My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 177: The scourge has come home

Chapter 177 Disaster comes home

Lu Dongbin, Lu Dongbin, we are really enemies.

At that time, Lu Dongbin coaxed her to drink, and she complained in public that Lu Dongbin was obsessed with a certain female fairy and also collected the peripherals of a certain female fairy.

After the female fairy found out, she asked Lu Dongbin out.

  Two of Lu Dongbin’s teeth were knocked out on the spot.

  Said he looks like a human but actually collects her peripherals like a pervert.

Later, the female fairy was so angry that she simply went down to earth to experience the calamity.

  Specially asked Si Mingxingjun to write a love tribulation for her. After experiencing enough love tribulations in the mortal world, she would be able to be pure and free from desires when she returns to the divine world.

Suisui is looking at her face now...

 Very happy.

The fairy from Yaochi actually let her run into her! !


Suisui suddenly covered her mouth, and everyone looked towards her.

 I was so happy that I laughed like a duck.

Suisui coughed dryly, her face turned red from suppressing laughter, and she asked cautiously: "Perhaps Sister Su has some destiny waiting for her." Such a bumpy love journey must be caused by Lu Dongbin.

Ms. Su frowned slightly.

The maid behind her suddenly said in a dignified voice: "Don't tell me yet, our girl does have some..."

"The day our girl was born, a lotus flower fell from the sky. The lotus flower bloomed undefeated, but when the girl was full moon, it disappeared out of thin air."

"Later, our girl often dreams. In her dream, she met someone..." The maid glanced at the girl sheepishly.

 I don’t know whether I should say it or not.

 This matter has never been mentioned.

Miss Su had a calm expression on her face and said directly: "In my dreams, I often dream of a man. The man is dressed in green and has black hair, holding a sword, and has handsome eyebrows and starry eyes. I have never seen such a handsome person in my life." Miss Su's expression changed. She is slightly red, after all, she is a girl who has not left the court, and it is really embarrassing to dream about her foreign man.

“Every year on my birthday, I dream about him. Either he is playing music or dancing with a sword..."

 "It's been like this since childhood..." Miss Su said in a low voice.

Suisui curled her lips, it must be Lu Dongbin, the slut.

“That man looked upright, like a **** from somewhere.”

Suisui smiled secretly and narrowed her eyes.

Hey, we are all clergy, how can we turn a blind eye?

  Of course it’s necessary to…

 Helping each other (falling) to help (well) each other (falling) to help (stone).

"Sister, look at the gods in the temple. They are all compassionate and have magical powers. How can the gods fall into dreams? Gods are all meant to save all living beings. How can they fall into the dreams of a little girl and show off in front of her all day long?" Sui Sui tilted her head and looked at her.

Ms. Su’s expression froze slightly.

"I heard that there is a kind of demon who likes to transform into a good-looking man and deceive a little girl. When she falls in love with him, he then digs out her heart and eats her flesh... maybe he can capture her soul."

"Sister, you must have encountered those monsters. That thing is definitely not a good thing." Suisui advised seriously.

Ah Yue thought for a while and frowned.

"What Suisui said makes sense. If you were a serious person, how could you dare to come here in a dream? I'm afraid it's some shady evil spirit. He specializes in seducing ignorant women like girls."

 Lv Xie Sui? ?

Ms. Su suddenly became anxious.

 “Then I...then I go and ask for a peace charm?”

Suisui waved her hand and said, "Those things are usually lies. Let me give you something." Suisui secretly pulled out a piece of hair and took out a sachet to put it in.

“Sister, this was given to Suisui by a wise man. Suisui couldn’t bear that her sister would be harmed by evil spirits, so she gave it to her.” Suisui looked sincere.

Ms. Su’s grateful eyes filled with tears.

"I wonder which family this girl is from? When my elder sister gets married in the future, I will definitely invite her to a banquet." This sister has her own taste for everything.

 The more I watch it, the more I like it.

Mama Liu said from one side: "This is the girl from Cheng'enhou Mansion, her surname is Yan."

Miss Su raised her eyebrows, who is the favorite of the Yan family?

 No, it’s not.

 She would not come to such a ruined temple and sit on the ground without any scruples.

"My family is also in the capital. I'll come back to look for my sister when I get back. Tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday. Let's see if that evil spirit dares to come!" Miss Su sneered. The two exchanged addresses, and when the rain stopped, Grandma Liu left the ruined temple with her motorcade.

 When Suisui climbed onto the carriage, Yan Ming and Jiajia hurriedly gathered in front of Suisui.

“Is that person really a monster?” Jiajia’s face was full of gossip.

Sui Sui rolled her eyes angrily: "It's not like he's evil, he's just a disciple." Si Ming was probably tired of living if he wanted to take advantage of someone's tribulations in the mortal world and tamper with their fate book in the mortal world.

Si Ming was in charge of the orders of the gods who came to earth to endure calamities. Lu Dongbin must have coaxed him into tampering with it.

Many gods will be involved in mortal love when they descend to earth and undergo calamities.

 Fortunately, there is a marrow-washing pool in the God Realm. If you are so ruthless, once the pool jumps, all the past events will be forgotten, and you will be a calm and gentle immortal again!

  But there are also some people who are stupid and choose to abandon their cultivation for the sake of mortals.

Lu Dongbin is a god, if he really has a loving relationship with Fairy Yaochi through calamities.

If Fairy Yaochi returns to the God Realm in the future and her memory is restored, it will not be able to be washed away by the Marrow Washing Pool.

Suisui doesn't understand love, but she knows that a beginning based on deception will definitely bring pain to Fairy Yaochi.

"Then...if the other person continues to fall asleep tomorrow, can your sachet stop him?"

Suisui grinned happily. It was strange to say that although she was a goddess, her flesh and blood could restrain the gods.

It’s really strange.

“If he doesn’t give up, he will definitely let Sister Su see him walking the bird when he comes to visit tomorrow.” Lu Dongbin was the most arrogant.

 It is impossible to persuade him.

 It takes a big loss to make him calm down.

For example, running naked in front of your sweetheart?

 Perhaps he can be cured of autism.

Yan Ming glanced at her faintly, silently covering his crotch.

Suisui is so scary!

How can I get married in the future...

The future brother-in-law is probably also a strict wife in front of her.

 The carriage stopped and went all the way and it took more than half a month.

 Everyone was worried that she would lose weight due to the long journey.

By the time she arrived outside the capital, she had gained three pounds.

The little face is flushed red, and the food is white and rosy, making it more snowy and cute.

Mama Liu’s old face was ashen.

At this moment, I have just entered the gate of the capital.

Mama Liu's eyelids twitched so much that she looked closely at her. She now understood how capable this girl was of causing trouble!

 An hour ago, she met a carriage traveling with her.

The carriage is gorgeous and noble, and it looks like it belongs to an aristocratic family in the capital.

She was on the good side. She yelled at the top of her lungs to the man on the carriage: "Grandpa, there is smoke coming out of your ancestral grave."

The master looked majestic and nodded at her. Children can't lie.

I just thought it was a good sign that my family was going to be prosperous.

Who knows…

It happened to be not far from his ancestral grave. From a distance, he saw a raging fire burning in his ancestral grave, with bursts of green smoke rising into the sky.

“Grandpa, your house is filled with smoke!”

The old man almost fell to the ground: "Which family are you from? Which family are you from? How are you talking?" Is this smoke! ! My ancestral graves have been burned!

The man with a dignified appearance rushed out of the carriage while rolling and crawling.

The little girl was still clapping behind her, and it was smoking... Take my big chicken legs and grill them.

Mama Liu was trembling with fear, what a disaster!

 She has suffered enough along the way!

The Houfu said that she would have to suffer a little bit, and she would be grateful only when she returned home, but look...

 She is afraid that the Hou Mansion will suffer a big loss! !

This is not a pity for returning to Beijing, this is a disaster for returning home!

 The Hou Mansion is in a state of chaos!

If she had a strong backer, the whole capital would probably be shaken!

 (End of this chapter)

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