My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 156: A hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend

Chapter 156 A hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend

 Lao Lu fell ill again in the middle of the night.

Suisui was able to climb the city wall for the people. I guess he was a very kind-hearted child with great love.

Mr. Lu was worried that she would be deceived by the world because of her kindness.

I hope she will be kind and kind, and I want her to see the dangers of the world!

Mr. Lu invited an old lady and planned to blackmail her.


  She broke the old lady's bones and she couldn't get up, so she had to crawl back to the Lu Mansion. She cried and cried and went to the Lu Family to pay two hundred taels in compensation!

Originally, a weak woman was invited. Women can arouse the protective desire of others, and she was originally planned to deceive Suisui.

Who knows, I haven’t seen her face yet.

 Let Suisui chase half the city, sprained his foot, and even got sick from fear.

 The Lu government paid another hundred taels in compensation.

Mr. Lu covered his forehead. After decades of supporting the emperor, he had never had such a headache.

Lu Wei even invited the doctor, but Mr. Lu waved his hand and asked the doctor to retreat.

“Sir, Miss Suisui is actually not a failure...” Lu Weiwei couldn’t hold back the smile in his eyes. He usually didn’t smile, but he only blamed the other party’s **** moves for being too touching.

Mr. Lu sighed with a sullen face.

She certainly didn’t fail.

 It is you who failed! !

After staying in the court for forty years, the disciples he taught became successful and famous, but by chance, they were blackmailed by two people.

 Sui Sui, you said she failed, but she did help others.

 He also perfectly avoided the pit he made.

 You may say she is successful, but her brain circuit is not on the same page as yours!

Oh, she never gets it wrong when it comes to food.

"Miss Suisui is smart and has a photographic memory. Isn't this what you dream of? The only drawback is probably..."

"It's just that her understanding ability may be a little...a little bit lacking." Lu Huwei carefully advised the old man.

The old man looked at him expressionlessly.

“Is it just a little bit? A few hundred million points!” The two of them have never been on the same channel!

 “At least she wins the hearts of the people.” Lu Huwei said quietly.

 Lao Lu choked up.

That is true.

 This is the first time he has seen a little girl so popular with the people!

“That’s right, you don’t even look at my eyes. I’ve never missed my eyes like this!” Mr. Lu couldn’t hold it back and felt a little more complacent.

I don’t know who it was, but I got mad at someone who came to my door at night begging for money.

 I was so angry that I couldn’t sleep all night!

 Early on the second day.

The academy in Xiushan County was completed.

 This most remote of backwaters was the first academy in history.

 The academy is divided into inner courtyard and outer courtyard.

 There are rows of classrooms in the outer courtyard, and the inner courtyard is the living place for students.

Five hundred miles away from the academy, it is the small courtyard assigned by the masters.

 Yanchuan designed it himself. The small courtyard has the same appearance, with an antique and scholarly atmosphere. It is a look that readers will like at first glance.

 There is a study room, four side rooms, a wing room and the main hall.

Each household also has a small yard. Several small vegetable plots are cultivated on both sides of the yard, and a path is built with small stones in the middle.

 At the end of the path is the foot of the wall, and a small fish pond is dug. In the fish pond is placed the rockery carried back from the mountain.

 Rockery and flowing water, with a few small fish that are friendly to people put in it.

There is a lotus blooming on the water.

 In the prosperous years, a scholar was a scholar and was respected by others. The court still had some rice, flour and a small amount of silver every month. If the family had fields, they could bear the scholar's name and be exempted from taxes.

 But in a calamity year, there is no use for being a scholar.

In the year of disaster, if you don’t have enough to eat, who would invite scholars to study? This operation in Xiushan County recruited all the scholars who could support their families in Wangshan Prefecture.

 Once you enter Suisui’s territory, how can Suisui let people leave?

It is said that those scholars who entered this allocated room refused to leave on the spot.

 The six talents are all high-quality stocks that they left behind after overcoming all obstacles.

Food and accommodation are included, a three-year contract is signed, and a small courtyard of your choice is also given. If the scholar refuses to do it, his family members will kill him.

 On the day the academy opened its doors, Suisui, as the acting mayor of the city in support of the people's wishes, participated in the ribbon-cutting.

Yanchuan counted.

 Forty-six students were enrolled in the enlightenment class.

 Twenty-one students were recruited into the junior class.

The number of scholars in the class is not large, only six.

Suisui frowned when she saw all the boys among them: "Why don't girls come to school? Don't they come with free tuition?"

Jiajia’s lips moved, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

Yanchuan sighed and stroked Suisui's head.

“Sui Sui, it has been believed for thousands of years that it is virtue for a woman to have no talent since ancient times. This phenomenon is difficult to change.”

"Then distribute leaflets widely, saying that marrying an unvirtuous wife will ruin three generations. Or write some villainy books. If a family marries a well-educated girl, the children of the family will be educated and so on. The future generations will be blessed, why can't they go to school?" Suisui is a girl, and she understands girls better.

 She knows that most girls are not doing well.

  Whether it is the natal family or the husband's family, their status is too humble.

 In this life, I will listen to my parents in my natal family.

Those who marry and obey their husbands never have their own thoughts.

 She has never thought about changing the status of women by herself, that is unrealistic.

  But within her jurisdiction, she hoped to be a spark of fire.

 If you sow it, it will one day start a prairie fire.

Jiajia pursed her lips and said, "Girl, let Jiajia do it." Although she is young, she has heard countless stories outside and polished them, which will definitely touch people's hearts.

Although those stories are crude and popular, they can be integrated into the hearts of ordinary people.

 On the first day of school today, there are a lot of children here, probably all under the influence of Yan Suisui.

 Such a young child can't do much at home anyway, so it's better to come to school.

 In this day and age, everything is inferior but reading is high, and everyone does not reject reading.

 On the contrary, there are fewer children around ten years old.

“Ten years old is already half of the family’s labor force. Most people think it’s too late to go to school, so they keep their children from coming.”

Suisui frowned slightly upon hearing this.

“How about recruiting some masters? Learn some crafts?” Suisui murmured.

Yanchuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"Craft classes cannot be free, and they cannot be in the academy. The academy is a quiet place, but it is noisy. We have to find a new place..."

 Nowadays, when you learn skills from a master, you have to regard the master as half of your father, and most people are not willing to pass it on.

 Worried about the disciples of the church and the master starving to death.

“If a woman is willing to enroll, she will enroll. If she doesn’t want to enroll, then open an embroidery class.”

“Younger brothers can start carpentry, house building classes, etc. Teachers and teachers of all kinds of crafts can be invited to come over, and the treatment will be favorable!”

Yanchuan looked at Suisui blankly.

 The little girl is just over four years old. She is still a fat baby with short limbs and a childish face.

 But the light in her eyes was extremely bright.

 “Suisui, fortunately you are a girl.” If you were a boy, I’m afraid...

Xiushan County will have to follow her in rebellion sooner or later!

 (End of this chapter)

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