My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 196: It’s easy to ask God but hard to send Him away

Chapter 196 It’s easy to invite gods but hard to send them away

Sui Sui stayed at Shangshu Mansion for the second day.

 In the evening, I roasted Zhou Shangshu’s pet.

 A golden pheasant he raised.

Colorful and tender meat.

 Zhou Shangshu personally set the fire for her and sprinkled the ingredients.

 She has a beautiful long tail and even made a shuttlecock for her.

Shang Shu Zhou didn't sleep that night, so he went to the Marquis of Cheng'en's house to drag his junior brother out and scolded him. The old Marquis still doesn't know the reason.

 All I know is that his senior brother has been particularly displeased with him recently.

“Perhaps this is to remind the master that it’s time to bring back that careless evildoer.” The old lady couldn’t help but said with a sullen face when she saw the old marquis coming back dejectedly.

 Lao Houye had a humble status back then, but fortunately he was promoted by Mr. Lu, and it was only in these years that he earned his fortune.

 The old Marquis knew that his talent was not high, so it was his master's soft heart that made him accept him. The Cheng'en Marquis Mansion can be what it is today, thanks to half of the credit of Mr. Lu.

 In his heart, all divisions should be ranked in front of the Marquis's house.

How can the old Marquis care about others? All he can think about is his master's sect.

"It's up to you, you can pick me up whenever you want. Senior brother has a high status, but he is still a peer. Junior uncle is the elder!"

 “Has the yard been repaired, little uncle? Please give up the main yard of Jiaojiao.”

“Jiaojiao is the backbone of the Yan family, calling the shots in the capital. But without the teacher, how could the Yan family be where it is today?”

 “Young junior uncle has just arrived here and is of high seniority. How can you live in a side hospital?”

“During this period, please polish the door a little brighter. Young Master must enter through the main entrance. Don’t embarrass Young Master.”

 Lao Houye was very anxious.

The old lady frowned slightly: "Master, Jiaojiao has been living in the main hospital since she was a child, how can she be let out? What do you want Jiaojiao to think?"

“And she is loved by all the people, and many high-ranking officials in the capital are her followers.”

"Jiaojiao has made so much contribution to the Hou Mansion, how can you ask her to move out? Where will she live after she moves out?" The old lady looked at him in disbelief.

The old marquis rarely gets angry. Since the title was passed to his eldest son, he has not cared about the affairs of the house and has been left to their own devices in these years.

 But only on the matter of the teacher's sect, we must never give in.

"What does Jiaojiao think? What can she think? If it weren't for the master, would the Yan family be where it is today? If it weren't for the master, there wouldn't be Jiaojiao! Besides, the master has sent the message in person, so it's like he is here in person! "

"Master is far away and I can't fulfill my filial piety in front of him. Should I let my junior uncle and my juniors live in a side hospital?"

"Why can't Jiaojiao move out? What's the name of the child who was taken away? Suisui? Then she still lives by the small lake. There are many mosquitoes and it's dark at night. Why can't Jiaojiao live there? ?" Old Marquis puffed his beard and stared.

 “Okay, we’ll move out within three days.”

 “The house had better be prepared to welcome my junior uncle at any time.”

 “I can’t take charge of this Marquis Mansion anymore?” The old Marquis got angry directly.

He doesn't care about things, but once he gets angry, the old lady doesn't dare to refute.

I could only watch as he emptied the main courtyard and filled it with countless good things from the warehouse.

 Heartache and bleeding.

 The old lady was so depressed that she didn't sleep all night.

 Send people directly to Shangshu Mansion.

The one who went was the education nun in front of the old lady.

The foster mother stood outside the door of Shangshu's Mansion, her eyebrows slightly lowered, and she looked at Yan Suisui with a flash of disdain in her eyes: "Girl, it's time to go home when you've had enough trouble." "Jiaojiao girl has worked so hard to earn her face. , You can't just lose it. You are now five years old, it's time for you to be sensible." Grandma looked at her deeply.

“You go back and admit your mistake. The old lady is your grandmother after all and will forgive you.”

Suisui sneered.

 “You are so interesting.”

“The old lady asked you to come here? I was targeted by the whole class. Why didn’t you come when parents needed to be invited?”

Mammy couldn't help but said immediately: "Girl, although I don't know when you got to know your majesty, your majesty is busy with state affairs and will not protect you forever."

“The one you need to rely on is the Marquis Cheng’en Mansion.”

"You came back from the countryside and were so naughty that you offended the princes of various mansions. You should have gone door-to-door to admit your fault. You gained face with His Majesty, but you made enemies of the prince's mansion. Prince Jin, the eldest princess, and the princes of each mansion. , they are all your biological father and colleagues, if they hold grudges..." Mammy hasn't finished her words yet.

Then I heard a voice shouting: "Give me the schoolbag, I will carry it for you."

As soon as she turned around, she saw Fu Wulin, the Prince of Jin, pursed his lips and carried her schoolbag for her with a stubborn look on his face.

"Here, your breakfast. These are snacks from the south of the city..." The little princess also jumped out of the carriage, reluctantly carrying a food box.

Mammy’s words came to an abrupt end.

 “Admit my mistake? Why should I admit my mistake? I’m right! It’s really ridiculous.”

"You want me to go back, unless the Marquis Mansion personally carries the sedan chair to invite me." Suisui took the snack handed by the little princess and took a bite.

Mammy immediately became a little angry: "You are so kind, and you want the Marquis to invite you back, so don't go back!" After saying that, she turned around and left.

 She has quite a reputation in front of the old lady, so she naturally understands how dissatisfied the old lady is with her.

 That's why I dare to despise her.

At this moment, Suisui sneered and walked slowly behind the children.

Fu Wulin held up her homework and looked at her awkwardly: "Would you rather live in Shangshu Mansion than go back? Shangshu Mansion has the strictest rules. You have to pay attention to your manners even when sleeping in bed. What's so good about Shangshu Mansion?" There was a look of fear on his face. Scared look.

"What's there to be afraid of? With Chongguang Shuyu taking care of me, no one dares to care about me. If you don't believe it, I'll invite you to visit the Shangshu Mansion." Suisui has a big belly and can hold a boat, and she doesn't care at all. .

"Chongguang? Shuyu? Who is that? Why haven't you heard of them?" Fu Wulin thought for a while, as if he had never heard of these two names.

"That's my junior. He's very obedient." Suisui was very satisfied with him.

"Ahem...can I really go? In fact, I have never been to the Shangshu Mansion. I heard it is very scary..." In addition to Mr. Lu who has returned to his hometown as an official, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel is already the largest official in the court.

 In addition, Zhou Shangshu was an old-fashioned man, so many courtiers felt uncertain when they saw him.

Upon hearing this, the little princess immediately came forward with a food box.

"It's more than terrifying. I heard that their children behave exactly the same and never make mistakes. Then...can you invite me?"

The little princess hates Yan Suisui.

 But she invited me to Shangshu Mansion.

Her princess was frightened when she saw Shangshufu.

Oh, if she can be a guest at Shangshu Mansion, her mother will definitely think highly of her.

Suisui nodded, not caring at all, and turned to tell the guard: "Go back and tell Chong Guangang that I have a friend coming to visit later. Let him and Shuyu prepare some food, and remember to come out to entertain them."

When the children in the enlightenment class heard this, although they didn’t like her in their hearts, they all clamored to go with her.

Suisui immediately invited the whole class.

 As soon as school was over in the afternoon, he took the people straight to Shangshu Mansion.

 (End of this chapter)

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