Chapter 197 Shangshu cried

Zhou Chongguang never imagined that he would be where he is today.

 In the court, he is the Minister of Zhou who controls the overall situation.

 On the contrary, he wants to restrain His Majesty, assist the Emperor, and always be wary of Your Majesty taking the wrong path.

 Concerning this, he must set an example for all officials, both civil and military, and treat everything strictly.

 In the hearts of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, he was solemn and stern.

This is also the reason why His Majesty prefers Yan Suisui, and all civil and military officials will ask him to come forward.

 Because he is the only one who can spare his head to admonish His Majesty.

 At this moment…

Even before Shangshu Zhou changed out of his official uniform, he walked around the young guests carrying snacks in an amiable manner.

 “This is a new snack from Shangshufu, try it...”

 “You should eat less cold food and be careful of getting upset.”

 Zhou Shangshu’s amiable appearance shocked all the friends.

How does this look like the rumored big shot?

 Daddy is talking nonsense!

 Shang Shu Zhou is such an amiable person.

There is also the old lady, who obviously has a royal decree and is worshiped by everyone, but she is quite old, and she comes out to greet them personally.

  Not at all as severe as the rumors say.

 Children were running around happily in Shangshu Mansion.

  It wasn't until dusk fell that the various prefectures saw that the child had not returned, so they hurriedly came to pick him up.

I have to say that on this day, the distance between Xiao Suisui and the whole class was directly reduced.

“You are so powerful. Even the Shangshu Mansion is like a fish in water. Hey, I can’t beat you even if I fight you. I can’t memorize you even if I endorse it... Even the Shangshu Mansion is so kind to you.” The friends felt sad.

Their parents are followers of Yan Jiao Jiao, and they are also affected by it.

But after all, Yan Jiaojiao was in a different class from them, and as soon as she came into contact with Suisui, the influence in her mind was immediately severed.

Suisui narrowed her eyes and stood at the door to say goodbye to everyone: "Don't belittle yourselves."

 The little guy smiled gently.

 “Actually, you are also great.”

 “If you work harder, you can surpass my parrot.”

 “My parrot is also very powerful...”

 “Left and left, memorize the Tao Te Ching.”

 The two little parrots on the left and right immediately started reciting, shaking their heads.

 One sentence for left and one sentence for right, the two birds are seamlessly connected.

  The smiles on the faces of the happy little classmates gradually disappeared.

Just standing at the door of Shangshu Mansion, I burst into tears.

 The third day of school.

 Her classmate went back crying again.

This time, they didn’t dare to tell their parents.

I have never fought before, and I have never competed in studying. Now, I lost to the opponent’s parrot...

 It’s simply shameless.

 The more I cry, the sadder I become.

 I just plan to go home and work hard secretly to amaze everyone.

 Although in the end, I only won two parrots.

Suisui stood at the door waving a small handkerchief, smiling very happily.

As soon as he turned around, Lao Shangshu also wiped his tears with his handkerchief.

"What's wrong with you, Chongguang? If you have anything on your mind, tell me to my junior uncle. I will make the decision for you! The master will find justice for you!"

“Did Brother Jiuxiao make you angry?”

 “Did you feel offended in court?”

“Shuyu, why are you crying too?”

The more Suisui spoke, the more the two of them cried.

"Chongguang, why are your hands blistered? You are an official. I didn't know. I thought you moved bricks every day." Suisui followed him and muttered. Mr. Zhou was in tears.

 Every afternoon he went to the emperor's palace and moved bricks for half an hour!

 Zhou Shangshu cried all night and his eyes were swollen.

Suisui was sitting under the window, writing furiously.

 “Damn thing, if you steal something and give it back to me, it’s not a good thing!”

As he was speaking, a low sob suddenly came from his ears.

“Girl, is Shangshu Mansion haunted? I can hear cries every night in the middle of the night...” Jiajia asked in a low voice.

Suisui's eyes widened: "Don't engage in feudal superstition. There are no ghosts in this world! What gods and ghosts!"

 After speaking, walk directly through the wall.

Suisui chased her all the way to the garden, only then did she feel that her crying was a little louder.

 The further inside, the more desperate the cries become.

Suisui raised her eyebrows and heard a sound of water.

Suisui was shocked.

Hurrying through the garden, sure enough, I saw a girl jumping into the pool.

Suisui didn't have time to scream, her fingertips condensed, and an invisible force spurted out, entangled the girl in the straight water, and dragged her up.

Jiajia just arrived and saw this scene.

 Don’t be feudal and superstitious?

 But at this moment, there was no time to think too much, so he hurriedly covered the girl with the cloak given to Suisui.

"This... girl Jinni?" Jiajia was shocked.

Zhou Jinni is the granddaughter of Zhou Shangshu. She is a well-known and talented girl from a well-known family. Last year, when she got hairpins, countless people came to ask for her hand in marriage.

  Girl Jinni choked and coughed, and tears flowed down her face.

"No...don't stop me. Don't tell my grandfather and's Jinni, Jinni can't help them." Miss Zhou burst into tears.

"Jin Ni cannot repay the kindness of father and mother, and can only repay it in the next life. Jin Ni, cannot cause trouble to the family." A flash of fear flashed in Miss Zhou's eyes.

 Miss Zhou's suppressed cry of collapse made Suisui and Jiajia look at each other.

"Miss Zhou, why don't you go sit in the house first? Be careful of waking up others." Seeing her emotional breakdown, Jiajia dared to let her leave.

 Immediately half-drag and half-ask her back to Suisui Courtyard.

Miss Zhou felt quite calm during this walk, but she was shivering from the cold.

Ms. Zhou is a typical girl from an aristocratic family. She is virtuous, generous, and respects rules. She is always extremely respectful to Suisui.

“Jinni, has Chongguang treated you harshly?”

"That **** actually forced his granddaughter to die? You feel wronged, tell me! I'll make the decision for you! It would be weird if I didn't expel him from the school!" Suisui's eyes turned red with anger.

"No, it's not my grandfather. Jin Ni is treated very well in the house, and Jin Ni knows everything." Miss Zhou explained hurriedly.

She knew how much her grandfather valued her junior uncle. If his junior uncle really kicked him out, he would probably hang himself by turning around.

Even though he looks aggrieved all day long, he is actually the one who manipulates my junior uncle the most.

“It’s Jinni...Jinni got caught in something.” Miss Zhou started to cry as she spoke.

"Jin Ni got engaged at the beginning of this year and is just waiting to get married next year. Although Jin Ni and he don't say they are in love, they... also have mutual expectations."

"But lately...Jin Ni has been having nightmares lately." Miss Zhou's face showed a hint of fear.

“In the dream, someone was carrying a sedan to marry Jinni. The person carrying the sedan was actually a paper man made by a shroud shop.”

 “Jin Ni originally thought it was just a dream…”

Ms. Zhou’s face turned pale and her fingers clenched into fists unconsciously.

"However, today when I took a nap during the day, I actually dreamed that the other party announced the date when he would come to marry me. When I woke up, I held a piece of yellow paper in my hand. On it were my and the other party's birth dates."

"And..." Miss Zhou trembled as she unbuttoned her clothes.

 I saw a mark on the neck.

"I can't bring trouble to the Shangshu Mansion. Those things are extremely sinister at first sight." Miss Zhou collapsed and covered her face.

Suisui raised his eyebrows.

 This is the mark that comes only after being bound to a shady relationship.

 (End of this chapter)

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