Chapter 206 Her bitch

Yan Wan Ning didn't have any use for dinner, so she went back to Xuan Ping Hou's Mansion.

 She was married to the Crown Prince Xuanping for half a year. During this half year, she did not sing the music of the harp and the harp, and the two couples treated each other with respect as guests.

 Young couples always have some friendship.

 But the prince's only younger brother, Dong'er, fell into a coma after being blessed by Yan Jiaojiao, and the relationship between the two fell to the freezing point.

 She had to go back to her natal family to find Jiaojiao.

At this moment, holding the phoenix feather given by Suisui in his hand, Yan Wanning couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It has been five years. Although she is the eldest daughter in the family and the eldest sister of Jiaojiao, in Jiaojiao's eyes, she is not highly regarded.

She was favored by thousands of people in the house, and everyone became dimmed in the dazzling light.

"This is our girl's yard. She has lived here since she was born and has never left. However, as soon as Miss Suisui comes back, our girl will have to move out." The person who spoke was Qingying, the personal maid who spoke delicately.

"It is widely said in the world that Jiaojiao is the reincarnation of a goddess and a person with great wisdom. The Buddha country next door specially sent a Bodhi tree. It is said that it has a history of thousands of years. At that time, the Bodhi Patriarch also attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven under this tree. It is a priceless treasure of the Buddha’s kingdom…”

 “This tree cannot be moved or touched. You must not move it.”

 “Otherwise, you can’t afford it.”

“This tree has never bloomed since the ascension of Patriarch Bodhi. It was specially sent from the Kingdom of Buddha, and it will bloom only if it attracts a bit of the girl’s fairy spirit. It is said that when it blooms, it is the day of worship in the Kingdom of Buddha.”

“Pfft…” Suisui laughed out loud.

"The goddess has wisdom? Does the goddess understand Buddhism? Hahahaha...she is just a stick!" Suisui couldn't hold it back and laughed and cursed.

Qingying glared at him, but was pushed away by Ah Yue.

Suisui smiled with tears in her eyes. Where did the rumor come from?

 This sentence is not that she scolded herself.

 This is what the Buddha himself scolded back then.

The original words of the Buddha at that time were like this: "I have made many years of meritorious deeds, but when I met you, I fell short." Because of that sentence, the Buddha broke the precepts and was going to suffer calamity. I still don’t know where I am suffering.

Suisui didn’t do much either.

The Buddha was grateful that she was transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so he gave her several ancient Buddhist scriptures as a gift, hoping that she could understand the Buddhist scriptures and benefit the world.

 About half a year later, he came to discuss scriptures and Taoism with Suisui.


Suisui is still angry to this day. She made the Buddha so angry that he scolded her with a mallet, and her many years of merit were wiped out.

"Take off the plaque. Since I live here, follow my habits. Change it to... Qi Shen Yuan." The place where the gods live.

Suisui didn't care about the maid's thoughts and directly asked Ah Yue to close the door and guard the courtyard door with a pestle, so that no one dared to come near.

On the second day, the plaque of Qishen Temple was hung up.

On the same day, Yan Jiaojiao moved directly into the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion and refused to come back.

 Perhaps to avoid her, or perhaps...

 The sacred stone is broken, and the luck she captured is now like a sieve, leaking out bit by bit...

 I heard that she vomited blood when she returned to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion.

 The old lady tried to trouble her, what could Suisui do?

What could she do? She just put a bowl and a pair of chopsticks into the old lady's arms: "Ape, please come and serve me."

The old lady was standing next to her and picking up food for her!

 Who made the old lady’s imperial edict two levels lower than hers?

The Master of Heaven and Earth, although the Master is ranked last, her title of Princess is enough to suppress the group of people in the backyard.

What's more, he also holds the title of Master Uncle.

 The only one with a higher rank than her, the old marquis, harmed...

 It's her bitch.

  means where to hit.

 The loyal fan of the school.

 Early on the next morning, Fu Wulin, the little princess and others arrived at the gate of Chengenhou Mansion.

Back then, Yan Jiaojiao was kind to the eldest princess. In recent years, the young princess often came to the Hou Mansion to look for Yan Jiaojiao. Mrs. Li happened to be going out to visit Yan Jiaojiao.

 Speaking of which, Suisui has been back in Beijing for more than two months, and the Hou Mansion has yet to acknowledge her identity in public.

 Everyone understands that this is an invisible neglect of her.


The development of things seems to have gradually exceeded the outcome that the Hou Mansion wanted to see.

 For example, right now.

"You are here to find Jiaojiao, right? Suisui was raised in the countryside with a lawless temper and a bad temper. Yesterday, Jiaojiao became ill and moved to the Imperial Prefect's Mansion. How about the little princess go to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion to look for her?"

 “The little princess is so thoughtful, she even delivers breakfast for Jiaojiao.” Mrs. Li was full of praise.

This is the good daughter she raised. She is loved by everyone and is looked upon by many high-ranking families.

She will regret it sooner or later!

 It was only when he was ostracized by everyone that he realized how good the Hou Mansion was.

The little princess was stunned and hid the food box behind her with an embarrassed look.

Yan Suisui invited them to Shangshu Mansion last time, and this was a gift she specially brought in return.

"Mr. Fu, is the young prince back? I heard that the young prince has been very lucky recently, and he seems not as unlucky as before? Are you also here to see Jiaojiao?" Li asked with a smile.

 Fu Wulin coughed lightly, he?

I came here to give Yan Suisui a backpack.

 Sui Sui Sui Jiang Jiaojiao is sick? He was not surprised at all.

"Mrs. Li, Suisui has a strong temper and prefers soft things over hard things. Has Jiaojiao suffered at home?" Fu Wulin looked at Mrs. Li.

Li nodded slightly, never thinking about the consequences that she would bring to Suisui if she said these words in front of Suisui's classmates.

Fu Wulin nodded: "Suisui doesn't have a good temper. Why don't you let Jiaojiao give in to her more and coax her a little more. Anyway, we are all sisters and we are all a family." But Fu Wulin did not say any words of disgust towards Sui. Sui's words made Yan Jiaojiao give in to her.

Li didn't hear what she wanted and frowned immediately.

Before he could say anything more, the door of the Marquis Mansion opened.

Yan Suisui came out yawning.

 The group of young men and girls outside the door started to move.

The little princess took out a shrimp bun and handed it to her.

Fu Wulin took the opportunity to take off her schoolbag, not forgetting to hand her a pot of hot milk tea.

 The style of milk tea from the frontier has spread directly to the capital. Nowadays, everyone has a cup of it, and it is the favorite drink of women in every house.

Mrs. Li watched helplessly as she was surrounded by people and got into the carriage like a star holding the moon.

Those little guys who are the proud ones of heaven, who are quite distinguished even in front of Jiaojiao, are like her lackeys at the moment.

Her Jiaojiao has spent so many years without such treatment.

 Li was dumbfounded.

The little parrot on Suisui's shoulder didn't forget to smack her mouth: "Stupid woman..." and let out a shameless laugh.

 Fu Wulin looked at the two little parrots on her shoulders, his eyes shining brightly.

These two little parrots are really psychic!

 They are more powerful than the two his father raised.

 It's like his father still treasures him.

 “Hey, can I pet your bird?”

Suisui looked at her righteously: "Please call me little ancestor."

Fu Wulin was stunned for a moment, and then immediately changed his mind: "Can I touch your little ancestor?"

Suisui looked at him expressionlessly.

 “Peck him!”

Two birds rushed towards Fu Wulin crazily, pecking him all over his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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