My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 157: Suisui is promoted

Chapter 157 Suisui gets promoted

It only takes half a month.

Xiushan has opened a new class.

 These classes have received unanimous praise in Xiushan!

 Because of Jiajia’s little story, the academy has also added a new girls’ class. Although there are only more than 20 girls, they will encourage more girls to enroll in the school in the future!

 Once a woman receives education, she will lose her submissiveness and become confident and courageous.

 Otherwise, why do girls from aristocratic families have to go to school?

 The newly added embroidery class has two classes fully enrolled.

Two carpenters were hired, and most of them were half-baked carpenters who came from the countryside.

Suisui searched the space and found out which fool had burned two agricultural books for her when paying tribute. Maybe, expecting the gods to come down to farm?

Anyhow, when Mr. Lu saw these two agricultural books, he was astonished.

I personally copied out part of it in an easy-to-understand way and started a farming class.

This class is not taught in the city.

On the contrary, there are various rural activities to teach the people to farm. Those farming books have been passed down for thousands of years and have been continuously improved. Suddenly the entire Xiushan County was active and busy.

 The whole Xiushan has a bright future.

 At the beginning of February, Suisui allocated money to build all the roads around Xiushan.

 If you want to be rich, build roads first, that’s the hard truth.

 The ice and snow are beginning to melt, and the reward for the capital has been decided.

Fu Jiuxiao avoided her age and still replaced her with the head of Wangjia Village, pushing Suisui to be the biggest contributor.

The emperor's health has been declining rapidly recently, and because Mr. Lu Ge has left the capital, the capital is very uneasy.

 There are also complaints among the people.

The emperor saw that the people were able to spontaneously resist Beidi and even save the city. He was an excellent propaganda representative among the people...

This shows that he governed extremely well and the people loved Dai Viet!

 Furthermore, I heard that the village chief is Mr. Lu’s junior sister.

Mr. Lu set an example for students all over the world. He was a veteran of three dynasties and the emperor could not do without him.

 The emperor was not easy to deal with both emotions and reasons.

 Moreover, this incident was indeed praised by the people and the court.

The emperor pressed his eyebrows: "Why don't you make her the head of the county? I was rewarded with silver coins last time. This time I saved tens of thousands of lives, and I am quite famous among the people." As a village chief, a woman can be rewarded. Only the account is blocked.

 The **** rubbed ink on one side and replied in a low voice.

“I heard that she is extremely intelligent, and Mr. Lu always takes her with him to teach her... In the future, I don’t know if I can catch up with her three nephews.”

 The emperor was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Yes, I heard from the Lu family that Sister Lu Ge is not very old. Oh, the three disciples of Ge Lao have to call her Junior Uncle."

 “This status is too low, and it makes the courtiers lose face.”

"Come on, it's just a woman, so how much change can there be? Quan should give Mr. Lu and the court officials some face and make her a princess." The princess has a fief, but does not do anything. She enjoys the tax of the town and the fief every year.

If she comes to Beijing, a group of ladies will have to pay her respects.

 But she is just a village woman, and I'm afraid she will never come to the capital in her life!

"Wangshan is already barren, let alone a small county town at the foot of Wangshan. So... Suimancheng? Yes, Suimancheng, let's use it as her fiefdom."

When the **** saw that the emperor was silent, he smiled and echoed: "Your Majesty has a great reputation."

"She is just a princess with some reputation among the people. You have given the Lu family face and fulfilled the wishes of the people. Moreover, she got the position of princess because she resisted foreign enemies, and she can also inspire the people's patriotism. Heart. His majesty is still famous!"

 The emperor smiled slightly.

There is another reason for this: Yan Jiaojiao was also the princess whom he personally conferred, and she was treated better than the princess. He was a little dissatisfied that he had not been able to regulate his dragon body at all in the past six months.

Even a mere peasant girl could be given the title of princess, just to put pressure on the Yan family.

 “Silver rewards, etc. should be given according to the rules.”

He didn't take Yan Suisui seriously. He was born in a farm family. Even though Mr. Lu was her senior brother, the title of princess was just an empty title.

If it were a noble family, he would not give up the position of princess so easily.

 How did the emperor know at this moment that Yan Suisui was growing at an extremely frightening speed.

Her group of crazy brothers who protect their sisters are also crazy when they grow up.

 At the beginning of February, Suisui planned to engage in economic activities.

 She doubled the width of the busiest street in Xiushan.

 It was directly built into a food court.

Two of her five shops have been opened up as hotpot restaurants, one of which sells milk tea, one of which sells barbecue, and one of which sells grain seeds.

Well, apart from grains, they are all she likes to eat.

"By the way, plant all the barren hills around Xiushan with peach trees." There are spiritual springs in Suisui space, and peach trees like spiritual energy. If you sprinkle some spiritual springs in the water, they will grow wildly.

Every day, carts and carts of peach trees were transported from all over the country, and within half a month, the entire Xiushan County was surrounded.

Peach trees are also planted on the roads extending in all directions outside Xiushan County and on both sides of the city.

  Yanchuan has officially started school.

Yanlang also followed Fu Jiuxiao to the border at the end of the first year.

Yan Lang is only fourteen years old.

Before he went out, Suisui gave him an amulet with tears in her eyes. The spell drawn with her essence and blood can withstand a fatal wound.

  Yan Lang didn’t know its effect, but he still cherished it in his heart.

Fu Jiuxiao also took one kick at the cost of being kicked.

Yan Ming has been following Suisui all day, and now he is clasping his fingers: "Spring planting is scheduled for March, and now is just the time to lay the foundation. There are peach blossoms in the city. If the city is surrounded by peach blossoms, it will definitely attract people to come and play."

“There is a food street in the city. Although it is unique, it is not too innovative. Can it attract tourists?” Yan Ming thought hard.

"There are not many inns in the city, and they need to be expanded. The prices have gone up, and the style has to be improved. How can we go out and play without spending money?" He now also goes to the academy to study for half a day every day.

"Special words..." Yan Ming lowered his head and saw Suisui sitting on the steps chewing chicken feet.

The chubby white tiger beside her was also holding a chicken and gnawing on it.

 Be pampered and follow the master. If the master is round, the pet will also be round.

Even the way they sit and eat is exactly the same!

Yan Ming frowned and said, "What do you think, let's catch some animals from the mountains to watch? You can even raise chickens and tigers well, but if you don't raise some animals to make your special features, all your good skills will be in vain! "

Suisui raised her head and looked at her third brother in shock.

 “You mean...zoo?” You have sorted out everything that will happen after a thousand years.

Yan Ming's eyes lit up: "What a good name! Yes, it's the zoo!"

“Let’s lock up all the wild beasts that can be found in the mountains, such as snakes, tigers, wolves, bears, etc. Everything that can be found in the mountains will be locked up! You know how to tame animals, and tourists can watch them outside.”

“Yes, there is also a bird park with some beautiful peacocks and parrots.”

 Yanming’s whole person becomes radiant.

The big white tiger next to Suisui suddenly rolled his eyes.

 You are noble, you are great, why are you torturing us beasts? ! !

 Is that called taming an animal? That was due to the pressure of the gods on her body!

At this moment, all the beasts within a hundred miles radius shuddered!

 (End of this chapter)

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