Chapter 203 Ape

 “Hey, Suisui actually brought an axe. What a waste…”

As soon as Suisui entered the gate, she muttered something with emotion.

"What are you doing with an axe, young uncle?" The old marquis' eyelids trembled when he saw that she actually took out an ax from her arms.

I don’t know why, but when I left Shangshu Mansion, my senior brother was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Hand held his hand very affectionately to reassure herself.

 In so many years, senior brother has never been so close to him.

 “Break down the door.” Suisui put the ax in her arms.

Everyone took a sneak peek, but surprisingly, they couldn't see it at all.

"Last time I went home, everyone said Suisui was not worthy of walking through the front door. Suisui was afraid that she would be locked out again today, so she brought an ax with her. If she couldn't open the door, she would dismantle the door." Suisui said with a smile. looked at the old lady.

The old lady staggered, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, full of disgust.

“Nonsense! Whoever dares to lock my junior uncle out the door next time will be expelled from the Marquis Mansion and removed from the family tree!”

"Suisui is the princess and the junior uncle. Even if she has no other status, she is still the legitimate daughter of the Hou family. She should have taken the right door! Next time someone does this, you will sell them directly!" Old Hou In anger, everyone lowered their heads.

The old lady felt the eyes falling on her and said, "Maybe the servants in the mansion neglected her when they saw her new arrival." She couldn't say the words "little master uncle".

"Yeah, maybe it's because Ape is old and can't control his servants anymore." Suisui said calmly.

Everyone froze for a moment.


Who is Ape?

Immediately, the old lady’s eyes widened with an ugly look on her face.

 “What did you call me?” the old lady said almost word for word.

Her maiden name is Xiao Peining, which no one has called her for decades.

"I call Zhou Shangshu Chongguang, and I call Shangshu's wife Shuyu. I call you Ape, what's the matter? Ape, do you have any opinion?" Yan Suisui mouthed each Ape Ape.

 The old lady, who had just woken up from a coma, was trembling all the time.

Li, who was supporting her, was shocked.

 She had never seen the old lady so angry.

 The old lady in charge of the back house has always only had outsiders compliment her, but she has never been so angry.

"Of course I have no objection. Senior brother didn't say anything." The old marquis waved his hand and took Suisui directly to the main courtyard.

As soon as he approached the main courtyard, he heard a whimper coming from the courtyard.

“Grandfather, grandmother, mother, please ask your uncle Yueniang.” Everyone surrounded Suisui as she entered the door, and a young woman knelt on the ground without raising her head.

Kneel down and kowtow.

“Please mother, let my sister give me an explanation and help Dong’er.” The woman’s eyes were red and swollen from crying.

“What are you doing here again? It’s true that the Marquis Mansion owes you, and all of them are debt collectors of the Marquis Mansion! Look at the children you have given birth to!” The old lady was immediately furious.

"He is not so lucky, so you still need Jiaojiao to explain. You are Jiaojiao's biological sister." The old lady sat down on the main seat.

 She really looks like the mistress of a palace.

 But at this moment…

Suisui stood on one side and coughed lightly.

 Glanced at her lightly.

 The old lady's official authority was slightly condensed.

 The old Marquis frowned: "Are you still humble? Come down!"

 “Little uncle, come up!” After saying that, he ignored the shy and angry old lady and directly took Suisui and sat on the main seat.

Suisui did not forget to look back at the angry old lady and said, "Ape, I will forgive you this time."

This scene was so shocking that the eldest sister who returned home even forgot to cry. "This is your sister who is living abroad. Your sister is very lucky. Although she was raised in a barren frontier, she was accepted as a disciple by your master. Now..."

 “Now, you can call her sister-in-law.”

 “Little Master, drink tea.” The old Marquis poured a cup of tea for Suisui and stood beside her respectfully.

The old lady was picked up, and when she stood on the edge, she felt dizzy.

If it weren't for Li's tight support, I might have fainted again.

  I was so angry that my heart ached.

The eldest sister was shocked. The old Marquis did not care about anything, and the old lady had always made the decision in the house.

The old lady has a unique existence in the Hou Mansion.

Now, the old lady is so angry that her sister, who is rumored to have a mouthful of Ape, is livid and on the verge of collapse.

Her mother also has a very wonderful face.

Yan Wanning sobbed slightly, poured a cup of tea for Suisui, and called out: "Sister-in-law."

  Li’s eyes looked at her extremely unkindly.

Yan Wan Ning is the legitimate daughter of the Hou Mansion. Because Yan Jiaojiao saved the young master of the Xuanping Hou Mansion, the two families made a marriage arrangement.

Unexpectedly, just after getting married, the young master fell into a coma. It has been almost half a year now.

"Mom, grandparents, please save Dong'er. Dong'er used to be chaotic and unintelligent. Although he was a little stupid, he was still alive. Now that he has been in coma for half a year, my husband and my parents can hardly bear it." After being blessed by her biological sister, she became wise for half a year, but she actually became a living dead.

 The Xuanping Hou Mansion has always wanted an explanation.

 She kept stopping me.

If her mother-in-law's family falls out, she will really become a joke.

I begged my mother-in-law several times in private, but my sister said that this was his fate.

How could Xuanpinghou Mansion be willing to do this?

 A good child is half dead.

"Is it your sister's fault? Your sister was kind enough to save him, but he himself was not so lucky. You are also a heartless person. If Jiaojiao hadn't saved him, would you have been able to marry into the Xuanping Marquis Mansion?"

"You don't want to help your sister, but you still come to ask for an explanation." Li's eyes were full of disappointment.

"Mom, Dong'er also has a life." Yan Wanning, who was caught in the middle, almost collapsed.

The Xuanping Marquis Mansion had never treated her harshly, but now it was lukewarm to her, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"He is a life, so you should admit that Jiaojiao is wrong? No matter if it is Jiaojiao's fault or not, you should not accept this!" Li will never allow anyone to slander Yan Jiaojiao's reputation.

Yan Wanning opened his mouth, his eyes burning.

  When there was no Yan Jiaojiao, she was also the treasure in the palm of her mother's hand. Although the status of the Hou Mansion was not high in the past, it was much simpler.

Now that she has a younger sister, her status in the Hou family has risen, but in her mother's eyes, all she cares about is Jiaojiao, who has earned her enough face.

"Mom, what should I do if my daughter is caught in the middle? Wan Ning is your daughter too." She had only been married to the prince for half a year, and now their relationship was at freezing point.

Li seemed to be a little intolerant.

The old lady endured the humiliation and sat under Yan Suisui, lowering her eyes: "Jiaojiao has found a good husband for you, what else do you want?"

"Since you are the daughter of the Yan family, you should protect Jiaojiao's reputation outside. Only when Jiaojiao is well, the Yan family will be well."

"Jiaojiao has already said bluntly that this is what his fate is. If no one in the world can save him, then there is no one who can save him!"

Yan Wanning knelt down on the ground in frustration.

If something happens to Dong'er, I'm afraid she and her husband's family will have no room for change.

The two little parrots on Suisui's shoulders jumped away: "Thighs... golden thighs..."

 “Hold your thighs…” shouted thighs at the top of your lungs.

Even flat-haired animals can be enlightened, let alone people with long hair.

 (End of this chapter)

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