My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 176: Old friends in the world of gods

Chapter 176 Old Friend in the God Realm

What a talent.

Suisui murmured.

 This is much more interesting than catching a son-in-law under the ranking.

 What is this called?

 Breaking temples to raise fish?

"Shameless! As a woman, don't you have any shame? It's really embarrassing!" Grandma Liu was not used to such behavior and immediately turned cold.

"A woman's marriage should be based on the advice of her parents and matchmaker. Now it is a shame for women to marry someone privately in this ruined temple!" This place is not far from the capital, and all scholars who want to go to Beijing to take exams have to pass by.

That’s not it, she got them all in one go?

 The woman was unmoved and lazily touched the hairpin on her temples.

"Shamed? You've sold yourself into slavery and become slaves to others. Why do you still need shame?" the woman sneered.

 Mother Liu's face turned red with anger. She was a slave born in the family, and the man was also a member of the Yan family and looked after Zhuangzi.

 Having been a servant of the Yan family for generations.

 Her son works as a steward in the Yan family. He sounds like a good person, but he is also a slave.

 The descendants are all slaves and cannot change their fortunes through the imperial examination.

"No matter how stupid your descendants are, if you meet a smart one, what if you are talented? He is a slave! He is obviously talented, but because of his slave status, he has to grovel all his life. Are you willing? Are you really not unwilling?" The woman looked at Nanny Liu with a playful smile.

 The silk in Nanny Liu's hand suddenly squeezed tightly.

 The corners of the lips are pursed tightly.

Her son is the housekeeper of Yanfu, and her grandson is seven years old this year. He is smart and has liked reading since he was a child.

She did her best for the Yan family, and she only asked the Yan family to be kind and give her a good job in the future.

The woman chuckled: "It's nothing to look for a way out for yourself, it's really good to be able to figure out a way out for your descendants." Her family is not short of money, and she is a businessman.

 In the eyes of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, merchants are the most ungrateful people.

If she were to marry an ordinary person and have a lot of money in her house, but could only change her status to a better one, how could she be willing to do so?

Daddy arranged two marriages for her last year.

One of them is a scholar, and that scholar is pedantic and old-fashioned.

Obviously, her family had money, but she always scolded her copper coin smell. The most ridiculous thing is that on the second day of their engagement, he got into an affair with an official prostitute and died on her body.

 Daddy felt disgusted, so he covered up the incident and beat the matchmaker secretly.

 The second engagement was last year.

Last year, her father met a good man. Both her parents died at home, although she had no ability to study.

 But the advantage is that she is honest and she is an only daughter, so she can come to the house.

Who knows…

 In the afternoon after returning home from the engagement, the newly appointed fiancé suddenly saw through the world of mortals and became a monk.

By the time she was found at home, her hair had been shaved off and she had become a monk.

The woman pinched her brows, her marriage was really not going well.

To ensure nothing went wrong, she simply came to guard this road every year during the imperial examination.

 When he met an unmarried and talented scholar, he went to raise him.

 There is always someone with a strong destiny who can marry her into the house.

After hearing what she said, Aunt Liu lost some contempt on her face. She just lit up the fire and sat next to the fire with her eyes downcast and silent.

 She has not actually stayed in Xiushan for the past four months.

Since there has been no news from the Hou Mansion, I knew that the Hou Mansion was going to give Yan Suisui a kick in the **** to save her from going back to the mansion to compete with the charming girl.

 She went to Wangshan Mansion.

 She has an old sister here who is looking for a way out for her grandson.

At this moment, the fire was crackling, Suisui threw a few sweet potatoes and eggs into it, and also roasted a chicken

 After a while, the air was filled with the sweet aroma of sweet potatoes and the oil of roasted chicken.


 Before eating the sweet potato, I felt a burning gaze. When Suisui raised her head, she saw the pretty young lady looking at her with a smile: "Can I give you some snacks in exchange for your roasted chicken legs?"

The girl seemed to be very familiar with her, and her maid came over as soon as she saw her carrying large and small bags.

Suisui succeeded in changing the snacks, so she hugged a small chicken drumstick and ate it.

“Hey, in this dilapidated temple, you still have to make a fire and eat roast chicken to feel comfortable. Desserts are oily and tasteless...” The woman gnawed all the bones clean.

The maid reminded her carefully from behind: "It's a ruined temple, beauty, of course it's better to eat snacks. It looks refreshing... If you eat a big chicken drumstick, the greasy taste will be in your mouth, and won't the scholars be scared away?"

Suisui looked at her and suddenly frowned beautifully.

 “You...are your marriage not going well?”

Chirp sound.

The chicken bones in Miss Su’s hand fell to the ground instantly.

“I’m not lucky enough to tell you about my kiss. Has it spread so widely?” The woman looked horrified.

Ah Yue looked at her with admiration: "You are so brave to be able to find a future for yourself."

Jiajia also looked at her with admiration.

Although it is a bit bizarre, in this era when women can only swallow their anger, seeing her is like another ray of light.

 “You are so courageous. Hey, call me Miss Su.” Miss Su couldn’t chew the drumstick anymore.

“When my mother was pregnant with me, she married her best friend. If we give birth to a boy and a girl, we will be married in the future.”

“As a result, my fiancé, who is married on the fingertips, has liked men since he was born.”

Ms. Su looked embarrassed.

 She went to catch an adulterer on the day she was pregnant, and she caught a man hiding in a golden house.

 Ah, that day takes a lifetime to heal.

"Later, my father arranged two more marriages for me. One died of an official prostitute on the second day of the engagement, and one afternoon after the engagement, I couldn't think about it anymore and became a monk."

Mama Liu suddenly widened her eyes.

 “Are you the daughter of the Su family of Huang Shang?” The Su family of Huang Shang had an only daughter.

The family is as rich as the country, but the marriage is not going well in this life.

 Extremely unfavorable.

Ms. Su smiled awkwardly, and sure enough... the news spread like wildfire!

 “Is there such a bizarre marriage?”

Miss Su coughed softly: "Actually... the year Ji and I broke off our engagement, it was said that the late emperor wanted to call me into the palace." She is an only daughter. If she were called into the palace, it would not be reasonable to take over the treasury of the world's richest businessman. Already?

Ah Yue's eyes widened: "What then? What then?" Everyone's faces were full of gossip.

 Mother Liu couldn't help but **** up her ears.

 I have never heard of this.

"Later...before the late emperor issued the decree, the tablet in the sacrificial hall fell down." Miss Su said honestly.

The maid behind her was also lively and said immediately: "Actually... we girls also went to pray to Yue Lao and Bodhisattva."

“When I prayed to the Bodhisattva, all the incense on the altar was wiped out.”

“When I prayed to Yue Lao, all the red threads in Yue Lao’s hands were broken.”

 Later, she was kicked out by the abbot.

 The abbot felt that she was causing trouble.

Upon hearing this, Grandma Liu silently moved to the side, far away from her.

“Is this the destiny of the evil star?” Xu Ziyi looked surprised.

“This is the first time I’ve heard of such a stubborn person.” Ah Yue was also shocked.

Suisui, however, looked at her without blinking.

 Looking at it, he suddenly smiled.

  It felt so good to see an old friend for the first time after coming down to earth.

 (End of this chapter)

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