My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 169: She is not afraid of dragon pool and tiger den

Chapter 169 She is not afraid of the dragon's pond and tiger's den

Yan Jiaojiao was taken into the palace.

 After entering the palace, I found that the atmosphere in the palace was extremely tense.

Yan Jiaojiao's heart sank slightly.

I'm afraid His Majesty's situation is not very good.

 According to the time of her rebirth, the emperor's longevity should have ended last year.

 She forcibly took away the life span to extend my life until now.

When Yan Jiaojiao walked in, she could already smell the thick smell of death between her nostrils.

The **** was already running around anxiously outside the palace. His Majesty suddenly had bleeding from his eyes, nose, and ears, which frightened the people in the palace.

 The emperor then fell to the ground with a thud, saying that he heard the voice of the gods.

 Still unconscious until now.

All the doctors in the Imperial Medical Office are waiting in front of the dragon bed, and the Imperial Medical Office is feeling numb. Your Majesty is already exhausted.

how so?

Your Majesty clearly takes Ping An’s pulse every day, and his pulse is extremely healthy in the morning, but now...

 May die at any time.

The hospital administration did not dare to speak directly, so he knelt on the ground with a snap and said: "Your Majesty is in an urgent situation now. It is better... to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to return to the capital as soon as possible to take charge."

“Damn it, if you can’t save your majesty, I will destroy all nine of your tribes!”

“I want your entire Imperial Medical Office to be buried with you!” King Jin rushed over and shouted angrily, kicking the Imperial Medical Office to the side of the bed.

 Seeing the emperor's face covered in blood, he felt heartbroken.

"Father... my son is here." When Yan Jiaojiao came in, she saw the angry look of King Jin.

Sure enough, I saw the handsome young man beside King Jin.

The young man in blue had no expression on his face, except when he saw her, he secretly smiled at her.

Yan Jiaojiao’s eyes flashed.

"Little Fubao, come quickly. Come and see what's wrong with Your Majesty?" The imperial concubine wiped her tears and waved to Yan Jiaojiao.

 Yan Jiaojiao came forward obediently.

When I saw the emperor, I felt sad.

 Sure enough, the emperor was at his wits end.

“Fu Bao, you are a nobleman from Dayue. You will definitely have a chance to save your father, right?” King Jin asked.

Yan Jiaojiao frowned.

 Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Outside the palace, people from all over the court were kneeling on their knees, and everyone looked worried.

Mr. Lu is still recuperating in his hometown and cannot sit in the court. Everyone is panicking.

The old lady of Chengen Hou Mansion took a deep breath and was about to step forward, but Mrs. Hou gently pulled her hand.

 In the entire capital, only the female members of the Yan family have tokens to enter the palace at any time.

 This is the favor given by the emperor to the Yan family.

They Yanjia can no longer lose this favor.

  They have already enjoyed and got used to the public's admiration for Yan Jia, and they can no longer fall to the bottom.

Mrs. Hou's face was pale. She knew what her mother was going to say when she went in.

 It’s nothing more than excusing Jiaojiao.

 Everything is pushing one another.

The old lady lowered her voice: "Back then, I asked you to take action, but you refused. Because of your kindness back then, the Yan family is in today's predicament. She is just a scoundrel, but are you willing to hurt Jiaojiao for her? "

“All the glory of the Yan family was brought about by Jiaojiao. Without Jiaojiao, do you think your legitimate son and daughter would have had a good life?”

"Besides, you agreed with what happened back then. Why are you pretending to be a mother and daughter now?"

The old lady flicked her sleeves, and Mrs. Hou Li's face turned pale, and she followed her into the palace gate in a daze.

 The old lady took Li directly to the door to kowtow.

“The sinful woman came to confess her sin.” Yan Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Yan Jia stands by her side unswervingly, what does it matter if she comes back?

 She has acquired the unnatural method of stealing luck, and the capital is already full of her followers. What is she afraid of?

 She grew up in the countryside, but she was just an extremely vulgar country girl who wanted connections but no connections, pampering but no pampering, and no backers.

 It’s not like I was abused by her when I came back.

 Ha, maybe it would be more interesting to let her watch with her own eyes and take everything from her?

 “The sinful woman is guilty.”

“At that time, the Imperial Preceptor predicted that if Li’s child is a girl, it will be a blessing to the world. If not, it will definitely overthrow the world.”

"At that time, the midwife had a grudge against the Cheng'en Marquis Mansion and secretly took away the eldest twin. She thought that the eldest daughter was a lucky star. But she didn't expect that the eldest daughter was blessed by God because of her great blessings. The one who was taken away was approved by the Imperial Master. Disaster."

"The Marquis Chengen's Mansion has been under cover for four years, and today there happened to be news about her, so I attacked Your Majesty. It's all the sinful woman's fault..." The old lady burst into tears.

Ms. Li knelt behind her and wept silently.

The little man with red lips and white teeth, but he didn't want to become the Yan family's culprit after being abandoned, right?

She thought countless times about what the child would look like when he grew up.

 Her ideal appearance is white and tender, with chubby cheeks, round little hands with dimples, and a smile like a little virgin sitting down with Guanyin.

She thought that Jiaojiao and her siblings should be what she imagined.

But I don’t want Jiaojiao to look less like her as she grows older.

 Before she was born, she was still the same as the baby she took away.

 After confinement, Jiaojiao fell ill.

 The round chin was gone, the quirky big eyes were gone, and now they were even thinner and smaller. She could hardly remember what she looked like as a baby.

  Hey, she felt sorry for that child.

"Grandma, mother, and sister are innocent. She...her fate cannot be chosen." Yan Jiao suddenly fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

The little man had become very thin during this period, which made Li immediately put aside Yan Suisui and felt very sorry for Yan Jiaojiao.

“You still speak for her.” King Jin frowned.

This matter was spreading in the capital, and he had already heard about it.

 “She is my sister from the same mother after all.”

The imperial concubine sighed softly: "You kind-hearted child, how do you understand the human heart? She was raised in the countryside, and when she sees you like the bright moon in the sky, she will be jealous of you when she comes back."

Yan Jiaojiao's face was full of disappointment: "It's right for my sister to hate me. Jiaojiao enjoys the glory and wealth in the capital, but my sister has suffered so much."

 Everyone looked distressed.

“I can’t blame you for this. His Majesty was so ill that year, but you were the one who saved His Majesty.”

 “As for the disaster star…”

It’s okay to know about this matter, but it is difficult to deal with it openly.

  Can only dislike her.

"That's all, since it is the lost child of the Yan family and it is your sister Jiaojiao, I should take it back. Your Majesty, you have done your best." The imperial concubine's eyes were full of unwillingness. Now that the prince has military power, the emperor is ill. It's really not the right time.

 Wait another year, at most one year…

Her royal son and grandson can truly rule the world.

“Jiaojiao is willing to recite Buddhist scriptures for His Majesty a thousand times and kowtow a thousand times to pray for blessings.” A thousand kowtows means kowtowing a thousand times.

Ms. Li was so distressed that she was about to cry.

 She read Buddhist scriptures a thousand times, kowtowed a thousand times... She was so pitiful Jiaojiao, she was only four years old.

"It's hard for you." The imperial concubine glanced at her eldest son. Now she could only let the imperial doctor take care of His Majesty's life. Otherwise, once Your Majesty dies, the Crown Prince will succeed to the throne!

Yan Jiaojiao’s eyes were red.

Probably, after she finishes copying the scriptures and kowtows, her good sister will come back.

Let's see how many people in the Yan family will welcome her.

 Hell mode capital, welcome to you, my good sister.

 (End of this chapter)

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