly.

 The Queen Mother was shocked.

 “Where did you know about this place?”

"The eldest princess knows this. She said that this is the happiest place for women. The little princess told me." The eldest princess has been widowed for many years and has always loved to keep a good face.

 “This is the happiness of the eldest princess.” The Queen Mother murmured in a low voice.

Although she didn't dare to do anything, the Queen Mother's expression softened a lot as she was surrounded by so many little brothers, one sister at a time.

 And these little brothers each have their own merits.

There are gentle ones, cool ones, and naughty ones, and each of them has their own unique skills.

 When Fu Jiuxiao rushed in with others.

Then I saw this explosive scene.

 The place was immediately sealed off to prevent the Queen Mother's identity from being revealed.

 “Yan Suisui!!” Fu Jiuxiao was so angry that smoke was rising from his head.

His father’s tomb will be green.

"I was worried that you two would fight, but it's better for you two! You're actually working together!" Fu Jiuxiao's back molars were almost broken.

 You actually went behind my back and found ten pretty boys!

 You actually arranged a stepfather for me!

Even at this moment, the expressions of the two people when they were caught were somewhat similar!

 Good luck to you!

 (End of this chapter)

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