My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 180: It is better to be an emperor than to raise pigs

Chapter 180 Being an emperor is worse than raising pigs

 At noon.

Several carriages, covered with dust, stopped in front of the gate of Chengenhou Mansion.

There were so many noble people coming and going at this moment. When someone passed by, he said inadvertently: "I'm afraid it's another poor relative who came to enjoy the autumn breeze at Cheng'enhou Mansion."

 “I was turned away by the Chengenhou Mansion.”

The door of Chengenhou's mansion is closed tightly, and Aunt Liu and other servants have been recalled to the house.

 A few of them were left in an awkward stalemate.

Ah Yue's face was red, and when she saw Suisui's naive look, she felt distressed and was about to shed tears: "Suisui, let's go back. Your eldest brother promised me to take care of you. We won't tolerate her arrogance."

The two parrots stared at each other and said, "Please don't step on the birds."

Two parrots chirped.

As he was talking, suddenly, a knocking sound came from outside the carriage.

Xu Ziyi reported outside the carriage, with some hesitation in his tone: "Miss Yan..."

Jiajia lifted the curtain, and when she opened it, she saw several guards standing outside.

 There was a smiling **** standing in front.

At this moment, when I saw Suisui showing her cheeks, she immediately raised her smile.

If anyone in the court saw it, they would probably be shocked.

 This man is the prince who serves in front of the new emperor.

The prince has always only listened to his majesty's orders. Even the courtiers have to warm their faces to cool his bottom when they see him. No one has ever seen him smile like a flower.

 The old man’s face was filled with laughter.

 “Miss Suisui, this servant was sent by Mr. Fu.”

“Young master is busy with affairs and cannot get away for the time being. I specially asked my servant to wait for you at the city gate, but I missed you.” The prince glanced at Yan Suisui secretly.

Only four or five years old, cute and cute, but just a baby!

 But the prince and his father-in-law simply couldn’t imagine the importance she held in His Majesty’s heart.

He was waiting in front of the palace, and no one knew better than him that His Majesty had been talking about Little Fatty all day long half a month ago.

 The whole court is exploring His Majesty's preferences. Who knows that this is the new emperor's preference?

This is probably a child that His Majesty knew before he ascended the throne.

Suisui’s eyes lit up.

"Well, leave the carriage here. Let's go find Brother Fu... I heard that Brother Fu's cook cooks delicious food. Come back after eating." Suisui waved her hand.

    I don’t want to serve you anymore.

 The Marquis of Cheng'en's Mansion likes to open the door.

 The prince glanced at Chengenhou Mansion, his eyebrows were slightly cold, he was really seeking death.

  He took Suisui directly into the palace.

Ah Yue's eyes widened when she saw the dark palace door, and her lips tightened.

 The jumping Hanhan in front didn’t feel anything was wrong at all.

"Brother Fu's family is so big... It seems that Brother Fu's family is very poor..." Suisui sighed with emotion, and the prince almost laughed out loud.

 After entering the palace gate, there was a sedan carrying her forward.

"My master has prepared some food for you. Miss Suisui is going to put some food on your stomach for the time being." The prince looked surprised. Since half a month ago, His Majesty has asked the imperial kitchen to prepare snacks every day.

 It turned out that I was waiting for this little girl.

Suisui was sitting in a sedan chair filled with Beijing snacks.

 The little girl’s eyebrows curved with joy.

The palace is heavily guarded, with almost every guard post every step.

 The sedan stopped all the way at the door of the imperial study.

Xu Ziyi stayed at the door of the Hou Mansion to look at something. Jiajia and Ah Yue were standing at the door of the imperial study without going in.

Suisui jumped out of the carriage. The prince was wondering, since the emperor is an emperor, how should he teach her how to salute later.

Unexpectedly, the little girl rushed open the door like a cannonball.

The heavy palace door shook.

 The prince looked at the door suspiciously. This strength...

 There's something wrong.

If he looked carefully, he could also find a small handprint on the bronze door.

"Girl, the master is His Majesty, he wants to..." Note that the rules are not finished yet. Then he saw that the emperor, who was serious about his words and said in the court that he had the power of life and death in the world, threw away the wolf hair and hugged the little fat man upright.

 The ice and snow melted, and the new emperor's brows were filled with joy, as if all the ice on his body had melted.

"Brother Fu... Suisui thinks about it so much... I think about it so much..." The little girl made bigger and bigger gestures with her hands. The corners of Fu Jiuxiao's lips curled up slightly. The little girl missed him.

  "I think about it so much...your cook. Bring your food quickly."

 The smile on Fu Jiuxiao's lips faltered.

The prince's heart trembled, and the new emperor became angry. He had to kill every time to put out the fire.

Who knows…

“Of course, I also miss Brother Fu a little bit.” The little guy stretched out his fingernail.

 Nonsense, this is her rice bag, she is not stupid.

Fu Jiuxiao smiled softly.

 “Pass the meal.”

 The prince and his father-in-law immediately retreated.

Before exiting, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye and saw the new emperor hugging the little girl and sitting on the dragon chair. The prince's heart skipped a beat.

  Directly raise the position of Yan Sui Sui and then raise it higher.

 It’s over, it’s over.

The Chengenhou Mansion, which has always been favored, is about to kick the iron slab this time.

Remembering the rumors in the capital, Wang Gonggong lit a candle for the Marquis of Chengen's Mansion.

 It is said by outsiders that the National Preceptor said that the child born to Madam Hou was a lucky star in Vietnam and could protect the safety of Vietnam.

 But the one stolen by the midwife was a disaster for Dai Viet.

 The disaster that will overturn the country of Da Viet.

Before she returned to Beijing, rumors spread that she was vulgar, ignorant, jealous, and unappreciable.

 The ladies who have a good relationship with Yan Jiaojiao are still waiting to see her laugh.

How good it is now...

 She was sitting on the dragon chair and humming a tune.

"Suisui, are you tired from the journey? I see you have lost weight..." Fu Jiuxiao never called me in front of her.

Suisui pinched her waist, her belly was round...

“I haven’t lost weight. Maybe it’s because the journey was too hard and my clothes have worn off.” Suisui waved her hand.

 Hey, Brother Fu must have no conscience to say this.

"This is Brother Fu's home..." Suisui looked around. The imperial study room was where the emperor reviewed memorials, and there was dignity everywhere, but Suisui didn't find it strange at all.

 She can even wet the bed in the Emperor's palace.

After wetting the bed, he still falsely accused the Emperor of Heaven of doing it.

The emperor was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

The imperial dining room was prepared with food all day long, and soon a full table was set.

Suisui's face was full of excitement when she saw the exquisite and beautiful food.

But as he looked at it... his little face drooped: "No meat?"

 Surprised, shocked, eyes widened in disbelief!

 The prince replied cautiously: "The late emperor passed away, and your majesty is still in the period of filial piety, so he can only eat vegetarian food."

“If you eat meat, the courtiers should impeach your majesty.”

Suisui suddenly felt distressed.

 What is the use of being a good cook? If she eats vegetarian food every day, she will go crazy.


 Eunuch Wang only allowed Fu Jiuxiao to eat one chopstick of each dish!

 Any food exceeding three chopsticks will be removed immediately.

 And you won’t be able to show up for the next month!

“Brother Fu, is your family having a hard time? No wonder you have lost weight.” Suisui frowned and looked at the king of a country sympathetically.

"How about we go back. Suisui is very strong, and Suisui will support you by carrying the sand bag! Others carry one bag at a time, but Suisui can carry five bags at a time."

“If it doesn’t work out, I’ll pay to open a pig farm for you!”

“Brother Fu, come back with me to raise pigs. It’s better than being that kind of majesty...” Suisui persuaded him to change his career in a serious way.

Eunuch? ? ?

 Being an emperor is not as good as raising pigs? ? !

 (End of this chapter)

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