My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 204: Yan Jiaojiao knelt down

Chapter 204 Yan Jiaojiao kneels down

Yan Wan Ning looked at the two birds and forgot to cry.

Lively and alert, as smart as a child of several years old.

“Okay, let’s discuss Wan Ning’s matter. Isn’t Jiaojiao a blessing? How many people have she been blessed with? Let’s show it to Dong’er.”

 “Dong’er is a good boy.” Mr. Hou waved his hand.

 He directly blocked Mr. Li and the old lady who wanted to refute.

"By the way, go and call all the children who are still in the house. Recognize the little master uncle, so as not to see that the little master uncle is young and bump into the uncle." The old Marquis said cheerfully.

Li's face suddenly fell.

I was just about to think of an excuse to help Jiaojiao escape.

Then he saw Suisui and said, "Suisui is young, will they call her sick and not recognize her? If that's the case, Suisui will just go back to her senior brother."

"So as not to cause any trouble to you." The tone of Cha's words made Li's scalp tingle.

"You bastard, who dares not to come? Anyone who is in the house must be helped over and kowtowed."

 The old Marquis' face turned cold, and the maid immediately ran out quickly.

Li's face was full of worry, Jiaojiao had not been having a good time these past few days.

The wound suddenly became bad, and I was already in a bad mood.

Jiaojiao is kind-hearted. She always feels that she is loved by her parents, but her sister is taken away and suffers. She is always worried that she has offended her sister. If she were to give Suisui a big gift, Li would feel that it would be too cruel to Jiaojiao.

The maid came very quickly. After all, she had to pick up a distinguished guest, and several concubines in the house were waiting for her.

Yan Jiaojiao was among them.

There were several concubine sisters and concubine sisters behind him.

“Jiaojiao, do you want to kowtow too?”

"Jiaojiao, you are sisters from the same mother. How could she do this? I heard that she even asked her grandparents to give her a big gift." The concubine sisters muttered dissatisfied.

 The hands under Yan Jiaojiao's sleeves were almost pinched into her flesh.

But her face was full of weakness: "If sister wants to do this, Jiaojiao will do it. If sister is angry in her heart, Jiaojiao will understand."

He looked careless on the outside, but he was filled with hatred in his heart.

I wanted to trample her under my feet, but...

Now I have to kowtow to her.

Just thinking about it makes me feel humiliated.

 It was worse than killing her.

When he stepped into the door, he saw the little girl with red lips and white teeth saying, "Enzhang, Ape, you are still filial. You are all good children..."

 Two good boys with white hair and beards, their faces were awkward and stiff.

 Everyone in the house held her in their arms.

Yan Jiaojiao's eyes almost turned red with anger.

In the past five years, she has tried every means, but at most she allowed the old lady to promote her to the position of number one in the Marquis's residence.

I never thought that when she came back, she would directly become an elder in the Hou family.

Yan Jiaojiao was so angry that she trembled.

 The self-cultivation of the two generations almost stopped her emotions.

 What frightened her the most was that as she got closer to Yan Suisui, her luck surged extremely fiercely.

The luck she had worked so hard to win was tumbling extremely hard at the moment, and she wanted to break through the shackles and return to her at all times.

Last time I stayed with her for half an hour at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. When I came back in the evening, her face was rotten.

Yan Jiaojiao raised her hand and touched her face. She even...

 You can smell a faint rotten smell on your cheeks.

The more I think about it, the harder it becomes to accept it.

Everyone entered the door one by one, with Yan Jiaojiao walking at the front.

Just as he was thinking about saying something, he heard Yan Suisui say: "They are all juniors, so just kowtow and forget it."

“I’ll have to ask Apei to take me for a walk around the house later to help me know my way around.” Suisui looked like an elder.

"It should be. It's time to have a meal now. Let's prepare lunch quickly."

 The old Marquis immediately urged everyone to kowtow.

Yan Jiaojiao wanted to say something, but was blocked.

  Even if you don’t count it, you will never be lower in seniority.

Yan Jiaojiao's knees seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. In the past five years, she had deprived Yan Suisui of a lot of luck and was promoted to a very high height by the Hou family. There are countless believers outside the country, and even the royal family respects her.


 As soon as the real owner came back, she was like a joke.

Yan Jiaojiao was extremely jealous.

  Everybody knelt down and kowtowed obediently.

Yan Jiaojiao stood at the front, her knees slightly bent and unable to bend any further.


“Jiaojiao is a goddess from heaven who descended to earth, and she is a blessing from Dai Viet. Can you bear it when she kneels down on you?” The old lady frowned, not knowing that the treasure she held in her palm would kneel down for a **** like Yan Suisui.

Jiaojiao is like the clouds and moon in the sky, and Yansuisui is like the mud on the ground.

“You’ll know if you can stand it or not, just kneel down and you’ll know.” Suisui said calmly.

What a joke, there is nothing in this world that I can’t stand.

Humiliation, right?

 Isn’t it embarrassing?

 There will be more humiliating and embarrassing things in the future.

Whenever Suisui sees her, he will imagine in his mind that he is imprisoned and raised by her like an animal, eating meat and drinking blood.

Her bones seemed to be rising up in a painful way.

I will take everything back and let you fall from the high clouds and see your loss with your own eyes!

 My good sister, are you ready?

 The old Marquis had a rare hint of displeasure.

“Jiaojiao, Suisui is the elder now. Even though you are a goddess, you cannot break your etiquette.”

Yan Jiaojiao pursed her lips tightly, her face turned pale.

"Suisui, why are you so aggressive? It's not Jiaojiao's fault that you were taken away. What did you do to force Jiaojiao to do? You are all my mother's children, and your palms and backs are all flesh. My mother can't bear to see you like this." Li wiped her tears gently, and it was as painful as needle **** for her two daughters to target each other.

 But she never thought about it.

 The palm of her hand is always thicker than the back of her hand.

Suisui glanced at her indifferently.

The mouth is slightly open.

“Xiang Wei, stand at the door.”

Li Xiangwei, Li’s maiden name.

 Li's mother-daughter love was so deep that it solidified instantly.

 Li's eyelids almost looked ferocious for a moment.

I will be a loving mother and a filial son, but you will ride on your horse and be a kind old lady to me? ? You give me this set?

 You tell her about your feelings, and she tells you about your seniority.

Li took a deep breath, her heart trembling with anger.

 “Listen to my junior uncle.” The old Marquis didn’t like her problem either.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, who are you trying to fool?

 The junior uncle hasn't come back for two months, and I haven't seen her even the slightest bit sad.

  If Yan Jiaojiao were to behave like this, her sky would probably fall.

Li Shi moved step by step, and everyone's eyes were like slaps. Her face was so red and swollen that she could hardly lift her head.

Those concubines and those in-laws all looked at her with ridicule.

 The face that Jiaojiao had earned her over the years was all lost overnight.

 Sure enough, this is a disaster.

 The old Taoist priest is right.

Li thought in her heart.

Yan Jiaojiao took a deep breath, suppressed her anger, and knelt down towards her.


The green and transparent jade stone on her neck suddenly made a crisp sound.

 In an instant…

  Exploded into pieces.

 A faint light floats in the air, and spiritual energy spreads out.

 (End of this chapter)

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