My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 209: One body, two souls

Chapter 209 Two souls in one body

Suisui remembered Fu Jiuxiao's earnest teachings.

 Memorized it all without missing a word.

Fu Jiuxiao looked pleased. After his tireless teachings, no one could pry this little guy off.

 “Are you still used to living in the Marquis’ Mansion?”

 “What if I’m not used to it?”

Suisui looked at him curiously.

Fu Jiuxiao touched the little hair on her head: "Did you know? There are not many officials in this world who can be innocent. As long as you want to check, you can always find something."

“Since they didn’t give you a genealogy, I can kill all nine of their clans.”

These idiots think that not being included in the family tree will embarrass Suisui.

As everyone knows, Sui Sui is the life-saving talisman.

Even if she is listed in the family tree and the Marquis of Cheng'en leaps to the sky, she cannot be killed.

Suisui waved her hand. She never used other people's hands to seek revenge.

 She will avenge Yan Jiaojiao herself.

 The Chengenhou Mansion has their sins to atone for.

 When leaving the palace in the afternoon, Princess Huiyi happened to ask to see her.

 Princess Hui Yi is about twelve or thirteen years old, with a delicate face like a porcelain doll.

 In the past, the queen was not favored, and she also suffered some hardships.

Now that the Queen has become the Queen Mother, she has also become hotter and hotter.

 Fu Jiuxiao used to be very close to her sister.

 But last year, I fell into the water once. When I woke up, my temperament changed drastically, and I was completely different from before.

"Brother Emperor... Jiaojiao is very ill and her fever won't go away. Why don't you go and see her? Even if you don't go and see her, in your capacity, you must reward her with something."

“It’s hard to let Jiaojiao feel cold.”

Princess Hui Yi looked at the young emperor eagerly, with a strange emotion flashing in her eyes.

She seemed to muster up the courage and walked up the steps, coquettishly trying to hold Fu Jiuxiao's hand.

  Just as close as when we were young.

 But as soon as he touched the back of his hand, he shrank suddenly...

  She felt as if she was being burned by something, and she gasped for breath as it was so hot.

 Princess Hui Yi took a step back suddenly.

Suisui was lazily nestled on the couch, but when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but sit up straight.

His eyes were slightly narrowed, with a rare sharpness in his eyes.

"Brother Emperor's so cold. Let it cool down Hui Yi." Princess Hui Yi avoided the emperor's eyes and gently put her hands behind her back.

“Brother Emperor, Jiaojiao is a goddess with many believers. The royal family has always relied on Jiaojiao to pray for blessings. It’s better not to embarrass Jiaojiao when Brother Emperor first takes the throne.” Princess Huiyi whispered.

 After speaking, he glanced in the direction of Yan Suisui again.

"Brother, please don't be deceived by some people. Some people have evil thoughts and cannot tolerate others. Brother, please don't be deceived." She said fiercely.

"Besides, the gods are about to be summoned. If Jiaojiao's gods get angry, there will be another natural disaster in Vietnam." Hui Yi has always been extremely respectful to Yan Jiaojiao.

 No, that was not the case originally.

  She fell into a coma after falling into the water, and it was Yan Jiaojiao who saved her.

 After waking up, she was the only one who followed her lead.

"Really? How can I, an emperor, still respect her?" Fu Jiuxiao sneered, looking at his sister-in-law with an extremely unfamiliar look.

 But he checked it several times in private.

 There is a birthmark on my sister’s right shoulder. My sister has never left the palace and has never been impersonated.

"Brother Emperor, it's not Jiaojiao we respect, but a god. Besides... Jiaojiao is a person who knows etiquette and will never be arrogant due to favors."

“Unlike some people, those who come from the countryside become lawless just because they are favored by the imperial brother.” Princess Hui Yi looked at Yan Suisui with disgust.

 She hates Yan Suisui.

Hate the emperor always paying attention to her eyes, and hate that the emperor has changed the palace for her.

 “Be careful!” Fu Jiuxiao was furious immediately.

"When did you become like this, like a city woman, with harsh words and no heavenly manners!" Fu Jiuxiao said sharply.

Suisui slid down from the chair and approached Princess Huiyi.

“You are so impudent that you don’t kneel down when you see me?” Princess Hui Yi’s face turned pale.

 “I will spare Suisui from having to kneel down!” Fu Jiuxiao said in a condensed voice.

Suisui, however, squinted her eyes and looked at her again and again.

"It's so interesting. I have never seen such an interesting soul. I really want to pick it up and take a look..." Suisui's eyes widened.

 She actually saw a heavy soul in Princess Hui Yi.

 One person, two souls.


Suisui even reached out and grabbed her wrist: "Sister, you are so interesting..."

Princess Huiyi screamed suddenly.


 “It hurts!” I saw thin and dense bubbles rising rapidly where Sui Sui touched, it turned out to be a burn!

And her right hand, where she had just touched the emperor, was also burned.

Fu Jiuxiao suddenly froze.

“Let me go, let me go!” Princess Hui Yi screamed, trying to push Yan Suisui away.

 But she could clearly feel that the part that was covered in dust was trying to come out.

"Brother, brother Prince..." A light and painful voice suddenly sounded, and Fu Jiuxiao's heart skipped a beat.

A flash of pain and suffering flashed across Hui Yi's face, but before he could say a few more words, it was replaced by a touch of gloom.

“Brother, she must be a monster and the bane of Dai Viet. She is harming me!” Princess Hui Yi shouted in panic.

"Really? Then let's see who is the disaster star!" Suisui held her wrist tightly. With her strength, even a cow could not break away.

 I saw a phantom appearing in Princess Hui Yi's mind.

 A shadow that looked exactly like her, but extremely dim.

 The other soul was slightly different from her, but extremely powerful. She firmly suppressed the other living soul and occupied the body.

"It's really audacious to seize a mortal body without authorization and use the body to resurrect the soul!" Suisui scolded sharply.

 The three realms rely on the law of reincarnation to maintain their operation.

 But nothing can be foolproof.

 Sometimes a person with great luck dies here, but inexplicably travels to the past or future and survives by resurrecting the corpse.

 Some people will die in this life and return to the past with their memories.

 This is all an accident in the reincarnation of the three realms.

 But very rarely.

Moreover, they still rely on evil methods to steal her life.

"You are not Hui Yi!" Fu Jiuxiao's eyes were sharp, and he still didn't understand anything at the moment.

I'm afraid that from the moment Hui Yi wakes up after falling into the water, she will become someone else!

"Where did Hui Yi go? What did you do to Hui Yi?!" Fu Jiuxiao thought about her following Yan Jiaojiao every day, and there was a suspicion in his mind.

 “If you don’t tell me, I will crush your soul!” Suisui has never liked evil spirits.

 “I said, I said!” the soul screamed.

“I am her believer. After I died unexpectedly, she stuffed me into the body of Princess Hui Yi. She gave me a new life!”

She was just an ordinary woman at that time, but after her death she had a position below one person and above ten thousand people. How could she not be grateful to Yan Jiaojiao?

 She could even secretly miss His Majesty the Emperor.

It's a pity that Fu Jiuxiao has an imperial aura in her body, and she will be burned by the strong aura as long as she gets close.

Suisui sneered, grabbed the alien soul with a palm of his hand, and grabbed it out.

 Princess Hui Yi fell softly to the ground.

 And Sui Sui…

 Grabbed a chamber pot from the corner and stuffed the opponent into it.

 (End of this chapter)

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