My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 179: The little ancestor is here

Chapter 179 The little ancestor is here

Xu Ziyi did not discuss it with Grandma Liu at all.

 Drove the carriage all the way to the main gate.

 Stop straight in front of the main entrance.

At noon, there were many courtiers and carriages coming and going, and four or five carriages were parked in front of Yan's house.

  making everyone turn around frequently.

Mama Liu was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She was really a charlatan.

"you you…"

Suisui glanced at her lazily: "If you don't open it, I'll go back. Can you open it?"

Mama Liu was so angry that her heart ached. After seeing this wealth and wealth, she actually planned to turn around and go back to the poor country?

 She asked about it before going.

Xiushan was poor, and the family that adopted her was extremely poor.

She didn’t ask for details. Anyway, she went there once and found that the Yan family’s house was not as exquisite as a maid’s house.

That family often had mud under their feet, and their home was filled with strange-shaped rocks.

 A group of people hold stones like treasures all day long.

Mama Liu took a deep breath and called the maid to go in and report to the old lady and madam.

The Hou Mansion is decorated with carved railings and beautiful landscape.

The old lady in rich clothes and a majestic face sat in front of the hall, changing cups of tea in her hands.

 “Why haven’t you come in yet to worship?”

Li's eyes were slightly red: "Mother, maybe I was delayed on the road."

 The old lady’s face darkened.

"Jiaojiao fell ill on the day she came back. According to me... that year..." The old lady suppressed her temper and put the tea cup on the table with a bang.

 “This is a lost star. It’s a disaster.” The old lady’s face was tense.

At that time, it was just a matter of sending him away from afar, but now that he was found out, he had no choice but to invite him back home.

 But since finding out about her, Jiaojiao has been sick several times.

"Mom, Suisui is also the daughter of the Yan family. She...she is also innocent." Madam Hou, Mrs. Li, wiped the corners of her eyes.

"Where is Jiaojiao lying on the hospital bed, her body red with fever? How many years has she worked for the Marquis Mansion? For such a small child, everyone else is eating, drinking and having fun, but what about her? She must learn to offer sacrifices and give blessings at a young age."

"Jiaojiao is a goddess, a treasure given to the Yan family by God. If you don't protect Jiaojiao, you are thinking about the harm."

"How much injustice has Jiaojiao suffered since her identity was found out? Those who were originally dissatisfied with Jiaojiao are now slandering Jiaojiao. Pity my Jiaojiao'er, her mother is still a fool!" The old lady beheaded her. She glanced.

"That girl was raised in the countryside. Don't you know how greedy and poor the unscrupulous people in the backwoods are? If you raise her mind, what will Jiaojiao do in the future?" the old lady scolded angrily.

Just as he was talking, the maid came to report.

ˆ “

"Old madam, Miss Suisui is back. It's just..." The maid's lips moved and she knelt on the ground without saying a word.

"Why haven't you come to see the old lady? The old lady has been waiting for a long time." asked the nanny behind the old lady.

The maid then replied: "Miss Suisui refuses to enter the side door. She wants to open the main door to enter the house."

“This guy is standing in a stalemate at the gate, refusing to let in.”

 The old lady's face suddenly darkened.

 “You bastard!” The tea cup was thrown directly at the maid.

  Hit the maid's head to a **** head.

 “Ms. Li, look at the evil you have caused!”

"You actually feel guilty for her. This **** thing has not even recognized her as a relative, yet she needs to be treated the same as Jiaojiao! She is not an Ansheng!"

“Is she also delusional about competing with Jiaojiao?”

“If the outside world wasn’t watching, we really wouldn’t be able to take her back!”

Mr. Li has always been praised by the old lady because she gave birth to Yan Jiaojiao, but now she couldn't help but complain a little more.

"Mom, that old country woman must have raised her child badly and developed thoughts that she shouldn't have. When she comes back, my daughter-in-law will definitely give her a good beating and make her proud of her beauty and put her sister first." If you don’t want anything on the table, I’m just jealous of Jiaojiao. Jiaojiao is the most promising child in our family, and she is a goddess given by God. How can she compare?”

“Just let her hang outside the door! How can such a dignified house be manipulated by her child?” Mammy made tea for the old lady again, and the old lady drank it slowly.

“Mother, the whole capital is watching. If our palace doesn’t give her face, everyone in the capital should despise her in the future and let her have no..."

As he was speaking, a weak cough came over.

"Girl, girl...go back and rest quickly." The maid's voice came from behind.

Everyone looked up and saw a pale, thin and staggering little girl walking through the door.

“Mom, let Jiaojiao go and invite her sister home in person.”

"Ahem..." Yan Jiaojiao's cheeks were slightly pointed. When she coughed, her lips became redder and her face turned pale, which made people feel distressed.

 The old lady stood up hurriedly with distress.

"You silly kid, why did you run out while you were still sick? The weather is getting colder, and if something happens again, the Yan family will become a sinner."

"You are a blessing given to the Yan family by God. If the Yan family fails to take good care of you, wouldn't it be a sin?"

"Ignore you, you stupid mother..." Seeing that her hands and feet were cold, the old lady held her in her arms even more distressedly.

"Mom, it must be my sister who complained about Jiaojiao enjoying herself alone in front of her parents. Let her admit her mistake and ask her to come back." Yan Jiaojiao begged with a pale face. Yan Jiaojiao burst into tears. She was not really four years old. Half!

  Li's heart, which was still a little shaken at first, suddenly cooled down.

 In all her passion, only the love for her little daughter remains.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are trying to tear out my mother's heart."

"Go back and rest quickly. The Marquis Mansion has the rules of the Marquis Mansion. You are just soft-hearted. It's none of your business. It's your sister who is greedy." Mrs. Li touched her head, turned around and forgot about Yan Suisui. .

How can I remember that Yan Suisui was also her child born in ten months of pregnancy.


  She never had a chance to choose, so she was abandoned.

Yan Jiaojiao is their pearl, she was raised with all the efforts of the Yan family. Where is Yan Suisui?

 It is a child who is not expected from birth.

 In Yan Jia's heart, she should not have been born.

 She was abandoned back then, and now she is passively picked up, so naturally she is even more displeased.

"Okay, if she wants to wait, let her wait. Let Aunt Liu come back and take her life."

“Being so greedy at such a young age, I’m afraid you’ve been spoiled.”

"She must temper her greed. So as not to compete with Jiaojiao for favor in the future." The old lady pressed Yan Jiaojiao's hand and had Yan Jiaojiao sent directly back to the room.

 At this moment, the palace.

The emperor held the letter Suisui wrote to him, looked at the pattern on it, and fell into deep thought.

 In a square frame, a head is drawn on the front.

 Blindly guessed it was a carriage.

There is a pig drawn next to the car, and I guess it is King Tiger.

There is also a drawing of a fat girl with a small hairpin in the car. The fat girl has a nose and eyes, and there are two chickens parked on her shoulders.

 Two stick figures were drawn next to it.

 It doesn’t even have eyes or nose.

Fu Jiuxiao guessed that the chubby one who drew the best must be Suisui.

 You also brought two parrots?

 Having been guessing all the way, Sui Sui has reached the capital!

Wearing a dragon robe, Fu Jiuxiao's eyes lit up.

 The little ancestor came to see him!

At this moment, Suisui was sitting in the carriage: "I heard that Brother Fu's cook is one of the best in the world. I miss his... cook so much."

 Seems like I have thought about it.

It seems like I didn’t think about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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