Chapter 210 The bosses meet

The alien soul kept impacting in the chamber pot.

Suisui thought for a while and then added a seal to the chamber pot.

"Well, since you love being a demon so much, then you can do it for the rest of your life. This chamber pot has been soaked in filthy things for three days and three nights. This smell should be considered as congratulations on moving to a new home."

 “Well, you can’t harm your own people.”

"I will throw you into the land abandoned by the gods, where the gods of the three realms cannot touch you. I will sink you into the bottom of the sea. If someone picks you up and opens the seal, you will fulfill its three wishes." Sui. Sui narrowed her eyes and said cutely.

 After saying that, the chamber pot disappeared from sight.

Fu Jiuxiao pursed her lips: "In the future, don't use such magic in front of outsiders." Poor Cheng'enhou Mansion, this is throwing away the real thing and leaving a fake one.

 “You are not an outsider.” Suisui muttered her lips.

Fu Jiuxiao pursed her lips and couldn't help but smile.

 “I regard you as my biological sister, how can you be an outsider?” Suisui looked serious.

 Fu Jiuxiao? ?

“By the way, if you let her fulfill her three wishes and she gets out of the chamber pot, will it happen..."

Suisui blinked innocently: "Did I say she can get out of the chamber pot?"

“I only said that whoever opens it will fulfill three wishes. After completion, the chamber pot will return to the bottom of the sea again, waiting for the next opening.”

“Throw her over this time, and for many years to come, she will be looking forward to it in endless anticipation, hoping that someone will open her, fulfill her three wishes, and be free.” Suisui smiled harmlessly.

“After she fulfills her wish and returns to the bottom of the sea, the collapse will begin.” Suisui grinned and chuckled.

 Next, she will start praying not to be fished out.

 Because her soul was condensed by Yan Jiaojiao's luck, every time she fulfills her wish, she will consume her own strength.

 Watching yourself step by step towards the abyss is the best punishment.

Fu Jiuxiao looked at her and murmured in a low voice: "I have seen the Holy Mother several times, but this is the first time I have seen the Living King of Hell." However, he liked it so much...

Ha ha ha ha.

Attempts to change her life and steal her soul should be dealt with like this.

"Hui Yi?" Fu Jiuxiao looked at Princess Hui Yi and sighed softly.

 He was born to his father, the emperor, and his mother under the coercion of courtiers.

 But Hui Yi was born because his mother plotted against the emperor.

 He had a cold temperament and was not liked by the late emperor.

What's more, his face is very similar to that of the young late emperor, and his mother was not happy when she saw him.

 The little sister who was born was soft and sweet, and was the mother's only comfort during the period when she fell out of favor.

“Well, in the past two years, she has been able to see people acting in her face, but she is just trapped and unable to escape.”

 “Go back and rest, and you will wake up.”

"If it hadn't been for Suisui this time, I'm afraid Hui Yi would have been imprisoned in such pain. Brother Jiuxiao owes you this time. Brother Jiuxiao can grant you a wish. When you think about it, tell him." Fu Jiuxiao said to Suisui solemnly.

Suisui responded with a smile.

"By the way, the Queen Mother may want to...see you."

"If you don't want to see her, you can refuse her directly. I will fool her for you." Although the queen mother has never been in contact with Yan Jiaojiao, Hui Yi is influenced by Yan Jiaojiao and often speaks ill of Suisui.

 The Queen Mother was suppressed by the concubines in the harem a few years ago. Since she became the Queen Mother, she has always tried to control herself.

Suisui nodded, and the two little fur **** on her head swayed.

Fu Jiuxiao sent her out of the hall and saw the prince and his father-in-law coming in a hurry.

 “Your Majesty, the envoy of Sheng Yuan Kingdom wishes to see you.”

Fu Jiuxiao frowned.

"Sheng Yuan? The civil strife in Sheng Yuan was so severe in the past few years, how could it suddenly come to Dayue?" Sheng Yuan, Dayue, and Beidi are three powerful countries.

 No one of these three countries obeys the other, but in recent years, Sheng Yuan's competition for the throne has become fierce, and it has rarely happened.

 Emperor Sheng Yuanlao passed away five years ago. In the past five years, his four sons have taken turns to be emperors. Today, there is only one solitary seedling left.

But because of the fierce fighting, the newly ascended emperor's health was not very good.

 “I said I came here for the sake of the emperor’s heir.” The prince said in a low voice.

It is rumored that the last emperor of Sheng Yuan Dynasty injured his body and bones while seizing the throne and has no heirs.

 “What kind of heir are you looking for in Dayue?”

Suisui pushed Fu Jiuxiao: "You go to the Jinluan Palace, Jiajia will accompany me. I have been to the palace so many times, and there are guards accompanying me."

In addition to the guards, there are also secret guards arranged by Fu Jiuxiao.

 Fu Jiuxiao nodded, knowing that no mistakes could be made in national affairs.

 After Fu Jiuxiao left, Suisui and Jiajia left the palace one after the other.

Before reaching the palace gate, there was a solemn-looking nun in palace clothes blocking the door.

Mammy glanced at her slightly: "Miss Yan, the Queen Mother has invited you."

“Girl is favored by His Majesty. She has been going back and forth to the palace for many days, but she didn’t come to see the Queen Mother. It’s a good rule.” Mammy said with a smile.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he turned to the escorting guard and said, "The queen wants to see your majesty's little guest. You can go back. I will take the girl out of the palace in person later."

 The guards did not retreat even one step.

Your Majesty once said that they only take orders from Miss Yan.

Jiajia stood in front of Suisui with a nervous expression.

Suisui waved her hand: "The Queen Mother wants to see Suisui, Suisui just goes and has a look." The little girl was not afraid at all. Except for the weird family in Chengenhou Mansion, she almost killed all the old women with invincible hands.

A chubby, soft, harmless little milk baby, she is popular in the whole village.

Mammy led Yan Suisui forward. The little girl was jumping up and down. When she arrived at Changxin Palace, the little guy's face was already red.

 A pair of big watery eyes full of intelligence.

"Go in, the Queen Mother is waiting for you." Changxin Palace is a bit remote, which shows that the Queen Mother is happy.

There is a secret luxury in this palace.

 The palace maid and the young **** both looked serious and well-behaved.

 This shows the severity of the Queen Mother.

Jiajia wanted to follow, but was stopped by her grandma.

"Mommy, my girl has not learned the etiquette of the palace, so she will offend the nobles. It is better to let the servants in." Jiajia was a little anxious, and was afraid that the Queen Mother would punish Suisui.

"What? Can't you trust the Queen Mother?" Nanny narrowed her eyes.

Jiajia was so helpless that she had no choice but to run towards the front hall in a hurry.

At this moment, when Suisui entered Changxin Palace, he saw many palace people standing in the palace.

The woman in palace clothes was lying on the couch with her eyes narrowed and dozing off. Two palace servants behind her were gently squeezing her shoulders and beating her legs.

Hearing the movement outside the door, the woman opened her eyes slightly.

 The threshold of Changxin Palace is a bit high. Xiao Suisui wore round clothes and held snacks taken from the imperial kitchen in her arms.

 Climb in using your hands and feet.

Chirp sound...

The Queen Mother is planning to give her a show of strength.

 Watching her roll from outside the threshold to the inside.

I also rolled twice.

 With his small body, he crushed the snack into pieces.

 (End of this chapter)

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