My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 168: Goddess brings order to chaos

Chapter 168 The goddess brings order to the chaos

Suisui still remembers Wenquxingjun’s appearance.

The young man is high-spirited and has a strong bookish air all over his body.

Always dressed in white, as ethereal as a fairy.

 Later, after meeting Suisui, she always scratched his white clothes with her black claws, so he changed to wearing black.


 Standing on the stage of reincarnation that day, he raised his hand and swore, as if he would never obey until death. Suisui still remembers it clearly!

At this moment, Suisui's eyes fell on Mr. Lu's cheek...

 The speed of flow in the mortal world is different from that in the divine world, and Mr. Lu is already old at this moment.

Suisui couldn't help but caress her cheek as she thought of how he was begging for nothing to recognize her as his disciple.


            You jumped on the stage of reincarnation once with dignity and awe, but in the end you were demoted?

But think about it, he didn’t lie either.

 I will not become her master even if I die.

 Sure enough, I didn’t become a master!

"Why are you looking at senior brother like this? Is there something wrong with senior brother's face?" Mr. Lu touched his cheek, feeling that the young junior sister looked at him with a bit of pity.

 "Senior brother, there is nothing wrong with your face, but I feel sorry for you." I feel sorry for you for the first time in a lifetime.

"Why do I feel so sorry for you? I've lived for decades, so it's not unfair to die." Mr. Lu waved his hand.

Suisui, hey, life, old age, illness and death, I just feel sorry for you and die in vain.

 Her Heavenly Father is indeed...


 Lao Lu has grown Suisui for decades and regards Suisui as a grandson.

Suisui shook his head.

 When you return to the Immortal Class, aren't you going to be mad?

Suisui quickly formed seals with her hands, sitting cross-legged at this moment, with a pressure on her face that she couldn't look directly at.

Li Shenzhi was horrified, his knees softened, and he knelt in front of her.

She is still looked up to like a god.

A flash of light red flashed between Suisui's eyebrows, and her face unconsciously showed a bit of compassion. This was the compassion of the gods for the world.

 I saw her soft light shining into Mr. Lu's body.

Countless spiritual energies surged around.

Li Shenzhi couldn't see anything, but he could feel that his eyesight was clear at this moment, and he seemed to be radiating endless energy after taking a breath.

At this moment, the divine bell in the capital was ringing frantically.

Suisui made a secret with both hands, and a huge force forcefully took back the borrowed Shouyuan.


Suisui frowned and looked intently at the recalled Shouyuan in the sky.

 Something is wrong.

How could he be so angry as an emperor?

 This longevity was taken back from the emperor?

"Borrowing longevity is a violation of heaven's reincarnation, and stealing longevity is a serious crime in the three realms! Even the emperor of the world cannot escape the fate of life and death!" Suisui's voice was ethereal and illusory. It was not like her original voice, but it exuded a sense of majesty.

 Shouyuan, who was forcefully taken back, still had a trace of imperial aura, and was directly sealed on Mr. Lu's body.

At this moment in the capital, Yan Jiaojiao felt a sweet feeling in her heart.

 Suddenly, an uneasy premonition came over my heart.

"It's not good, it's not good. Girl, someone came to the palace just now, and His Majesty suddenly vomited blood and fell into a coma... The sedan entering the palace has already arrived outside the door!" the maid outside the door shouted loudly.

Yan Jiaojiao stood up suddenly and felt dizzy.

how come?

 Obviously she has successfully extended his life to His Majesty!

Your Majesty is the Lord of Destiny. If you extend your life, you will be easily noticed by the law of heaven.

She specially found several ministers with strong auras, transferred part of the longevity to her grandfather, and gave the rest to His Majesty. She had obviously escaped the detection of heaven!

Yan Jiaojiao felt a chill in her heart.

Yan Jiaojiao forced herself to calm down. She was not a four-year-old child. She already had a chance to live a new life. She had to calm down!

 There is no trace of the innocence of a child in the face of the little girl.

“Yan Suisui, you are only a four-year-old milk baby in this life, what are you going to fight with me for?!” Just as she was about to swallow the sweetness in her mouth, she suddenly smiled softly. He deliberately touched a trace of blood on the corner of his lips.

He put on some clothes and went out with red eyes.

 What if you are found?

 The believers are mine, the unnatural luck is mine, the royal family trusts me, and the Yan family only recognizes her!

Thinking of the gossip in the house now, there was a hint of coldness in Yan Jiaojiao's brows.

“Has my lost sister been found?” Yan Jiaojiao looked at the maid.

The maid was startled.

"I heard that there is news, and I have found out that she is in Wangshan Mansion. I am afraid that she was adopted by some farmer... Madam has also specially found a nun for education. She plans to teach the eldest daughter the rules when she is found in the future."

 Generally speaking, no one in the Yan family welcomed the missing eldest lady.

  At that time, the Imperial Preceptor predicted that the wife’s child would be a girl of good luck.

 It is Dai Viet’s sea-fixing needle.

 But now that it is rumored that they are twins, everyone has begun to vaguely doubt Yan Jiaojiao's identity. The Yan family's status has been affected, and naturally they don't like the missing daughter.

 I wish she had never appeared.

Before she returned home, the old lady cursed several times.

 Thinking about it, I won’t have a good time going back home.

 Not being expected is the original sin.

"Girl, you...why is there blood at the corner of your mouth? Are you injured? The scab on your face is also cracked!" The maid was startled.

Yan Jiaojiao's eyelids twitched and she gritted her teeth in hatred.

 Her face!

 She never paid attention to her cheeks!

 The Imperial Master finally managed to cure her somewhat, but now, she is afraid that it will fester again!

The injured half of her face, which had been covered by an embroidered veil, was now faintly stained with blood.

At this moment, Mrs. Hou and the old lady came one after another.

"Jiaojiao' Jiaojiao'er." The old lady rushed up and hugged Yan Jiaojiao.

"Grandma, don't worry, everything will be fine. It's just that I asked grandma to take care of my sister..." Yan Jiaojiao touched her face, looking a little sad.

 The old lady cursed loudly.

"That thing is an evil obstacle. She just found out the news, and something happened in the house. But you must protect your majesty from this crisis..." The old lady's eyes were full of cruelty, and the child should have been drowned back then.

“The Imperial Preceptor said you are a lucky star, then she must be a disaster star!”

“No wonder our Yan family has been in trouble for the past six months...” The old lady gritted her teeth with hatred.

Mrs. Hou's eyes were red, her face was dignified, and a hint of guilt flashed in her eyes.

It is said that the child was thrown to Wangshan Mansion.

 The poorest and most miserable place in the world, next to it is a barbarian country. That child may have grown into a pretty figure, too vulgar.

 Furthermore, there has been a severe drought for three years, and selling children and daughters is common.

I don’t know how much hardship I have endured.

 Back then, back then...she should have been kept by my side.

But as soon as he lowered his head, he saw the blood on Yan Jiaojiao's face, and he immediately forgot about Yan Suisui.

“Jiaojiao, what’s wrong with your face? Go and call the doctor.”

The old lady frowned: "Okay, the **** outside the door is still waiting. Let Jiaojiao enter the palace first. Your Majesty will not say anything when he sees the injuries on her face."

“After all, she was defeated by that disaster star.”

Mrs. Hou moved her lips. She wanted to say that her eldest daughter was not a disaster.

 Looking at Jiaojiao’s pitiful appearance, she didn’t say anything.


 Find it back and make it up to her.

PS: I’ve been ill recently, so I’m a little slow while typing. I’m sorry...

 (End of this chapter)

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