My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 195: Crying little goddess

Chapter 195 The little goddess cried in anger

 The enlightenment class cried again.

 At the end of school, the whole class came out crying.

Fu Wulin carried her schoolbag, and the little princess was sobbing and holding tea for her with red eyes.

There were people behind me who were squeezing their shoulders and beating their legs, and chanting as they walked: "I am a pig, I am a pig, I am a pig."

 shooting oneself in the foot.

 They conducted a total of seven rounds of competition.

 Each round, the person who is most proficient in that book is selected from the class, but Suisui didn't care who the opponent was the whole time.

  No matter what book she was reading, she could recite it directly to the point where the Master had read it.

There was not even a single pause or hesitation in the middle. It was infinitely better than them who were stumbling and looking forward to it.

 They were there to help Yan Jiaojiao regain her position.

 Unexpectedly, I exported myself.

"I didn't bully them this time. They couldn't afford to cry." Suisui spread her hands, and the dean looked helpless.

 Half an hour ago, he already knew the whole story.

 Looking at this group of students, I didn’t know what to say.

Yesterday, I was beaten to tears by the other side, but today, my brain is even inferior to that of the other side. The whole class lost and cried.

 Being proud like them is worse than swallowing a fly.

“Who, who can’t afford to lose is crying? Who is crying!” The little princess was so angry that she stamped her feet. Why did she have such a good memory! They were all the beauties of the capital, how could she defeat them so easily.

I didn’t cry originally, but the most disgusting thing was her sentence. You can read it if you have a brain, so what’s the problem?

 It’s not a pig’s brain.

  It made them cry with anger.

Suisui didn't argue with them: "Tomorrow you bring me food, tomorrow you come to Shangshu Mansion to carry my schoolbag, tomorrow you bring me snacks. Tomorrow you beat my legs..." He directly arranged the whole class Of course.

 A group of children were crying and scolding Zhou Shangshu for not living up to expectations in the morning.

 It was their turn in the afternoon.

Suisui looked at Fu Wulin: "How about you do my homework for me? I don't need you to come to Shangshu Mansion to carry your schoolbag..."

 Fu Wulin turned his head and spat: "Bah, what a beautiful idea!"

 Turn around and leave.

 “If you’re not happy, then you’re not happy, you’re stingy.” Suisui snorted angrily.

 Before returning home, she told Jiajia that she wanted to eat dim sum from Yuehualou.

There were a lot of people in Yuehua Tower, and it was already dark when the two of them squeezed out with their guards.

 “Oops, my homework is missing.” Suisui suddenly screamed.

"I even held it in my arms because I was afraid that someone would steal it." Suisui stamped her feet angrily.

The little girl cried sadly: "There is also the homework that my senior brother prepared for me...a big bag, all gone..."

 Jiajia cried out and hurriedly went back to look for her.

 But it was getting dark and there were so many people, so I had no choice but to go back home.

Seeing that she was dejected, Jiajia immediately comforted her and said, "Tomorrow my slave will tell Master for you, and Mr. Lu's slave will also explain."

Suisui lowered her head and responded in a depressed mood.

"You didn't mean it. Look at you. You are dressed richly and look like a young lady in a boudoir. You are holding a big bag in your arms. You are so sneaky that a thief would think you were holding gold and silver. Where are the jewels? If I didn’t steal them from you, who would I steal them from?” Jiajia sighed.

 “Next time, let’s not do this again.”

Suisui’s little head keeps nodding.

To express her low mood, she even skipped dinner at night.

 And Zhou Shangshu didn’t eat either.

He didn't go anywhere in the afternoon. He went to the Marquis Chengen's Mansion and found a reason to scold his second junior brother.

 He didn’t say anything about Suisui’s identity. It’s up to Suisui to speak for herself.

“Look at you, you are so old, you can’t take care of things in the backyard? You can’t even accommodate a little granddaughter. Your mansion is getting more and more shameless.”

 Zhou Shangshu was on full fire.

"What's the matter? After giving birth to a granddaughter, does the honor and disgrace of the whole family belong to Yan Jiaojiao? The legitimate son in your family actually wants to be below her position. I think you are an old fool."    " The head of the house, isn’t Suisui your granddaughter? You can’t even accommodate a child!”

 The old Marquis of Cheng'en respected his teachers, so he was naturally afraid of his senior brother.

  At this moment, the person being scolded could not even lift his head.

"Brother, you haven't come to my house for eight hundred years, and now you come here just for a little girl?" The old Marquis was very surprised.

"She has bad behavior, so she can be raised in your house. She will have a good reputation when she comes out." The old marquis naturally knew the reputation of Shangshu's house.

At that time, he shamelessly begged his master to accept Jiaojiao as his disciple, but his master refused and went to find his senior brother.

Senior Brother bluntly stated that he would not accept female disciples.

 And he was very dissatisfied with his excessive pampering of his granddaughter.

 “Xiao Nizi?” Zhou Shangshu sneered.

"By the way, have you received my junior uncle? I heard from my master a month ago that my junior uncle is coming to the capital, and he wants me to respect him and serve him well. I haven't seen anyone after waiting for half a month."

 Zhou Shangshu looked at him deeply, and the anger in his eyes dissipated a little.

Hmm, there are people who are more unlucky and shameless than me, and in comparison, they don’t seem that angry.

"Ahem, little uncle, he came when he was supposed to come. The master left early, and our master took care of the upbringing. As disciples, we must be respectful, serve our uncle in his daily life, and fulfill our duties as juniors. " Zhou Shangshu said word by word.

The old Marquis frowned: "That's natural. Everyone in the house must be respectful."

 Zhou Shangshu was satisfied: "That's good."

"Ahem, the house has been tidied up. The junior uncle will come to live in the future. After the work...come and take Suisui back." After the minister finished speaking, he turned and left.

 Hand did not even enter the gate of Chengenhou Mansion.

Old Shangshu was thinking as he walked, the junior uncle was young and talented, so he had to be ruthless and teach him some rules.

 Just mentally prepare yourself.

 Pep yourself up.

 As soon as I returned home, I heard that my junior uncle had lost the homework given by Mr. Lu and Master today, and he was so angry that he didn't have dinner.

Shangshu frowned: "Children love to read. It's a good thing to have backbone. It's a blessing for a teacher."

"But how can she do it without eating? She is still growing. Go and make some delicious meals. I will feed her myself."

Everyone watched helplessly as he held the bowl and fed the little uncle one bite at a time.

 Praise after taking a bite.

 The little grandson looked at it with eager eyes: "Grandpa, I don't want to eat either..."

Master Zhou didn’t even raise his eyelids: “Get out of here and don’t give him anything tonight. He’ll eat well when he’s hungry tomorrow. Children, don’t get used to it…”

The little grandson cried loudly: "Then why do you spoil her? Oh, oh, oh, you even feed her yourself!"

“What do you know? This is called respecting teachers and being filial to elders!” Mr. Zhou almost gritted his teeth.

 She is young, but she is senior.

“Shuyu, Chongguang, we don’t want to yell at our children.” His tone was very much like that of an old man from the village.

Suisui accidentally lost her homework today and happily ate two big bowls.

 Just put down the bowl.

Then I heard the concierge calling: "Sir, someone just threw in a bag, saying it was something lost in the house. I asked specifically about it and sent it back to us..."

 Once opened.

 Suddenly it was Suisui’s lost homework.

 Sent back intact.

 Oh haha.

Suisui was stunned on the spot.

 “Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…” Xiao Suisui coaxed with rice in her mouth. At this moment, she was out of breath from crying.

 You have no professional ethics. You stole everything, why are you sending it back?

 I curse you to never be able to steal anything good in your life!

Lord Shangshu was extremely satisfied.

 What a blessing for the teacher. The good elders who love reading all cried with joy.

 (End of this chapter)

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