Chapter 167: The Great Wrongdoer

 “People in the capital like to ride horses.”

“Could it be that the people of Xiushan County have already started riding tigers?” The young man in front of him widened his eyes.

I wanted to catch up and take a look, but the sound was probably too loud and disturbed the sleeping baby.

 The tiger suddenly stopped.

 He turned his head and glanced at them seriously.

At this moment, everyone felt the oppression of the King of Beasts.

It turns out that it was only tamed by the **** the tiger's back.

Everyone could only watch the Tiger Milkman leave.

"Xiushan, it's such a magical place..." Miss Yun murmured, but Yan Ruoruo had an embarrassed face. Just now, if Yan Jiaojiao knew how to tame animals, it was like a slap in her face.

 In front of the King of Beasts, all beasts are worth mentioning!

"Could the little girl just now be the daughter of the zoo tamer?" Miss Chen looked at the tiger with envy.

She doesn’t envy the Yan family for being favored by His Majesty, nor does she envy the Yun family for being of a noble family. She just envies the little girl riding a tiger! !

 It’s so handsome!

 I don’t even dare to write this in my storybook!

“Speaking of which, the Yan family will arrive at Wangshan Mansion soon, right?” Miss Yun suddenly glanced at Yan Ruoruo.

"I heard that Fubaoyan Jiaojiao in Beijing once had a sister from the same mother, but because of Po Wen's mischief, one of them was taken away during the delivery. It is said that she was sold to Wangshan Mansion. People from this family should come to find her. Right?" When Miss Yun left Beijing, the matter had already spread.

 And His Majesty also sent people to investigate the matter, and later it was revealed that the Yan family...

  I do have twin daughters.

This incident caused an uproar in the capital.

Miss Chen was a native of Wangshan Mansion, and her eyes widened in surprise: "Then...then the protector of Dai Viet predicted by the National Master back then was still her? Could she be the one who was carried out?" Miss Chen is a Straight tempered.

Yan Ruoruo's eyes narrowed slightly and she laughed softly: "How is that possible?!"

“Jiaojiao extended her grandfather’s life, and countless dignitaries in the capital came to her for blessings.”

"Many people are childless, but she can even beg for children for them. She is a beloved blessing. His Majesty was in danger of death several times, but she saved him!"

“Fu Bao, that’s not something that just any cat or dog can be.”

“Even if they are from the same mother, they are blessed with Jiaojiao.” Yan Ruoruo sneered.

Although she was also jealous that Yan Jiaojiao was praised by the world at a young age.

 But she is from the Yan family, and even though she lives in the old house in Wangshan Fucheng, she is still a beneficiary.

 She naturally protects Yan Jiaojiao's reputation at all times.

Even with Yan Jiaojiao, the girls in their house would be looked at twice when they talked about getting married.

 Before outsiders knew about it, Yan's family already knew the news.

The Yan family has already sent people out to look for girls from the Yan family who are living abroad.

It is said that the Wen woman who delivered the baby had a grudge against the Marquis of Chengen and stole a child.

Unexpectedly, the blessings and blessings are profound, so I stayed.

 The child was stolen and sent to the poorest border area. Po Wen randomly found a poor family and threw the child to them. Now, I am afraid that Yun Ni is already completely different from Yan Jiaojiao.

 She is just a country peasant girl.

"If you need help, let the Yun family know. The Yun family is willing to do whatever we can." Miss Yun said calmly.

Miss Yun had a slight smile on her lips, but she guessed in her heart that even though the Chengenhou Mansion was only a low-income family back then.

 But when a lady from an aristocratic family is pregnant, at least three midwives will usually be prepared for the birth.

 Can you let a midwife steal a legitimate daughter?

Miss Yun knew in her heart that there was something fishy, ​​but it was a secret of the Yan family, and she didn't think much about what it had to do with her.

 As they left, the novelty of Xiushan County spread instantly.

 For a long time, business travelers who passed through Wangshan would make a special trip to Xiushan.

And wealthy families in Fucheng also flocked to Xiushan.

Zoos are particularly popular among them.

 All of this has nothing to do with Suisui. She only knew that there was more and more money in her pocket.

One-tenth of the mountain was dug out, and there were large chunks of jadeite underneath.

Everyone acted quickly and quickly found a few shops in Dayue. They were all located in the prosperous Fucheng and the most prosperous streets.

Suisui has no design talent, but she has seen countless maidens and fairies.

Those little fairies often go to experience tribulations, and what they bring with them to the divine realm are the most outstanding and exquisite jewelry in the mortal world.

 She only drew a few rough drawings at random, and then a specialized master polished them.

With unique design drawings and a whole mountain of raw stone mines, Suiman Pavilion’s jadeite has gone directly to the high-end route.

Countless emeralds flowed continuously to the whole of Dai Viet.

 Suddenly, Suiman Pavilion was rumored in Beijing.

 And because the price of Suiman Pavilion is high, many royal ladies can only queue up to wait for jewelry.

Suisui has made a lot of money.

 Yes, Xiushan was changed to Suimancheng.

Wangjiacun was changed to Suimancheng.

 The jewelry store became Sui Man Pavilion, and the hot pot restaurant and so on were all owned by Sui Man Yuan.

  It is now April, and Yan Chuan sets out to take part in the government examination.

Suisui was not in a hurry, her eldest brother had the best brains in the whole family, but Mrs. Lin went out to see off little Xingchen.

 At noon, Suisui arrived at Lu's house.

Li Shenzhi personally cooked and prepared several Wangshan specialties for her, which made Mr. Lu heartbroken when he looked at her with eager eyes.

 Having been his master for ten years, he has not had a single meal.

 After Suisui finished his lunch, he followed Mr. Lu to the inner room.

Mr. Lu's study room was full of books. Suisui took one look at them and almost fell to the ground.


 Looking more than once is disrespectful to your own eyes.

 Speaking of which, the last person who loved books so much was her evil teacher Wen Quxingjun.

At that time, when he jumped off the stage of reincarnation, he swore with tears in his eyes: I will never be your teacher until I die! Whoever does this will be unlucky for eighteen lifetimes!

Suisui was so angry that she stretched out her little hand to grab him, only to find three nail marks on his shoulder.

 But still did not stop Wenquxingjun, and resolutely jumped off the reincarnation platform.

 “Senior brother, show your shoulders…”

 Lu Huwei and Li Shenzhi helped Mr. Lu take off his shirt. There were only twelve days left before Mr. Lu's death.

The capital has issued three edicts asking him to return to the capital.

Suisui sat on the chair bored and moved her little feet little by little.

The eyes suddenly focused...

 His eyes fell directly on the mark on Mr. Lu’s shoulder.

Suisui’s eyelids twitched.

 Jumped down from the chair.

“Senior brother, do you have a birthmark on your shoulder?” I saw three red moles surrounding Mr. Lu’s shoulder.

Mr. Lu narrowed his eyes and responded softly: "Yes, it was brought from my mother's womb. My mother said those three red moles are called number one moles."

"I also said that when I was born, I heard the sound of countless scholars reciting in a trance, so I named me Lu Song." Later, he passed the third grade of Yuan Dynasty.

 Become a veteran of three dynasties!

Suisui was stunned and looked at Mr. Lu blankly.


 Huge injustice!

 (End of this chapter)

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