My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 207: Sword cuts peach blossom

Chapter 207 Sword cuts peach blossoms

 Fu Wulin was pecked all over his face.

Sui Sui saw that he was pitiful and finally asked him to take away the two parrots and lend them to him for a day.

 Fu Wulin was overjoyed when he returned home.

 But the next day, he came back lame.

 He walked with a limp and his cheeks were swollen.

Suisui almost didn’t recognize him when she saw him.

"What's going on? Was he beaten by King Jin?" Suisui looked at him in shock. Didn't he say that King Jin loved this son the most?

When Fu Wulin saw her, tears fell down his face.

 “Ugh…you…blame them all!” Pointing at the two birds.

 The two birds rolled their little eyes innocently and turned their heads away from him.

“Woooooooo, as soon as I got home, my father asked me to go to the study room to check my knowledge.”

"I was stumbling in the study and couldn't recite it..." Fu Wulin held five finger prints on his face with an accusing look on his face.

Pointing straight at the two innocent parrots.

"It's them, it's them! I couldn't recite it, but they recited it exactly one sentence, and while reciting it, they called me stupid." It just added fuel to the fire!

Suisui yelled: "Is it because you don't learn well? I just beat you up?"

 Fu Wulin paused and continued.

"My father was originally angry that I was not good at learning. When he saw that the two birds were better at learning than me, he became even more furious. Who knew that the two of them cursed and let themselves go, and began to attack indiscriminately, saying that my father, Kuchiki, was born There was a pile of rotten wood. My father was so angry that he wanted to beat them..."

Fu Wulin reached out and touched the slap mark on his cheek.

"Two birds were flying everywhere, so he stepped on a stool to catch them, but they slipped. He fell like a toad on the ground and couldn't get up." King Jin was elegant and generous when he was young, but as he got older, , he is a little fat, but he is also a fat man with a handsome face.

 “Oh, King Jin is taking it out on you.” Suisui looked sympathetic.

Fu Wulin coughed lightly: "That's not true."

 Then he said slowly: "Maybe, I laughed."

"My father was so angry that he got up and gave me a slap in the face."

Suisui looked at him dumbly: " are not unjust." Not unjust at all.

“Then why are you limping when you walk?”

 Now speaking of it, Fu Wulin was truly aggrieved.

"These two birds are really understanding of human nature. My father likes to raise birds, so he keeps them in his room at night. As a result..."

"The result..." Fu Wulin gritted his teeth, remembering the look in his father's eyes, and couldn't help but shudder.

His father wanted to eat him alive.

"This morning, everyone in the house was having breakfast together." Two birds became a monster.

  Everybody was sitting at the table, eating without talking or sleeping.

Zuo Zuo then coughed dryly and shouted with a thin voice while flapping his wings: "Master, Ying'er still wants more...Master is so powerful, ah..." That sound came back thousands of times, and even contained a trace of womanhood. of tenderness.

You Youyou are even more powerful. He even shouted in a loud voice: "Little goblin, let me give you a taste of my power..."

Everyone was shocked at that time. The two birds actually copied their sexual **** from last night to 100%!

Each person's words are lifelike, and even the tone of voice is very similar.

King Jin's face was ashen at that time, and the aunt in question screamed, covered her face and rushed out.

 Everyone is catching birds.

Suisui looked at him with burning eyes: "I can't catch the bird, so I'll beat you up?"

Fu Wulin shook his head: "Those two birds have finished learning, and they are still flying in the air to mock him..."

 “Taunt him... embroidery pillow and embroidery needle.” Fu Wulin shrank his neck.

"I...I couldn't help it, I laughed again." Fu Wulin pursed his lips, with a dark face.

 No one laughed, there was a deathly silence, and his eldest brother was even more gloomy.

 Just him!

As a fool, he knows how to tell lies...

  He also stretched out his hand and made a gesture.

 Then, he smiled faintly, with a meaningful smile on his face.

He was beaten severely. "Twenty sticks were received." At that time, his father wanted to beat him to death directly, but fortunately his eldest brother stopped him.

“I won’t raise them anymore, woo woo woo… they followed me all night and almost killed half of their lives.” Fu Wulin cried so hard that he was out of breath.

Princess Jin didn’t even dare to pull her away. She scolded and shouted, “It should be beaten, it should be beaten!”

"Talent, talent..." The two parrots were acting coquettishly, and Fu Wulin was even less human than the two of them.

Suisui couldn't help but laugh when she saw his miserable state.

"Actually, I still have a big white tiger. Do you want to keep it? I'm afraid of scaring everyone, so I keep it in the courtyard. If you get familiar with it, it can carry you to and from school." Suisui beguiled in his ear. .

Fu Wulin was so frightened that he waved his hands, turned around and ran away.

 Riding a big white tiger is a way to win the show, but the pets she keeps are not serious pets.

 Two birds could kill him, let alone a tiger?

Suisui laughed.

No one expected that Suisui integrated into the enlightenment class so quickly.

  She can make her classmates cry almost every day, but those children always bother her awkwardly.

There is even an eight or nine-year-old boy in the junior class next door who always likes to look at Suisui with a smile when she passes by.

Suisui looked confused.

until one day.

 She received a letter.

  In the forest of flowers on the mountain behind Tomorrow Academy, see you there or not.

There was also a dried peach blossom inside the letter. She picked up the peach blossom and put it between her nose and sniffed it gently.



 The little girl feels like she is facing a formidable enemy. Is this a letter of challenge?

Peach blossom has been said to ward off evil spirits since ancient times. Is this a satire that she is an evil spirit or a disaster star?

 Okay, you are so brave!

Baihualin is a remote place with few people. Do you want to make a date with her?

Suisui’s delicate little face was tense, the little goddess had never received a challenge letter before!

 “Hey…the challenge letter also used incense…” There was also a fragrant fragrance in the letter, and Suisui looked disgusted.

Hum, someone wants to fight with me.


  Of course it’s shaking people!

Suisui is now in the enlightenment class and has quite a reputation. She immediately worried about more than 20 children in the class, both men and women, to join the battle.

"By the way, remember to bring some weapons, bricks, stones, etc..." The Chinese Academy of Sciences is an academy funded by the emperor and recognized by the court, so naturally you are not allowed to wear weapons at will.

 After school.

 The whole class started fighting behind Suisui.

 The emperor who just came down from the dynasty at this moment.

 The message was received.

 "Someone sent a love letter to Suisui?! Damn it, who is so brave that you dare to miss Suisui!" Fu Jiuxiao was furious.

The old **** hurriedly advised: "Your Majesty, half-grown children don't know anything about love. I just want to play with Miss Suisui because she is good-looking." Some of such old children even clamored to marry her. who.

 It should not be true.

 But the emperor does not care about this.

 I only know that some people want to buy their own cabbage.

  Hurry to leave the palace behind the political affairs.

 “Where is Suisui?” Fu Jiuxiao asked.

The secret guard hesitated for a rare moment: "She thought the other party was going to have a fight, so she brought more than twenty followers and beat the other party up." The young master ran away crying.

 Fu Jiuxiao…

 You are really a swordsman who cuts peach blossoms with no mercy!

 He even sympathized with the other party a little bit.

 (End of this chapter)

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