My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 205: The sacred stone is broken

Chapter 205 The Divine Stone is Broken

 “Sacred Stone!”

“The sacred stone is broken!” The old lady stood up suddenly and exclaimed.

 Sacred stone, this was a congratulatory gift from Yan Jiaojiao's imperial master when she was full moon.

At that time, the sacred stone was dim, but when she held it in her hand, it emitted a faint light.

 At that moment, the Imperial Master knelt down.

 Call the goddess directly.

"Obstacles, evil obstacles. They are all evil obstacles. This is the sacred stone that represents your identity. Why is it broken?" The old lady was crying and grabbing the stone that was broken into small pieces on the ground.

The stone can no longer be closed.

Li was sitting on the ground without any image, hugging Yan Jiaojiao and crying bitterly.

 “You evil deed, there will be no peace as soon as you come back to the Marquis Mansion.” Mrs. Li regretted it and wished she had not drowned her back then.

At that time, the national master predicted that the child would be very lucky and that the birth would be a blessing and the coming of a goddess from heaven.

If the opposite is true, this pregnancy will bring disaster to the country.

 Ke Li gave birth to twins.

At that time, the Marquis Mansion was highly praised by everyone, and the imperial advisor even came to the Marquis Mansion to pay his respects every day.

On the day that Mrs. Li gave birth to her child, the sky in the Marquis Mansion was full of birds, and the flowers in the Mansion were in bloom.

They closed the door and looked at the two children, at a loss.

 Even the old Marquis didn’t know about this matter.

 One large and one small, two children.

You can vaguely see the similarity between the eyebrows.

"If one is born, it is a blessing. If two are born, wouldn't it be a disaster? There will never be two blessings." Mrs. Li sat on the delivery bed and cried.

 These few months of pregnancy were the most prosperous time for her in the Marquis Mansion.

The old lady respected her, and the aunts in the backyard did not dare to offend her at all.

Houfu, who is about to be squeezed out of the second -class family, has also been raised.

 She doesn’t want to lose days like this.

No one in the Hou Mansion wants to lose such a day.

 They need blessings to consolidate the position of the Marquis Mansion.

 She was always dreaming before giving birth.

In the dream, there was a fair and fat girl with two pigtails, and she was called mother in a weird way.

 Said that her memory would be cleared and she would become her child, and no gods or Buddhas would be allowed to interfere with her calamity.

She said, please mother, protect me for the rest of my life, and heaven will thank you.

Now, two have been born.

 Li was almost going crazy.

They only gave birth to daughters to outsiders and kept the thin ones in the backyard.

He thought Suisui was doing well, so he held her outside and raised her as a blessing.

 You can slowly…

 They discovered…

 It means something is wrong with Suisui.

Li's pet dog died suddenly on the spot after just one sip of the milk she spat out.

 She was raised in the house until the third day and washed on the third day.

There were countless koi carps floating in the garden of the Hou Mansion.

It seems like he is drunk, but also like he is lingering and gasping for his last breath.

At that time, many people had already seen her appearance, and they did not dare to change, so they could only carry her out.

At that time, she was very cold and could not make anyone laugh.

 But when the little prince came, she actually reached out and grabbed one of his fingers, cracking her mouth.

 The little prince likes her very much.

 But the little prince is not favored, and the prince's house cannot stand in line.

 After washing, they took the child to the backyard.

"She is not a blessing. She must be a disaster and must be dealt with. The national preceptor will come back at the full moon, and the child cannot be kept. Let's drown it..." Even after raising her for three days, the old lady still did not hesitate at all.

Unexpectedly, when she was drowning, the little prince came looking for her and accidentally interrupted her, saving her life.

 Later, she was hungry in the house for three days.

 Still not dead.

At that time, they were convinced that she was a disaster star.

 In the end, Li had a benevolent thought and sent her to Wangshan Mansion, the most barren and remote place, and left her to fend for herself. "I shouldn't be a little soft-hearted towards you!" Li said fiercely.

At this moment, Yan Jiaojiao was so shocked by the sudden burst of pure spiritual energy that she vomited blood.

 “Go to the Imperial Preceptor quickly, go to the Imperial Preceptor quickly.” The old lady cried so hard that she couldn’t control herself.

 A young man came out from behind, about twenty years old. Suisui knew him. He was her brother.

The eldest son of the Li family and the prince of the Hou family, Yan Xiuyuan.

The prince picked up Yan Jiaojiao and rushed out.

Li collected the fragments of the sacred stone all over the ground and said, "You are the disaster star!" She stumbled and chased after him.

Yan Jiaojiao felt panic for the first time. The sacred stone was used to test her identity, but it could also store luck. At this moment, the luck she had worked so hard to collect was rushing towards Yan Suisui like crazy.

Her whole body was like a sieve, leaking everywhere.

"Mom, grandma, is Jiaojiao going to die..." Yan Jiaojiao caught Li's trembling, which made Li feel even more distressed.

Jiajia was so angry that she bared her teeth, but when she saw that Suisui's eyebrows were still smiling, she suppressed her anger again.

"What a nonsense. What's wrong with Junior Master Uncle if the sacred stone is broken? She's sitting here without even moving."

“You should think about whether Jiaojiao did something to cause anger and resentment, which caused the sacred stone to break.” The old Marquis scolded angrily.

 He had no idea that Suisui was taken away.

 I don’t even know that Mr. Li gave birth to twins!

After everyone left, the hall became empty.

Suisui, however, narrowed her eyes and laughed softly.

 Sacred stone?

 Detect the aura of the gods?

 She is a being that the gods look up to in the divine world. How can a small sacred stone be worthy of testing her?

"You can live peacefully in the mansion. Jiaojiao's courtyard has been vacated. You will live in it now. That child is spoiled." The old marquis became angry.

 After the old Marquis prepared all the affairs in the house, Suisui looked at his sister-in-law in the corner.

Yan Wanning's mood has calmed down a lot.

"Actually, I met you back then." Yan Wan Ning sighed, looking a little sad.

"You were so cute when you were born, and I always liked to hug you. My sister is very happy that you are alive." Yan Wanning almost choked with sobs.

 About five years ago, she was a little naughty.

 When they tried to drown Suisui, she hid under the bed and was completely frightened.

She counted the passage almost minute by minute. Her trembling heart silently counted to three hundred before the little prince rushed in.

 She thought her sister was dead.

Unexpectedly, my sister picked her up from the water and cried loudly.

At that moment, the gentle and kind mother in her heart was gone.

She was afraid of her mother and was estranged from her. Countless nights, she would always think of the scene where her mother drowned her daughter with her own hands.

 The irony is that after Suisui was sent away, the remaining one also fell seriously ill.

 The day after Suisui left, she began not to eat or drink.

 Crying all day and all night.

 Crying until my voice becomes hoarse, crying until my throat is congested, crying until I don’t care about being unconscious and frightening my parents.

  They sent Suisui away, but it seemed that they had given away their sister's lifeblood too.

Later, my sister fell ill and was kept in the house for a long time.

When she was taken out again, it was a full moon, and she stood in the distance looking at the little sister who was left behind.

 But it just feels strange.

Looking at Suisui now, her little face strangely overlapped with that of the little girl back then.

 This is what she imagined her sister to be like.

Suisui tilted her head and looked at her. Seeing the warmth in her eyes, the little girl was startled.

  Grinning a bright smile towards her.

 "Here's a meeting gift for you." Suisui took out a small feather.

The feathers are still shining brightly, and the phoenix feathers were almost bald by her back then.

"This is a phoenix feather, which can ward off evil spirits and pray for blessings. If there is a seriously ill person in the family wearing it, it will be good for the body."

Yan Wanning was stunned for a moment, and he could feel the comfort all over his body. This...

This thing doesn’t look like an ordinary thing no matter how you look at it.

"Thank you Suisui, I will keep it well." Now that she is married, this thing should be given to Dong'er who is in a coma.

"Suisui, try not to conflict with Jiaojiao now. In another half month, it will be the New Year's summoning of the gods. During the summoning ceremony, her followers will become extremely crazy. The gods will also appear for her..." Yan Wanning's face revealed. worry.

Suisui chuckled, right?

 She wanted to see what she could summon!

It's a big deal, even the gods she summoned, fight together!

   (Additional updates will be sent during the holidays... Could you please help us to remind you to update, rate, vote, etc., okay...)

 (End of this chapter)

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