My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 178: Show off your power

 Chapter 178: Demonstration

Mama Liu wiped the sweat from her forehead.

 Finally made it to the capital.

 She has lost weight!

 She lost six pounds in half a month, and she was always on tenterhooks. This **** girl was so capable.

This girl is good, she actually made herself fat!

Arrived in her familiar territory, Grandma Liu temporarily regained some confidence.

 He coughed lightly, and his brows were filled with arrogance again.

"Look, here is the capital, at the feet of the emperor! Is it much better than your Xiushan in the remote countryside?" Aunt Liu said with a sneer. Although she had been to Xiushan for four months, she went to Fucheng the next day.

 The understanding of Xiushan still remains in the memory of rumors.

Suisui glanced at her sideways: "Under the emperor's feet? What about the emperor's feet? I'm not afraid of the emperor's head!"

 The person who pinched her shoulders and beat her legs was the future empress.

"You bastard, is this what you can say? This is not a poor country. If you say the wrong thing, you may bring disaster to the Marquis Mansion!" Aunt Liu trembled in fright and hurriedly covered her mouth.

The new emperor was temperamental and moody, but within a few months, the entire palace was replaced with blood.

 When the courtiers saw that he was young, they thought it was easy to handle him.

Unexpectedly, it had only been three days, but the new emperor's ruthlessness made everyone tremble. The entire court behaved like a quail, restraining their own mansions and not daring to offend the new emperor again.

 He is not like the previous emperor, who was obsessed with immortality all day long and was confused and mediocre.

Moreover, the new emperor was extremely tough and would kill at any time, including all nine tribes.

How dare the courtiers touch his troubles?

 I tried to kidnap him morally before, but later I found out that he has no morals at all!

 No, not even a heart!

Suisui sneered. Aunt Liu couldn't get used to her character. She was obviously a wild girl from the countryside who came to meet her relatives, but she always looked calm and unfazed.

 Yes, Grandma Liu has been observing her expression.

From the moment she entered the city gate, she had been observing her, trying to see some shock and admiration.

 What an exclamation.

 A gasp.

The idiots who entered the city looked around and saw none of them.

When she saw the majestic gate of the capital city, she only sighed: "Everyone said that the capital city is good, I thought it was gilded. It turns out that it is like this..." There was disgust in her tone? ! !

 This time, the pride of being a member of the Imperial City was shattered.

“There seems to be no difference except that the roads in the capital are wider and there are more fat people.” Suisui shook her head.

I thought it would be similar to Lingxiao Hall.

 It’s really not good, but it’s not worse than the East China Sea Dragon Palace, right?

East China Sea Dragon Palace only has a little more night-glow pearls, a little more thousand-year-old red corals, and a little more rare and precious treasures, but they are nothing unusual.

Suisui, who is used to seeing big scenes, has no fluctuation in her heart.

Mama Liu was so angry that her heart ached.

Damn it, you are from the countryside. I don’t know, but I thought you were a fairy daughter from heaven.

“According to what you say, the palace is no longer worth mentioning in your eyes.” Mother Liu rolled her eyes at her.

Suisui waved his hand: "Oh, it's just so so. If the emperor comes to invite me in person, I can still consider staying there."

Mama Liu laughed out loud now.

  "I'm afraid you're thinking of eating shit. Why does the emperor come to invite you?!?!"

  "Please come to the palace and live there for a while, and I'll show you how to stand on your head and eat shit!"

 “Just you?”

"The new emperor doesn't even have a good look on the important ministers in the court, so why should I invite you? Just our old marquis..." Aunt Liu coughed lightly and lowered her voice.

"Our old marquis didn't even dare to say more than a few words to the new emperor, and he came to invite you personally? Are you the king of heaven?"  "If it's a delicate girl, I'm afraid it's not the same." Aunt Liu didn't forget to praise her. Compliment Jiaojiao.

Suisui glanced at her, smiled and remained silent.

Mama Liu was able to regain a temporary advantage and felt confident.

The carriage headed all the way towards the Marquis Chengen's Mansion.

“The capital is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is home to civilians, or officials with minor official positions.”

“The inner city houses the families of the important officials of the court. The further you go in, the more noble your family background is.”

"Our Marquis of Cheng'en Mansion has moved once since the birth of Miss Jiaojiao. The mansion that the late emperor personally rewarded is located closest to the palace. Miss Jiaojiao is the most beloved child of the late emperor. Her status, Even more noble than a princess," said the nanny with a bit of arrogance.

Every Yan family member is proud of Yan Jiaojiao.

 This is also the reason why everyone rejects Yan Suisui.

 Because her existence will impact the status of the delicate girl. It will also make the Yan family questionable...

Suisui glanced at her curiously: "The late emperor loved her so much. He gave her enough face and favor, so when the late emperor left, why didn't she go with him?"

Mama Liu was instantly angry: "You are so vicious at such a young age, you really have no education!"

 Mama Liu was angry.

  Just stop talking.

Driving the carriage directly towards the Marquis Chengen's Mansion.

The carriage passed through one mansion after another, and finally stopped in front of the gate of the Marquis Chengen's Mansion.

The gate of the Hou Mansion is majestic and solemn, and the majesty and status of the Hou Mansion can be seen at a glance.

As soon as the carriage stopped, the porter came out with a frown on his face: "Mama Liu?"

“Mama Liu’s carriage must not stop at the main entrance. Go to the side entrance quickly.”

Mama Liu nodded: "Bring her to identify the door."

“Only guests with distinguished status can open the door. Of course, the prince and marquis in the mansion must use the main entrance.”

“Oh, there’s also Miss Jiaojiao. Miss Jiaojiao’s status is extraordinary, so she naturally has to go through the front door.”

After saying this, Grandma Liu asked someone to drive the carriage to the side door.

 The side door is small and narrow, and a carriage cannot get in.

Ah Yue’s eyebrows were cold, as if she could not suppress her anger.

 “Suisui, don’t take the side door!”

“It’s really ridiculous. A daughter who has been living outside the home since she was born has to go through a side door when she comes home for the first time? Is this what you call missing your daughter?”

 Ah Yue’s face was filled with anger.

"Suisui, let's go to the front door. Every big mansion has a corner door and a side door. When entering a concubine's room, you use the side door. The maid and mother-in-law use the corner door, but the legitimate son and daughter always use the front door. Why should Suisui use the side door?!"

If Suisui enters this side door, it means that she is inferior to Yan Jiaojiao, which is a disincentive to Suisui!

Mama Liu’s expression froze.

I didn’t expect that the usually silent girl knew the rules of the capital.

"You don't deserve to go through the front door, but Suisui does! She is the legitimate daughter of the Marquis. It's really ridiculous for a legitimate daughter to go through the side door when she returns home for the first time."

“If the prince’s government doesn’t want the girl to come back, then let’s go back!”

"You don't have to be so rude to others!" Ah Yue has never been a meddlesome person. She has experienced the dark side of the world, but she cares deeply about Suisui.

 Xu Ziyi immediately stood up straight.

His eyes instantly turned cold.

Jiajia's eyes were so angry that she said, "Let's go home! How can Yan Jiaojiao be worthy of walking through the front door, but we girls are not worthy?"

"This is not what our girl wants to come back to. You sent someone to invite her!"

 “Let’s not miss the Chengenhou Mansion any more!”

 (End of this chapter)

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